Forum › Posts by MrEngenious

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Well I was hoping that this topic would allow me to see arguments I haven't seen already, if there were any.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I was going to include Het in there, but I'll save that question for another time, using this one as a launching platform to see how it goes.
So, having finished uploading Kamikakushi stuff, which some of you have shown your dissatisfaction with a majority of his efforts, I wanted to get this out of the way before I continue on not only uploading more things (slowly) from others, but also editing for the marathon after my third midterm exam is over.

Key points before we begin:

  • I'm assuming participants are 18+. It'll probably be very obvious when you're not 18+ and I will very likely ignore your comments unless they're intelligently written with a cohesive argument.
  • This is not a democracy. I can, and will probably end up doing, ignore some posts because they're not worth anything. This includes posts like "I don't them on the reader." Great, I'm still going to do it because you haven't convinced me otherwise. None of you one voted me in, and I'm not being voted out.
  • There's a tiered system in which I will take one's opinion more seriously than others. Other scanlators, uploaders, moderators (of which we currently have none because laziness) will have priority over most of you in getting me to get that stuff off or letting it stay on the reader. Regulars users (forums or IRC) might have something as well, but they also may not. It'll depend on the person and/or the argument they present, if any.
  • I already know the opinions of the Dynasty staff, but they're likely to interject into the argument so it's probably not only going to me you're debating with.
  • This is not a discussion on the extremes, like beastiality, scat, or guro (which are already not uploaded and won't be). However if these somehow play into enhancing your argument, go for it ( do not bother trying to argue a slippery slope ). My upload requirement lines were drawn rather arbitrarily, maybe this will help me straighten it out.
  • This is not about the het stuff currently on. I'm pretty sure I removed most of the one's that aren't tagged "What the Fuck am I reading" because those are funny to me.
  • We take no donations and we serve no ads. If you can't see why this is important for this and any other argument for changing the reader, you should probably not participate until you do understand.

Stuff we've heard:
I don't like X!
Then don't read them. We have tags for a reason.
Are you guys just trolling us?
Yes! Also, no; we know some people (certainly not everyone) will enjoy the non-pure stuff. There's constant nagging over trying to get us to reduce the potential content because it's not what they want on "their" reader. But nothing's really convinced me so far.
If people want to read that stuff, they can read it elsewhere!
You can ignore it and the others don't have to go elsewhere for it. I understand this sentiment more when it's pure het, but these things not so much since it's more of a preference/fetish thing.
Fuck you guys.

We've been having a mostly one-sided "it's our reader, whatevers" for a while now and I'd like to see if this sparks anything useful for the future.
So how about it? What would you prefer happen to stuff like futanari, tentacles, and lolicon? And why should I remove them rather than letting you simply ignore them? I'm not your babysitter.
Keep in mind that futanari works are not tagged with yuri. If you see something like that on the reader, notify us using the suggest a change option in the user options in the upper-right of all pages.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I was only referring to Notes because this is a topic about Notes and I have no idea about their progress on the other things (all publicly available to check yourselves).

last edited at Apr 9, 2013 3:15PM

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

They caught up to the latest release in Japan. It's a once every two month thing for Tsubomi,

MrEngenious Admin
Citrus discussion 08 Apr 02:13
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

The chapter was tagged as Het, not the whole series.
I don't know enough about the series to tag it as something that warrents more warning for het shenanigans.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Preferably links to mangafox and mangahere and those kinds of sites are not to be displayed, lest we feed them more money. However you can take screenshots or upload the pages themselves somewhere else and plaster them here.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

You're more likely to interpret a sentence incorrectly by making it literal, as counter productive as that may be.
Making the character sound stiff and weird (to a fluent or native speaker of the language) is detrimental to the actual understanding of the character, especially if they have weird quirks or mannerisms that isn't being brought out because everything's been linearly translated.
The key point in more liberal translations (I'm not rooting for burgers and hotdogs, mind you) is that it's more understandable to the reader. A side effect is that it seems "simpler" because it's easier to make the connections because what's been translated makes more sense.
I can sort of see where those who aren't fluent in the translated language (in most cases it's English) are coming from when they want literal translations, but it's definitely not going to help you if you're aiming to be better at the language. Literally translated things are stiff and isn't how non-Japanese people talk since it's a different grammatical format (some languages have similar format to the Japanese language though, but not English). The source is Japanese and understandably some things have to be left as "it's how it is in Japan", the average reader does not understand Japanese and so that has to be accounted for.

