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Its an interesting concept but I really feel as if what they'e shown so far is only scratching the surface of what they could be doing.
Or maybe I'm dissecting why the curtain was colored blue when Shou is like "It's because I decided to make it fucking blue".
I used to joke about this a lot, too, but ever since I started writing, I was surprised how much I think about little details like that. Chances are, if a writer takes the time to emphasise something -- e.g., noting within the narrative that the curtains were blue, and even noting that there were curtains at all -- they're doing so for a reason, whether that reason is that it fits the character who was decorating, or whether it fits the atmosphere they're trying to create.
Maybe you write that way but most writers, from what I understand, don't. "The curtains were fucking blue" story apparently has its origins in a statement made by an author tired of people over analysing his works. Granted the story is likely apocryphal but there are still several major authors who have objected to people trying to interpret the little messages in their stories as being part of some bigger picture. TVTropes has an article on it, I believe its called "What do you mean its not Didactic?".
And that author's name was....Albert Einstein!
Thing is, there are a lot of things in a scene to describe, and an author only has so much space to describe them. A good author will primarily specify something like the colour of drapes for one of three reasons. Because it's relevant to the plot, as a red herring (thus using it as misdirection from the eventual twist), or to reflect something about one or more of the characters. A hack will do things more or less at random of course, so that doesn't necessarily apply. But I wouldn't consider Shou a hack.
Now taking the curtains thing as literal, in comics if something is a certain colour or if there's an object in the room, it might just be the whim of the artist, and nothing relevant at all to the story. Still a limited space to work with, but the rules are slightly different.
Actually the author I had in mind specifically was J.R.R. Tolkien, who was rather annoyed with people assuming The Lord of the Rings was an allegory for his experiences in World War I when in actuality he had merely created the fictional realm so he had an excuse to make up his own languages (Tolkien was an exceptional linguist and could speak twenty languages fluently and had decent comprehension of a dozen more. In fact, the Elven language was the first thing he ever created while crafting Middle-Earth) This is where the concept of applicability comes from; Tolkien basically said if other people wanted to use The Lord of the Rings as an allegory for World War I they were free to do so, so long as they recognized that he hadn't intended to create an allegory WWI (and so they would stop sending him letters asking about whether TLotRs was an allegory for WWI)
This "the curtains were fucking blue" argument is more or less the same; people assume the color of the curtains is important or meaningful or allegorical, when in actuality the author just felt that, for one reason or another, the room in question needed to be described to the reader and when they got to the curtains, they went with blue. Maybe blue was the author's favourite color or maybe they chose it randomly, maybe they had blue curtains themselves or maybe they were aware of the "the curtains were fucking blue" meme and decided to throw in some blue curtains to fuck with us; we will likely never know, unless you feel like pestering the author over they're choice in interior decorating.
Point is, don't over think this stuff. The simplest answer is usually the correct one and its a bad idea to make wild guesses like "the blue curtains represent the protagonists immense depression" when there is no evidence to support that idea beyond the fact that people sometimes associate the color blue with sadness.
Hell, we don't even know what shade of blue the curtains were. They could be bright baby blue for all we know, which isn't exactly the color of depression and immense sadness and grief.
As an aside, the Beatles were famous for putting stuff in their songs and album covers in order to mislead and generally mess with people doing minute analysis of their work. The whole "Paul is dead" thing being a great example.
Ah yes, the "Trolling Creator". I think we are all familiar someone like that...
My opinion is pretty much inline with Cryssoberyl. Would like to read more stories with that dynamic.
The title is somewhat awkward though, I don't know how anything in particular could be "less" than a boyfriend, lol. The heteronormative connotations...not something I particularly care to see in a yuri manga.
To me it just sounds like the title was too literally translated.
I figured that it was just an odd translation as well. If there was a heteronormative connotation it would be something like "more than a friend (that is a girl), less than a boyfriend".
Wild mass Guessing:
A common belief amongst very traditional Japanese people is that women are inherently less valuable then men, so the title may connote value, someone so important their more important than a regular girl but still not a boy.
Another possibility is that it means "girlfriend" in the platonic sense, like how some women/girls say they "have their girlfriends over" when what they generally mean is that they have their friends over and not that they're in a polygamous lesbian relationship, in which case we come around to the heteronormative accusation once again.
Or it could be a translation error. Or just a really bad choice of words on the authors part. We really can't say for sure unless we got the author to comment on it.
As some one who plays video games almost religiously, I figured I might as well put my two cents in and get on board the hype train.
