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After Hours discussion 21 Jun 16:13
joined Mar 24, 2014

This very much looks like it is going to be that best yuri manga I've read in a while.

After Hours discussion 21 Jun 16:12
joined Mar 24, 2014

This series is definitely going to be unique. First hipster lesbian I've ever seen in yuri.

She didn't seem like a hipster to me. If she were a hipster she would have used the word ironic more and would have been more self righteous.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Nishi Uko Robot Yuri

So I guess this is probably going to be the best thing ever.

If I enjoy all the angst Nishi gives, does that mean I'm a masochist?

No, just a weirdo.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Can a robbot endure feelings? In real life, I believe that if a robot was to feel any emotion and wasn't able to understand it, it would start breaking things or become crazy.

I'm not a big believer in the concept of Strong AI but any Sapient Artificial Intelligence would be designed specifically to be able to feel and process emotion in a manner similar to humans so its unlikely that an emotional robot would go crazy or anything.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Why transfer schools if they could just remodel her face/height and personality?

Who says they can? The fact she has to transfer seems to imply that they can't.

They might not be able to remodel her personality considering its taken 17 years to develop but they could remodel her face, height and voice pretty easily. It's probably just cheaper to have her switch schools though.

Her failure to always fit in could be more apparent among adults, as being a child is easier than being an adult. Less responsibilities both social and towards school/work, shorter operating hours, etc. And at seventeen you can use a close to adult sized robot to play a teen.

I think that Transferring her every year might mean that most other teens wouldn't have enough time to figure out that she's not an ordinary girl. And since her goal is to not get special treatment that's pretty useful.

That's not what I was talking about but okay.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Why transfer schools if they could just remodel her face/height and personality?

Who says they can? The fact she has to transfer seems to imply that they can't.

They might not be able to remodel her personality considering its taken 17 years to develop but they could remodel her face, height and voice pretty easily. It's probably just cheaper to have her switch schools though.

Stretch discussion 04 Jun 12:54
joined Mar 24, 2014

I feel like such a minority in this... Is it even fair to call one guy a minority? An aberration better?

Oh you are most certainly an aberration.

Even I liked Ran with glasses and I usually hate glasses.

last edited at Jun 4, 2015 9:13PM

Stretch discussion 03 Jun 19:10
joined Mar 24, 2014

Your name is me.

Without the 1203.

I see what ya did there. I like it. ☺

I even made it rhyme. Look at me, I'm so clever, la la la la la...

(It sounds better read one two o three, as a note.)


...I still don't get it.

Is that bad?

Stretch discussion 03 Jun 19:07
joined Mar 24, 2014


Then I die ingloriously!


I see what you did there!

Magan&Danai discussion 02 Jun 17:56
joined Mar 24, 2014

go straight

I see your problem.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Lolicon is supposedly platonic, even if it involves sexual desire...


My thoughts exactly...

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 5:51PM

joined Mar 24, 2014

Lolicon is supposedly platonic, even if it involves sexual desire and fantasies about young looking girls. One of the character of this very manga (friend of the brother) says as much. Much like a siscon or a brocon are different than incest.

It turns into pedophilia or incest if the fantasies are realized, or there're are attempts to realize them.

No, lolicon means pedophile in Japanese. That's it.

Image Comments 02 Jun 02:52
joined Mar 24, 2014

The "Holding hands = LEWDNESS" thing is probably related to 4Chan's "Heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction" thing. Their too similar not to be.

Stretch discussion 22 May 07:35
joined Mar 24, 2014

I do the same damn thing.
Do you use an open palm to the forehead or a closed fist straight to the face?

Closed fist of course!

Takachi, I like my eyes so no v sign. Nice and blue.

This thread got me all nostalgic for my first ever thread derailment.

You mean when we talked about lolis in another thread?

No, I derailed this thread about Shou's loli hentai once.

+2 points for each derail.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Don't worry, you.
We all secretly get off on Mecha incest

The world is my fap buddy.

