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joined Feb 5, 2016

The dream was from the moment Seju started closing her eyes to her opening her eyes again when Sumin was waking her up.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Yeah, it's a dream. :'( However, the part where Seju said "I'm so happy right now." is real even though she said it in her dream, she meant it.

joined Feb 5, 2016

A dream? Oh!

joined Feb 5, 2016

Why do i feel sad about this chapter. I'm torn between wishing seju to stay or leave. Anyway What a turn of events, 1 minute they were okay, and then next was a disaster. Something will happen to Seju again..Sigh... I feel sorry for her, why does sumin have to be so dumb!

It's not because Sumin is so dumb imo. It's more like because Seju suddenly became so sensitive, as if Sumin was always reasonable towards her.

joined Feb 5, 2016

As Sumin replied with a genuine smile after hearing Seju said she was so happy right now meaning Sumin no longer hates Seju. :D This little quarrel between Sumin and Seju in this chapter has to happen to make Seju run to Assassin-ssi's palm. :'D

joined Feb 5, 2016

Darling smiles. Kyaaaaaaa xD

joined Feb 5, 2016

maybe the Chairman will die.. why not XDDD

Better let him recover and marry a new wife, a single mom of a cool girl, so that wdtfs readers could imagine a potential wdtfs 2.0 which would be about Seju x her step sister just like Mei x Yuzu. :'D

joined Feb 5, 2016

Disclaimer: in any case, I will only comment here (and maybe on FB iff Arriane Alter started a discussion)

Not Foxylady? What a quick change of heart. :'D

joined Feb 5, 2016

But this is question for Asian girls only: arent you girls also feel uncomfortable to keep holding your friend's hand while shopping in the mall or walk in the park? @.@

It's okay for me. But normally, I will not keep holding hands with someone for so long. Usually, we hold each other's arm instead. Like this:

joined Feb 5, 2016

Guys, are you perhaps not used to having any skinship with your friends either?

Hell No, unless I want to out myself.
but yeah, this level of touchiness, weird eye contact.. strongly suggest intimacy.

Haha. K-pop idols' skinship is pretty okay though as it shows no intention of triggering each other's sexual desire.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Guys, are you perhaps not used to having any skinship with your friends either?

joined Feb 5, 2016

One more fact reveals that Sumin also dated a 60 years old lady and I totally give up on her. xD

There really is nothing wrong with a person sleeping with anyone from any age group for fun. I personally just don't like involving with such a person, let alone wanting to empathize with them or justify their actions since the word "for fun" alone is enough to make me no longer want to bother finding out whether this person has gotten their partner's consent or not. I wouldn't judge this person to be wrong, I would just secretly put them in my book, and use them well as a good example of "a gross pervert". lol

joined Feb 5, 2016

If there is a solid reason to justify the woman's actions, then no; I may like the story.

joined Feb 5, 2016

^ You'd hate Beloved then.

If it is about an old pervert dating a high schooler, then yes.

Also way to make me feel old ; P

Sorry. xD

joined Feb 5, 2016

Thank yoonie for confirming the word "chahee".

I always thought the fans who translated wdtfs were someone who really invested in the manhwa, so a mistake like forgetting that "chahee" was a name was so unlikely. I was wrong then.

I thought Seju said she would even date a high school girl, so I thought Sumin couldn't tell if Seju wanted more than being a bedmate with her or not. Now that I know that in fact Sumin dated a high school girl,.. what a gross old perverted woman!. =.=

joined Feb 5, 2016

A problems like pronouns is quite possible. We know a Korean sentence sometimes lacks an object.

joined Feb 5, 2016

I do need someone who could read korean to tell me if, in chapter 44, there really is the word "chahee" in the original raw korean or not. I believe there is not. I think the fan-translation is good enough. Imo, the reason why the official translation and the unofficial one look totally different from each other is because the official translation translated and also modified the original sentenses to make the manhwa more interesting while the unofficial transtation only translate the original sentences. I don't like the modified version.

joined Feb 5, 2016

It's sound like Seju mother's name.


joined Feb 5, 2016

Do you have any reason to translate things you are not good at? There are people who are good at both English and Korean out there, why do you have to work on this translation if your translation skill is not even good?

The ones who do the unofficial translations are wdtfs fans, so I think they could tell what is a name and what is a word needed to be translated. Moreover, like Newp said, it was not easy to do this translation work because you choosing a wrong word might result in screwing the whole original sentence up. Which implied that as a translator, even it is unofficial, they do care a lot about their translation's quality. We don't even know if the ones who do the official translation read the manhwa or not though, neither do we know if the author checks their translation or not though.

joined Feb 5, 2016

As far as I know, the ones who do the unofficial translation are Koreans. I still believe that they couldn't make this too much change to the originals.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Does "chahee" mean something in korean? How could the unofficial translation has no "chahee"?

joined Feb 5, 2016

As I don't think the person who did the unofficial translation could translate things into something totally different from the originals, I personally like the unofficial one more.

joined Feb 5, 2016

the boobylicious comes from a royal family where virginity is highly treasured, only when the assassin tried to strangle her, by mistake she touched her juicy C-cup boob..

I thought hers is at least D-cup since you called her "boobylicious". What a plot twist! lol

joined Feb 5, 2016

I'm not interested in arguing with that comment's owner. They do sound so much like a 5 years old kid.

joined Feb 5, 2016

ehm.. not as impressive as your short-answers mode XD

It requires one to have a good amount of weirdness to post such short comments on a thread filled with really long comments. lol