hating on remi just because she's the one who's openly sexual with everyone(because they didn't have a choice with having sex with remi amirite) and ignoring the fact that she's the only one making literally 90% of the character development happen in this series AND the fact that nobody understands what's happening in ch12
yeah okay i will fight all of you to death to defend best girl remi(╯°□°)ຈ҉̛༽̨҉҉ノ̨
I wanted to tell you you're shit and your opinions are shit, but then I stopped and thought about it and Remi's not really the devil incarnate. I still think your reasoning is flawed, but, tis true, it's not like she forced anyone to have sex with her. I'd say she's probably chaotic neutral than anything else. She's just doing it for the lulz.
I suppose what gets me, is why are any of the others still friends with her? They don't seem to overly enjoy her company, except that most of them seem to have fucked her at one point or another. And Sachi - I can understand one indiscretion, but does she ever explain why she kept fucking her? And during all this she seems to have resisting making an effort to even see Ruki.
Man, Sachi's a piece of shit.