Jesus, are you ever going to stop masturbating?

Stretch discussion 20 May 16:34
joined Mar 24, 2014

I looked up Shou's loli hentai and I found it very disturbing. Really, really not my cup of tea (it's basically rape of seemingly very young girls and het to boot). I stopped after a few pages, but what has been seen cannot be unseen... yuck.

What's disturbing is that the art is similar to Prism and Stretch and I just can't connect the two type of stories. It's like something done by two different persons, yet with the same art. Creepy.

When i need to forget something I punch my head repeatedly.

If you're thinking there is a link between this and my intelligence, there is.

I do the same damn thing.
Do you use an open palm to the forehead or a closed fist straight to the face?

Stretch discussion 19 May 20:30
joined Mar 24, 2014

I just strive for higher standards in my sarcasm!

Sarcasm has standards?

Well...shit. Guess I can't be sarcastic anymore

Magan&Danai discussion 19 May 20:28
joined Mar 24, 2014

And yet no one who isn't Swedish knows anything about any of that cause they were too busy looking into the histories of more interesting, more important nations.

You do have a point about the Caroleans, though I wouldn't call them the most badass soldiers ever (Swiss mercenaries, Roman Legionaries, Spartans, SAS commandos, Nepalese Ghurkas, the Dahomey Amazons, the Canadian Expeditionary Force in WWI, the Finnish army in WWII and a whole crap load of other military's could be argued as the "most badass soldiers ever")

Do note that my mockery of Sweden and Canada comes from the fact I am a Canadian of predominantly Swedish ancestry. Well, sort of. I have ancestry from all over Europe but Swedish and French are the largest parts of my heritage.

I'm English and know about those things. I fanboy over a lot of Swedish things now though...

Much as I love most of the soldiers you've listed, there's always been something special about the Caroleans for me. I think it's mostly the huge discipline. Marching strait at the enemy until your close enough where missing is impossible, I always found it... I dunno, but it's mostly favouritism.

Fair enough if it's self deprecation. I do that near-constantly.

If you think my treatment of my Swedish ancestors is bad you should wait and see how I treat my French ancestors.

last edited at May 19, 2015 8:29PM

Magan&Danai discussion 19 May 16:26
joined Mar 24, 2014

No, France is interesting. China is interesting. Iran is interesting. The U.K. is very interesting. Sweden is the Canada of ancient history. Its like "Yeah Sweden was there but who cares?"

Plenty of people at the time.

Swedish intervention in the Thirty Years War played a vital part in shaping the Europe of today.

The important Baltic trade routes were increasingly dominated by Sweden until Charles XII's death.

If Sweden had made peace after Narva, we wouldn't have Russia as we do today. Access to Baltic ports meant access to the West, which meant it was no longer to be a backwater.

Sweden kicked the ass of every major power around it led by a 15 year old.

Also, the Caroleans were the most bad ass soldiers ever. Most Swedish armies were, but the Caroleans especially so.

And yet no one who isn't Swedish knows anything about any of that cause they were too busy looking into the histories of more interesting, more important nations.

You do have a point about the Caroleans, though I wouldn't call them the most badass soldiers ever (Swiss mercenaries, Roman Legionaries, Spartans, SAS commandos, Nepalese Ghurkas, the Dahomey Amazons, the Canadian Expeditionary Force in WWI, the Finnish army in WWII and a whole crap load of other military's could be argued as the "most badass soldiers ever")

Do note that my mockery of Sweden and Canada comes from the fact I am a Canadian of predominantly Swedish ancestry. Well, sort of. I have ancestry from all over Europe but Swedish and French are the largest parts of my heritage.

Magan&Danai discussion 18 May 18:25
joined Mar 24, 2014

I see your problem.

Gustavus Adolphus, Charles XII and the Carolean's.

Battles of Breitenfeld, Lech, Narva, Fraustadt.

Their short lived supremacy in the Baltic and the 'what might have been' scenarios if peace had been made with Peter the Great after his army was trashed.