2015 Game releases I'm looking forward too:
Metal Gear Solid V: This one not only looks amazing, it might even be a game changer for the industry as a whole.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III: Yes I know I'm going to get a ton of hate for this since admiting you like CoD on the internet these day is akin to admitting you're a Jew in Nazi Germany but I honestly think this Call of Duty looks like it should be a solid game, unlike the mixed response of CoD: Advanced Warfare and the sheer awfulness (and racism) that was CoD: Ghosts.
Halo 5: Guardians: Being a massive Sci-Fi nerd (its "sci-fi", not "SF" you purist motherfuckers!) who was introduced to science fiction video games by the original Halo trilogy and its associated media (which is where all the really good Halo stories are in my opinion) this is pretty much a must by for me. Too bad it lacks split screen though.
Fallout 4: 'Nuff said.
Star Wars: Battlefront: Ditto
2016 releases
Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Faith's lookin good so far, though its a bit disappointing Rhianna Pratchet isn't returning to write again. Should be interesting to see an FPS game without gunplay.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: Like Fallout 4, I feel this one needs no explanation.
Mass Effect: Andromeda: ...LOOK AT MY FUCKING NAME!!!
Dishonored 2: First game was solid, if not all that it was promised to be. Like to see how they evolve this one. Also, we can play as Emily now! Yay!
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End: My brother is going to buy this (he's an Uncharted fanboy) but that won't stop me from playing it.
Gears of War 4: Me and my friend did play the original three together, so this one is a must have. Gears of War I find is much more enjoyable all round if you play it co-op.
Titanfall 2: This one has no confirmed release date and could be either a 2016 or 2017 release but the day it comes out, I AM BUYING IT. The first one was one of the few multiplayer shooters I was actually good at (the only other one being Halo) and I really had fun with it. I'm just hoping for an actual story this time 'round.
Maybe buys (2015 and 2016)
The Division: It looks interesting but I'm always a little skeptical about MMORPGs. That said, if I an get my old gang of gaming buddies back together, I might buy it, as it looks more up my alley than most MMOs. Then again, I thought that about Destiny and while fun, Destiny was rather disappointing.
Halo Wars 2: My Halo fanboy says "yes" but my memories of finding the first one rather "bleh" and my general suckiness at RTS games says "no".
Quantum Break: Looks interesting and has a fairly unique concept with the whole time manipulation, TV tie in thing but I think I'll wait until I see some reviews and the price has gone down a bit before I commit.
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Getting past its ridiculous name, it falls into the same category as Quantum Break; interesting but I'll wait and see.
Space Hulk: Deathwing: I've always like Warhammer 40K but I've always viewed it from afar, never actually buying into the series. I figure this game could be my "in" but I don't know, especially since tie in games aren't always top notch (except the Batman: Arkham games, which are all well done but especially Arkham City. Seriously, play them if you haven't already)
No Man's Sky: I'm going to let my friends (all two of them!) get it before I try it.
Hitman: Ditto
XCOM 2: More "I want it but can't have it" than "I'm on the fence about it". XCOM is an amazing series and I want (nay, need) this game even though I suck at RTS' but its PC, Mac and Linux only and not only is my PC not up to the challenge but I suck whenever I try to play on PC anyway.
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate: I used to love Assassin's Creed but lately the series has been... well sucking ass. If this series fixes things up I'll get. Otherwise, Ubisoft Montreal needs to realize their grinding the series into the ground, not to mention not holding true to one of the original draws of the series, which was historical accuracy, something that is becoming less and less accurate with each game.
last edited at Aug 8, 2015 4:35AM
Kase-san or Candy are much more adorable. Even Prism is more adorable.
It's impossible to be more adorable than Kase-san. I just can't decide if this is as or slightly less adorable than it... But I definitely think Their Story is cuter than Prism and Candy (which are still good, of course...).
Plenty of very adorable one-shots too.Kase-san is probably at the top in adorable and cute.
I feel like cute isn't the word for Their Story, more like... charming and lovable, find it to be much more than any of the other series. Love the bunch of dorks in this manga.
I like to thinking charming and lovable is what "cute" is while Kase-san is more "sugary", so I would say Their Story is more "cute" while Kase-san is more "I think I have diabetes now thanks to all that sweetness."
Or maybe I'm dissecting why the curtain was colored blue when Shou is like "It's because I decided to make it fucking blue".
I used to joke about this a lot, too, but ever since I started writing, I was surprised how much I think about little details like that. Chances are, if a writer takes the time to emphasise something -- e.g., noting within the narrative that the curtains were blue, and even noting that there were curtains at all -- they're doing so for a reason, whether that reason is that it fits the character who was decorating, or whether it fits the atmosphere they're trying to create.
