I can imagine high school girls behaving this shittily to each other, but from where I stand the overall effect is (probably unintentional?) comedy. The social dynamics equivalent of Fire Safety Bill
If the chapter skip implied a time skip, maybe I'd be a bit more accepting of the convenient resolution. As it is, interesting idea with questionable execution due to how quick the resolution was.
This story about a girl who gets into a serious accident and is completely forgotten about by anyone who might have known her was surprisingly upbeat considering the author.
Wasn't he saying he was out of town for several days? Even if he's not cheating, he's still lying to her for reasons that don't feel particularly justified, and even then I can't think of a plausible (if cruel) justification for it outside of cheating.
I definitely preferred the narrative when we could assume the reason husband was out was specifically because of the demands of his job and the Japanese work culture in general. Him being a liar and/or cheater makes the narrative a lot less interesting, because I definitely prefer the story being of a mostly-functional married couple with a sister-in-law with the feelings she has. I feel like one of the series' strengths is that it didn't have to have a convenient Good End with Uta and Kaoru, but it feels like that's the purpose of this twist.
meh, never was one for defining characters by rigid archetypes or pigeonholing them into a series of traits like this
besides premise is flawed because adult life is the best tag on here anyway