Sweden was very interesting.

No, France is interesting. China is interesting. Iran is interesting. The U.K. is very interesting. Sweden is the Canada of ancient history. Its like "Yeah Sweden was there but who cares?"

Magan&Danai discussion 18 May 18:22
joined Mar 24, 2014

Here ya go:

Surely they're looking as cute as the drawn ones. Let's hope they really get married too =D

Hope all the LGBT activism in China produces some results in their life time. Or they can just move to Sweden lol.

Thanks! as none said really cute like the drawn ones. Why Sweden?

Sweden is the first country allowing same sex marriage to come to my mind. It also has one of the highest standards of living and protection of human rights according to many assessments, so hey, it's a great place to move to if you're a gay couple stuck in the sea of family tradition in China.

The Netherlands would be a good option as well. They were the the first country to legalize gay marriage and they are the most accepting country to LGBT people according to census data and have one of the highest standards of living in the world. Canada, Norway and Iceland are other high rollers om the LGBT front and the standard of living front. Norway actually has the highest standard of living out of any nation in the world and its the most democratic country in the world.

Canada has the disadvantage of a fair-sized Chinese population and if you're looking at getting away from Chinese culture altogether it might not be the best choice unless you settle on the east coast maybe.

As someone who actually lives on the west coast of Canada, I can tell you the large Chinese population out here shouldn't be a problem. While many of them continue to carry on some Chinese traditions, they are for the most part absorbed into western culture, so Chinese culture concerns shouldn't be a huge issue.

Magan&Danai discussion 16 May 07:14
joined Mar 24, 2014

The Netherlands would be a good option as well. They were the the first country to legalize gay marriage and they are the most accepting country to LGBT people according to census data and have one of the highest standards of living in the world. Canada, Norway and Iceland are other high rollers om the LGBT front and the standard of living front. Norway actually has the highest standard of living out of any nation in the world and its the most democratic country in the world.

Yeah, but Sweden has a more interesting history.

I'm going to pretend that the UK is the best country for LGBT people because jingoism.

I see your problem.

Magan&Danai discussion 16 May 04:21
joined Mar 24, 2014

Best yuri couple of 2015 so far. Magan & Danai has flawless chemistry. I see big laughs from these two on the horizon.

Hell no! This one is cute (and fact that it's based on a real couple makes it even better) but Their Story for life, no offence.

Lol yeah this couple is great and I'm very loving this but Sun Jing and Qui Tong is my num 1 otp xD

By the way just like someone said, how great is it that we're getting more yuri stories from different countries? Like we got Chinese, Korean, and also Thai. Hope this can happen in my country too (Vietnam <3)

No offense but isn't Vietnam really homophobic?
Then again, Thailand and Korea are really homophobic as well (to the point were being openly gay prevents you from holding any sort of government position and gets you kicked out of the military in Korea) and we still got Yuri from them so I suppose its a moot point.

Magan&Danai discussion 16 May 04:18
joined Mar 24, 2014

Here ya go:

Surely they're looking as cute as the drawn ones. Let's hope they really get married too =D

Hope all the LGBT activism in China produces some results in their life time. Or they can just move to Sweden lol.

Thanks! as none said really cute like the drawn ones. Why Sweden?

Sweden is the first country allowing same sex marriage to come to my mind. It also has one of the highest standards of living and protection of human rights according to many assessments, so hey, it's a great place to move to if you're a gay couple stuck in the sea of family tradition in China.

The Netherlands would be a good option as well. They were the the first country to legalize gay marriage and they are the most accepting country to LGBT people according to census data and have one of the highest standards of living in the world. Canada, Norway and Iceland are other high rollers om the LGBT front and the standard of living front. Norway actually has the highest standard of living out of any nation in the world and its the most democratic country in the world.

last edited at May 16, 2015 4:18AM

Magan&Danai discussion 15 May 22:14
joined Mar 24, 2014

This. Is. Glorious.