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Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Seola has a type (I knew she was gay as hell). No-Rae and Yu-Ji look pretty similar, but then again most characters in this manhwa suffer from same-face.

Couldn't be worse than Sweet Blue Flowers lmao

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Yu-ji being dead was quite unexpected. She died what... a year after high school or something? It'll be interesting to see how Seol-a deals with that bit o news.

I got the distinct feeling that Yu-ji was being very sarcastic when she said what she said. Sort of like, there was a role in the conversation she was overhearing that no one else was filling and she decided to step in and show them that it could be a two way street. Not only were they "using" Seol-a but Seol-a was using them for friendship so their entire group is fake and based on nothing. I don't think she believes that Seol-a was using them or that she herself, on a personal level, was using Seol-a. She was, in my opinion, voicing how disgusting and harsh that that possibility or truth, sounds and looks. If we are lucky, maybe that old acquaintance will elaborate for us on Yu-ji's personal feelings about the entire thing because you don't make a surprised face like that when caught and meaning what you said. Yu-ji's face was shock and probably realized in that instance that her and Seol-a were never going to be friends again.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

That was a fantastic sex scene, the best one on here if memory serves. And I am in complete agreement with kyukyu.

Random Reader
Image Comments 09 Aug 18:08
joined Nov 30, 2011


Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

So, is tomorrow the return of this delightful series??

(Been away for a while more or less so I have no clue as to what's happening.)

Random Reader
Fragtime discussion 27 Jul 09:30
joined Nov 30, 2011

Is amazing to see more of this series after so long. I still can't fully understand Murakami's behavior but I like to think eveyrthing will sorted out and we'll have a happy ending.

Read my mind DT... It's been so long since an update I sorta forgot what was going on but I'm hoping for a good ending.

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 20 Jul 01:57
joined Nov 30, 2011

Well... life can be pretty boring too you know... O_o

Random Reader
Teppu discussion 19 Jul 03:04
joined Nov 30, 2011

There was another chapter?!

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 19 Jul 02:53
joined Nov 30, 2011

Anyone else tried to stretch just like in the instructions and got all sore?

The best kind of stretching is to:
1) Do a warm up (some type of calisthenic and or a run).
2) Then stretch, do multiple stretches of the legs, arms, torso, and back.
3) Do a vigorous workout.
4) Do a cool down (usually some more calisthenic type stuff or a run).
5) Finally, do some stretching to relax the muscles and keep them for getting stiff.

Overtime you'll become quite limber. Stretching by itself is pretty good but, stretching in concert with a workout is amazing.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Ah! I just remembered that an anime made fun of this very concept but only briefly. Episode 4 of Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun.

Only viewable in the US, I'm afraid. Hulu's like that.

ARGH!! Dammit I forgot! My bad Nez!! >l-(

You can find it on Youtube here (This had better work.)

Random Reader
After Hours discussion 16 Jul 08:27
joined Nov 30, 2011

Really enjoyable chapter. I like where it went. Almost no tension related to the previous night. I was worried it would go that cliched drama route but nope, not once (minus the stiffness around dinner time). And that face on pg. 18 XD. Sealed the deal for me with this story thus far.

Random Reader
Manga General Thread 15 Jul 09:32
joined Nov 30, 2011

Finally the Dressrosa Arc in One Piece is finally winding down. One of the best arcs in the series thus far.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Ah! I just remembered that an anime made fun of this very concept but only briefly. Episode 4 of Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun.

Random Reader
Murcielago discussion 14 Jul 09:59
joined Nov 30, 2011

Worth the read?

Random Reader
Image Comments 14 Jul 09:05
joined Nov 30, 2011

Always liked Soel-a's look in this piece.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


I thought for a bit that there was going to be a love triangle, but it seems for now it's avoided. I saw Saeki as being peeved at not being told and chosen to be her support for the duration and not because she was jealous, well okay a bit jealous but not in the romantic sense. If she stays a friend it's going to be much better than if she was in love with Nanami. We'll see.

I'm hoping for the same. A strong friendship with a friend feeling jealous that she might be replaced only to discover her friend is just crushing on someone romantically. (It would be nice but as another said, this is a cliche that's really hard to drop in romances sadly.)