Maybe you write that way but most writers, from what I understand, don't. "The curtains were fucking blue" story apparently has its origins in a statement made by an author tired of people over analyzing his works. Granted the story is likely apocryphal but there are still several major authors who have objected to people trying to interpret the little messages in their stories as being part of some bigger picture. TVTropes has an article on it, I believe its called "What do you mean its not Didactic?".
Thing I hate about rape in yuri? The author plays it off as some sort of recruitment. "I'll make you like girls." What? Because if a guy were to come on to me and say "I'll make you like guys" I would have been pissed. Just because it's girls doesn't make it any different.
Yeah but there are still plenty of people all over the world who still think gays "recruit" people by seducing them and/or raping them. Doujin authors then use this as an excuse for cheap rape porn scenarios, believing gays actually act like this in real life. Basically its good old fashioned homophobia mixed with plain old stupidity.
last edited at Aug 7, 2015 11:09PM
Victim blaming is still an accepted tactic to avoid sexual assault/rape charges in Japan, unlike in Western nation where it is illegal
lol ok player, if you say so
You don't have to believe it for it to be true.
Hey man, I'd be over the moon if it really was that different in the west. If we actually cared about victims and didn't immediately jump to calling them lying temptress sluts who just want to ruin the lives of good honest menz, I'd throw you a parade. Unfortunately, pretty much everything Yuri Girl 1001 described is just as true over here as it is in Japan. It's coded differently, and we can argue about relative frequency and prevalence and all that, but if you think victim blaming isn't a problem here in the supposedly advanced, enlightened west, you aren't paying attention.
I'm not saying victim blaming doesn't exist in western nations, I'm saying they actually bothered to make illegal.
Of course being 'officially' illegal doesn't mean people don't get victim blamed, I'm just saying at least the west is actually trying to do something about it or at least it's having the common fucking decency to pretend to give a shit.
Just cause it won't do shit doesn't mean Japan can't at least pretend to care, especially considering this is a country who's people consider pretending to care to be a cultural edict.
I tried a couple of internet searches about rape in Japan. I didn't get much besides rape porn videos (PASS!!) and nothing at all about homosexual rape, but here is what I did get.
Warning, this information is not reliable!
- According to the law, it's not rape unless threats or violence are used. Take you by surprise? Not rape. Implied threats so that you're afraid to resist? Not rape.
- They don't want to pursue it if it was someone the victim knows. (They must have led them on?) And of course they don't want to pursue it if the victim was wearing revealing clothes.
- Prosecutors will drop a case unless they're sure they'll win; it would look bad on their record.
- Because of all this, very few rapes get reported in Japan and there are far more rapes than their public image says. (Though it may indeed be the case that you're less likely to be raped by a stranger.)
This info mostly came from one post and even if it was true, it may no longer be accurate, so don't assume this info is true. Though that third point would explain Japan's very high conviction rates if no prosecutor will take a case unless they're sure they'll win.
From what I know, this is all more or less accurate. Considering Japan's rather backwards views on women, it really shouldn't be surprising.
last edited at Aug 6, 2015 8:47PM
Please don't use BDSM metaphors. Just don't.
Sir, yes sir, how high do you want me to jump sir
Is three meters something you're capable of?
Kase-san or Candy are much more adorable. Even Prism is more adorable.
"Manages to be adorable without going to diabetes inducing levels" is why I listed this series near the top of the adorable meter, so bringing in diabetes inducing series' is not gong to change my mind.
The problem is a lot of people on here aren't here to fap, their here to read.
Why not both?
Also, how is lesbian rape inherently more funny than normal rape?
Let me qoute our heroine:
If this continues I might actually get tured on!
did it feel good senpai? felt goodHow can anyone take this seriously? Lesbian rape almost always ends up with both parties enjoying it. It's not even the case where the "victim" ends up with an everlasting mental scar. It's just porn, also no real persons are harmed, except for those who think this is serious business.
All hentai rape ends with both parties enjoying, to the point were most hentai sites and VNDB have tags to single out the exceptions. That still doesn't explain why lesbian rape is supposedly Lulzy. If anything, lesbian rape is usually pretty boring. Yaoi rape on the other hand, now that's hilarious. Especially with those ridiculous censors they use for the genitalia, so it looks like two dudes are dicking each other with lightsabers.
Victim blaming is still an accepted tactic to avoid sexual assault/rape charges in Japan, unlike in Western nation where it is illegal
lol ok player, if you say so
You don't have to believe it for it to be true.
That didn't stop me from fapping to it.