last edited at Apr 7, 2013 4:46PM

MrEngenious Admin
Yuriyurara discussion 07 Apr 16:33
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Pages fixed for the reader only. I'm not fond of messing around with the archive so it'll still be as such for those who archive things to manually or use an automatic naming program to correct.
Also it's hentai, there's much sillier ways for people to hook up :)

last edited at Apr 7, 2013 4:33PM

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010


MrEngenious Admin
Uploading? 06 Apr 02:08
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I'll notify omnscient0 about it.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

If I manage to get myself editing over the weekend (midterms on Tuesday :x) I'll try to get stuff done too, maybe enough to fill in the gaps mich might end up having.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Could've sworn I put it up, but apparently Kamikakushi had it as uncategorized so I neglected it.
It should be up momentarily.
"Mugi to Azu"

last edited at Apr 5, 2013 2:47PM

MrEngenious Admin
Avatar 05 Apr 00:14
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

The system will scale it to necessary sizes if it's too large. But if it's waaaaay too large you should probably cut it down regardless because the downscaling is probably not going to be preferable.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

"Please take care of me"

Line from every (vanilla) hentai ever.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

If they want it to be, then it will. They upload their own releases and we're fine with letting them decide what they want to be on the reader from themselves.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Currently in between class rushes, but I'll quickly post it here for you
Fly By Yuri

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Due to our now filled coffers from overwhelming support for scummy business practices, Dynasty Premium has now ended sooner than Soon™.
There are no refunds and all digital material must be returned Soon™ because they are actually rentals. If customers do not want their favorite mangaka to go bankrupt, customers will return those ill-gotten digital products purchased through Dynasty Premium or else we will sue the living daylights out of them for tracing-right infringement.

Pay your dues, scum.

last edited at Apr 1, 2013 10:28PM

MrEngenious Admin
Roundabout discussion 01 Apr 22:00
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It's an actual phrase.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Pronoun replacement of names where appropriate is a good thing to do, especially to prevent the name being repeated over and over again. It's not a big issue in the Japanese language, but since everything in English can be said 4+ different ways, it's easily noticeable when something is repeated again and again, as seen in scanlations.
I highly recommend you check out fonts by Kimberly Geswein as they are not only free and numerous, but many of them good and useful. There of course will be missing fonts for certain situations, but if you're one to spend money on fonts, it can save you a penny here and there than when buying those commercial fonts.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

We're sorry to hear your absent desire to give us your money. We hope to provide the same level of customer service for more money in the future, so it's the best time to start now!

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I have just been informed that Yuri Goggles™ accounts are actually free now due to user feedback.
In that case, please purchase Spitting Distance™ account upgrades to obtain exactly the same privilege we had originally designed the Yuri Goggles™ accounts to have.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Seriously guys, can anyone explain me about this ? Is this real or just april fools?

We apologize for the confusion.
For additional help, please purchase the Yuri Goggles™ account level to be able to see the hidden text informing you of the reality of the situation.
If you have already purchased higher tier accounts, you are required to purchase Yuri Goggles™ as a supplementary to allow us to make the necessary tweaks to your account settings hosted on our Always Online Never DRM Server™.
Thank you for your patience, but your money would be more appreciated in the line of yuri business.

last edited at Apr 1, 2013 8:24AM

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It was sourced from a dating sim on the PSP, so hardly anything that should've brought big expectations.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Well good thing I'm pulling an all-nighter and also procrastinating from the reason why I'm pulling an all-nighter.
It's up now.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Our request form is heavily backlogged with old stuff that we plan to get to in the future, BUT we aim to continue to keep things that are recent up to date (so don't use the request form for this :P).
However you wish to provide the medium is up to you, whether it be through forum post or email or IRC. If you wish to email us or have us email you that's totally fine.
Can email me or michan to get our attention when you're ready, my email's (I forget what mich's is >_>). Or if posting on the forums is preferable that works too.

last edited at Apr 1, 2013 5:07AM