The pacing isn't weird at all. The ending of the first chapter (as someone pointed out) she confessed after she heard that there isn't anyone special to her, and she confessed (more or less). The second she kissed her because Yuu said that she likely wouldn't fall in love with anyone, and I imagine Nanami became scared. So far it's only been reactionary and as she said herself, she hasn't felt like this at all so it's probably because of that that the pacing 'seems rushed/weird'.

Also, we don't know what's been going through her mind away from screen so we cannot tell how much thought (thus far), she has put into being in love with Yuu.

I relate to Yuu a bit though, I don't think I'll ever fall in love either so I'm curious how this will progress.

Didn't think so either but shit happens. ;)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Pretty refreshing sex scenes and angels in this story. (When compared to what we usually get.)

joined Nov 30, 2011

Aahahaha that was freakin great! XD... Loved how it made fun of harems.

And at everyone calling him out for being an asshole. How do you outwardly try to let others know you want to be left alone without coming across as an asshole?? (I did the same thing all the time in high school when turning down invitations to hang out, I played sports a lot so I lied and then in reality, played video games all weekend long! X-P .) Lastly, he really wasn't openly being a jerk to them at all. Most of his in-head talk was just trying to get them to stop bothering him only to be dumbfounded by the girl's reactions i.e. "What the hell."

I wonder why he just doesn't come out as gay? It seems it would make his life much easier, lol

Because Japan is actually super homophobic in real life.

Exactly, it's not like we haven't come across this same type of situation countless times in the plethora of yuri stories on this site before O_o

joined Nov 30, 2011

If any of you have read the previous continuation comics for The Last Airbender, you will KNOW that there will be plenty of kisses and considering our two favorite ladies are going to be the focus, I suspect the romance will be a lot more mature and many departments.

Still... I want to see Asami whupping ass, more about Zuko's daughter and family, the fusion of bending and steampunk, the rebuilding of the Earth nation's various city-states, and a spin-off series following Tahno from losing his bending to becoming a prominent trombone musician seen playing at the wedding in the end.

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 03 Jul 09:32
joined Nov 30, 2011

Anyone else having loading issues with the site? It loads quite slowly for me and then I feel that I'm missing some panels and not getting the full story thus far. (At least on the scanlator's site.)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

What a nice one shot, artwork and everything.


It is always the one shots that get me the most. Damn things leave me thirsty for more, feel like I got abandoned in the desert or something.

Actually, you really have been abandoned in the desert. This whole site, and in fact the internet itself, is but a delerium in your final hours.

I actually don't see any problems with this... is that wrong?? o_O

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

....aaaahahahaha I don't know why but watching the outcry for the break it's taking is just making me burst out laughing!! XD....

AAAAanyhoo, what do you all think she means by cleaning it up and improving the story?

Improving and cleaning up the whole story

My best guess is maybe more info and mentions of Korean society?? Maybe more stuff about their university, and just the setting in general?? (Local neighborhood, maybe No-rae's job, and etc.)

Random Reader
What are we? 28 Jun 04:27
joined Nov 30, 2011

We are the chosen ones.

Pls no, I hate that trope.

Idk, everytime I see something use "chosen one" I remember this and feel great.

Aaahahaha that "waaah" at the beginning of the vid gets me every time!! XD

As for the proper label... for male yuri fans... Errrr.... Yuri's Male Champions of Womanly Romance.....???? o_O.... I don't know really, nor do I care about all these weird unnecessary labels that are tossed around in the larger anime/manga community. For me, I just like coming to Dynasty, reading the stories that are released here by the various scanlation teams and interacting with the awesome community male, female, straight, gay, giraffes, and etc. Ya'll are fine folks and this here is a might fine website, don't see why we need to be labeling parts of our community for whatever reason ya hear.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Bout damned time. Made no sense to take so long to push it through. Never understood why it was a good idea to leave it up to the individual states to decide in the first place.

And Mike Huckabee definitely isn't going to be president anytime soon with a statement like that! Lmao! XD ... Good riddance.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Who hates Dynasty?? O_o...