Lesbian rape
That makes it hilarious. Reminds me of the artists previous work, where the blond aunt raped her loli niece. That was hot too. Since it's porn, I refuse to give a shit. The artstyle is pretty nice.
The problem is a lot of people on here aren't here to fap, their here to read.
Also, how is lesbian rape inherently more funny than normal rape? I've always thought of it as if there were three kinds of rape depictions in fiction: Hentai rape (rape depicted for the purpose of arousal) realistic rape (rape for the purpose of "oh dear god WHY?") and Black comedy rape (exactly what it sounds like). How is lesbian rape inherently more in the latter category?
The main thing I remember from paging through the Qwaser manga was the plot being increasingly incoherent as it goes along
Most plots written for the purpose of author masturbation generally do.
I am going to ignore the in depth discussion and just say that I think this series is freaking adorable.
Probably the most adorable series on here,,since its cute without going into over the top I think that series just gave me diabetes cute.
I think Fluttering Feelings and Their Story would be dead even for me in cuteness. (Lilly Love also has tons of cuteness appeal) Okay there are quite a few of super cute mangas out right now. I really love the slow build up and all the side characters just add to it.
Yeah this one's got excellent side charcaters, not something you see in a lot of Yuri
Seikon no Qwaser looks like a harem/ecchi/action/supernatural/borderline hentai/fapping material for horny boys and not that interesting.
So some Yuri fanservce, but I decidedly don't like that loli bitch.
More or less the truth, SnQ is just all the manga author's masturbatory material combined into one giant fetish bucket.
Even the references to the Russian Orthodox Church appeal to him!
I am going to ignore the in depth discussion and just say that I think this series is freaking adorable.
Probably the most adorable series on here,,since its cute without going into over the top I think that series just gave me diabetes cute.
Man, you guys are all buzzkills.
Stretch is like a properly edging dom: The idea isn't to get you to climax as soon as possible--it's to keep you right on the edge of getting it, teasing you and tantalizing you with getting close, each iota closer making you enjoy it that much more, and clamoring for her touch.
Just because the next thing won't bring you to completion doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy what you've been given.
Please don't use BDSM metaphors. Just don't.
And teasing is fine, its trolling that pisses people off.
Link doesn't work anyway.
You need an account on g.e-hentai and install Sad Panda on your browser to login on ExHentai.
Uh, no thanks, I don't trust anything installation givin to me by a porn site.
I really dislike how she said she was at fault, that urks me so much. Yes you couldn't see and you didn't exactly check, but if someone touches you despite you saying no and asking them to stop that is NOT your fault. It sort of feels like rape is made into some sort of joke or that it is somehow condoned in this manga and that is not okay. I admit I read yuri rape manga, but only if it was roleplay rape not actual rape. Oh well it is fiction I guess.
Victim blaming is still an accepted tactic to avoid sexual assault/rape charges in Japan, unlike in Western nation where it is illegal, on top of the fact mentioned above that homosexual rape is legal there. .
You have remember that Japan is a very chauvinistic, male dominated society. In fact Japan has the lowest level of gender equality out of any developed nation, hell many developing nations are nicer to women than Japan.
TL;DR: Japan is really sexist and homophobic and so all this victim blaming stuff is totally legit there.
I thought this chapter would be driving you all crazy, so I'm actually kinda disappointed right now.
Shou Stand by me h tank completely translated..
if anyone interested.Do you have a link where I can read it? :-)
Sounds interesting, more yuri is always good..Here link for Stand by Me and his other translated hentai... wait, more yuri? you know his other works are all het and loli right...?
Ooooh, it's not yuri! Kinda disappointing..
No, I was not aware of that fact :(
Too bad, sorry I misunderstood, nevermind then, but thanks still xD
Link doesn't work anyway.
Its not like she/he/ve/it was being disrespectful to andogynous women, merely stating that they them attractive. After all, everyone is attracted something, sexual or not and most people like to express this attraction one way or another.
Saying she/he/ve/it's reducing women to objects merely for exhibiting sexual attraction to women who adopt a specific appearance is a tad extreme.To make it short, for me, it's on the same level as "Blond women are dumb".
Saying blondes are stupid is an insult, a denial of the intelligence of a grouping of people and an excuse to mistreat that group using a lack of intelligence as an basis.
Saying androgynous women are hot is just saying one finds androgynous women attractive. It doesn't insult (though it is not necessarily a compliment either), it does not denying the individuality of androgynous women and in this case its not being used as an excuse to discriminate against them, merely to express interest.
I still do not see where you are coming from on this.
last edited at Aug 5, 2015 6:01PM