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joined Aug 16, 2014

It's a touching sentiment, but I don't know why she had to step on her to get it across

joined Aug 16, 2014

@Takasaki Reika
Betting that the faint love is between Mika and Yoshi?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Interesting that the original was deleted and they had to find archives of the work, wonder why that happened.

joined Aug 16, 2014

That mention of Tokiko going out of her way to find lost property so that she had an excuse to see Natsuki hurts far more than it should

joined Aug 16, 2014

Once again, Sea-gulls proving that they're one of the cruelest and most vindictive creatures on the planet

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Jul 16:30
joined Aug 16, 2014

rip Photographer lady, either a Vampire or a Dead Ghost

joined Aug 16, 2014

Dang, I was hoping the mothers would end up hooking up at some point

joined Aug 16, 2014

They literally had to put her brain back inside her head

joined Aug 16, 2014

So that's how a meme is born

joined Aug 16, 2014 are we meant to understand that the prez somehow arranged things in the hope that she would get struck? because even by his standards that's a very roundabout and imprecise way of trying to kill someone

Perhaps he's just hoping that she dies of exposure?

She's out in the rain, so the result will be one of those deadly manga colds ;D

"It's too late for me Satsuki! I already have a headache and a light cough!"

joined Aug 16, 2014 are we meant to understand that the prez somehow arranged things in the hope that she would get struck? because even by his standards that's a very roundabout and imprecise way of trying to kill someone

Perhaps he's just hoping that she dies of exposure?

joined Aug 16, 2014

They like to share a bed, like true gal pals

joined Aug 16, 2014

I quite liked this series, kind of hope it gets an anime adaptation at some point, though it's unlikely.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Welp, I finally decided to catch up on this manga and hit chapters 29-30. Fuck that, dropped. See y'all later.

But it's just 4 chapters to the end

joined Aug 16, 2014

I think the yandere is beginning to kick in

joined Aug 16, 2014

"I have an anecdote about those two, want to hear it?"


"... Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"

joined Aug 16, 2014

I can definitely see Natsuki being in love with Tokiko, though Tokiko being a psychopath who lacks empathy means Natsuki's affections were likely not reciprocated, though she was clearly the 'most important person' to Tokiko after her sister. Maybe in another reality they would have started dating, or perhaps Tokiko wouldn't see/understand the point in being lovers and they would simply remain close friends.

So going back to this, and the latest two chapters. I think Tokiko may have actually reciprocated Natsuki's feelings to some degree, just how she responded to Natsuki's death and where that lead Tokiko herself leads me to believe that Tokiko perhaps thought of her as more than a friend.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Seems like every time someone tries to enforce their will on Tokiko, they end up dead. Will to kill her? Dead. Will to see her happy? Dead. Will to understand or accept her? Dead. It's fitting that she only dies when she finally feels that she's the one in control of her life.

But what did the poor pigeon try to force on her??

Probably tried forcing her to accept the monarchy if I had to guess

joined Aug 16, 2014

I can definitely see Natsuki being in love with Tokiko, though Tokiko being a psychopath who lacks empathy means Natsuki's affections were likely not reciprocated, though she was clearly the 'most important person' to Tokiko after her sister. Maybe in another reality they would have started dating, or perhaps Tokiko wouldn't see/understand the point in being lovers and they would simply remain close friends.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Reader: "You think this is funny?!"
Tokiko: "In a cosmic sort of way yes"
Reader: "Well Miss Funnylady... Is this how you get your sick kicks?!"
Holds up copy of Walk to Death
Tokiko: "What? It's just an ordinary mang-"
Natsuki's death

joined Aug 16, 2014

I wonder if Gokicha is part of the club

joined Aug 16, 2014

You know, I could potentially see Natsuki surviving this, if only because this time Tokiko is actually doing something to try and save her, whereas before she has simply stood back and let it happen.

However, the author has already done a fake-out death for her once before and it could be seen as karmatic justice for Natsuki to die, as she's seemingly the only thing that Tokiko actually cares about and she murdered her father because he told her to prioritize her happiness over his own.

Well, I guess in a twisted sort of way I was right after all

joined Aug 16, 2014

I've had another thought as to what could happen, what if Natsuki survives this incident here, but as a result Tokiko withdraws from her to protect her from the curse and goes into hiding, which leads to Natsuki joining the Death Research Squad in the hopes of one day re-uniting with Tokiko?

joined Aug 16, 2014

You know, I could potentially see Natsuki surviving this, if only because this time Tokiko is actually doing something to try and save her, whereas before she has simply stood back and let it happen.

However, the author has already done a fake-out death for her once before and it could be seen as karmatic justice for Natsuki to die, as she's seemingly the only thing that Tokiko actually cares about and she murdered her father because he told her to prioritize her happiness over his own.

joined Aug 16, 2014

The lifts in this series really need more robust safety features