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joined Jul 16, 2013

Well that sounds just...stupid.

I pay for roughly 500+ doujinshi a year. You do not know the limits of this stupidity. It goes deeper than you could ever imagine.

Just stating how it is. Other sites will put it on without asking, why denying it Dynasty?

joined Jul 16, 2013

My answer to the second one is if it's ever going to be uploaded here, it will be done by me personally. Those involved at Dynasty understand what I mean by this. That may mean it never gets uploaded here, either from my own decision or someone else's. If that's the main thing driving you to finish it, I'm sorry to disappoint.

Well that sounds just...stupid.

Kase-san discussion 02 Feb 05:40
joined Jul 16, 2013

Wait I am so confused! Life continues after highschool? You do not have to break up with all your friends and your girlfriend to go to university? THAT GOES AGAINST EVERYTHING YURI MANGA TAUGHT ME!

joined Jul 16, 2013

So did she suspect something is wrong and have the movie date as a trap?

She does seem to be aware that something is not right.

Anime season 28 Jan 15:09
joined Jul 16, 2013

Urara is so delightfully gay, especially the ED. What I didn't like about episode 4 was the talk of seducing boys (hopefully just teasing) and Kon mentioning she couldn't get married. I think it was a bit unnecessary, and smelled dangerously of het.

But knowing how this kind of anime usually is, we won't see het nor yuri. But at least we have subtext.

Ehh I would not take it too seriously. It is just talk how young girls are expected to act. You even got that kind of stuff in full yuri manga with "Why can't I get a boyfriend? Am I not pretty enough" and later she eats out a girl.

joined Jul 16, 2013

even though I think all she needs to do is say "no".

Well I think even in Japan you need the consent of both parties for a marriage :P

I really hate those "fiance plots". It is so rare a girl simply says no. They always have to come up with complicated and silly plans to convince their parents to not marry them off.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Is it even a science baby if they get pregnant by magic?

In a world where magic is normal isn't it science just like electromagnetism is science? ;)

joined Jul 16, 2013

Not really sure what to think. There are some stories with robots that I liked, mostly because the robot itself experienced love in a particular way, when it was not expected nor intended for that to happen. It feels more "human" when it's the result of an event outside it's programming, as it'd be the development of actual feelings. But the robot specifically programmed to love, always seems as kind of creepy. Even though she's not it's owner, instead of seeing a romantic development, I see a machine fulfilling it's program, void of emotions...

Where is the difference between a very advanced robot and a human? This one seems very capable of own thoughts and desires (see Prince robot who refuses to be returned). Not very different to a human who is also just a "machine" based on carbon.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I don't understand what the issue is. Happy end for everybody!

Alice discussion 12 Jan 15:49
joined Jul 16, 2013

force a girl to stay away from the Prince
tell the Prince how they forced her to stay away

Flawless logic.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Damn, lets hope this is the last of the biphobia in this comment thread, I don't want to read any more comments like this. Pure lesbians lmao

No wanting hetero or bi relationships in your yuri story is not really biphobia.

Haha, this is such a "I'm not racist, but..." line

So I have to like bisexual characters? I am not allowed to like lesbian characters?

joined Jul 16, 2013

Damn, lets hope this is the last of the biphobia in this comment thread, I don't want to read any more comments like this. Pure lesbians lmao

No wanting hetero or bi relationships in your yuri story is not really biphobia.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I still really don't get the 'Graduation might as well means the other person died' in Japan.
At my graduation, I was like 'Well... tomorrow at your place as usual?' and next to nothing changed.

It is the general view onto the school life on manga. It is basically the best time in your life, after you are just a slave to a company or a submissive housewife.

Image Comments 28 Dec 13:21
joined Jul 16, 2013


Nah Mika is a lot more petite. I think it is Hornetman's female friend and some girl I forgot.

Image Comments 28 Dec 13:19
joined Jul 16, 2013


Hikaru x Miyuki did have a lot of build up, it was just very much on the side.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Wait, Mekimeki draws things other than NanoFate??

He did official manga before and is currently doing the Toki spinoff manga.

joined Jul 16, 2013

That a person can still be in love after losing all of her memories, I can handle

But that a freaking WELDER can pay such a house and living style?! THAT'S WAY TO UNREALISTIC

Welders make bank. One of the better blue-collar jobs you can get. Depending on what you're welding, you can make upwards of $72/hr.

It REALLY depends, my dad made $15hr for 16 years, until he got laid off and went independant. He makes a fair bit more now, but to my knowledge you have to get more into the specialized welding like underwater. Now THAT gets the big bucks.

Yeah specialized welders are payed quite well. And they are rare (depending on the country). I read about a case where a US city had to hire welder from Germany because they couldn't find anybody specialized for a specific task in the USA:

joined Jul 16, 2013

This comes off as so hamfisted to me. They aren't making these characters gay because it adds any sort of value to the character's development, but to show how "progressive" they are. Frankly this just comes off as incredibly insulting.

No, it comes over as Tracer simply being gay and spending her Christmas with her gf. Not every romance has to be super character building.

joined Jul 16, 2013

You know, in the end Blizzard played it safe. Almost disappointingly so.

Unless they introduce in game interactions making reference to Emily, the whole thing won't be nothing more than a footnote in the great scheme of the things, much other elements introduced already on the comics (does anyone remember or cares about Phara's squad mates?)

Something really impressive would've been to actually reveal Tracer's orientation by making her be in a relationship with another hero. Or hell, they would've simply gone the Bioware route and made everyone potencial romantic interests so the audience could've picked whichever they like the most.

Well Overwatch is not a romance orientated game after all. Their love interested and partners naturally stay in the background.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I have to say, I was kinda annoyed at the co-worker just doubting their entire relationship, but his response in the end is chill and all, so it was nice.

I liked that. We basically got rid of all the "tropes" to ruin yuri relationships (it is just a hpase, girl will fall for a guy etc.)

joined Jul 16, 2013

Welcome back to reality in a Japanese high-school.

I thought this is a mange :P

joined Jul 16, 2013

How do I block this series and the Nanoha Vivid as well as Nanoha Force from my dashboard?

By not reading it.

joined Jul 16, 2013

What a bullshit relationship... "I am angry at you, but I won't say why, and I expect you to use psychic powers to figure out how to make me happy".


Just like a real cat.

Toki discussion 07 Dec 13:00
joined Jul 16, 2013

Guys, I don't want to alarm anyone but I think Toki likes boobs

No way! I thought she is a perfectly hetero girl!

joined Jul 16, 2013

This is the kind of oneshot that can easily converted into a series. Of course the kiss would come a bit later...