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drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

It was finished I believe, 4 chapters long, but Tranquil Spring only finished the first one. Here'e hoping they either come back from the dead or it gets picked up by someone else.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Just felt like leaving a comment on this one, really nice manga, been one of my personal fav's for a while now.

I don't have anything else to say really, i just really like this manga.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Really loved this manga, especially the badass mom. One of the best.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Wow cool, I didn't think I'd actually get chosen. Neat!

We don't pay you to chat in here. Get your ass to work. Gogogo.

Yes Sir Michan Sir!

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Wow cool, I didn't think I'd actually get chosen. Neat!

drpepperfan Admin
Nana Yuri discussion 19 Apr 16:46
joined Oct 12, 2010

Jesus christ, on Page 12 she appears to be using Internet Explorer, Yahoo AND Reddit!

It's like the trilogy of unfortunate internet choices/

drpepperfan Admin
Running out of manga 18 Apr 18:41
joined Oct 12, 2010

I thought this was gonna be like a "here are things I like, please recommend some new cool stuff for me" thread, but apparently not. But yeah, I've read everything here as well.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Aki Eda is fantastic, and this is my fav of her works. Just adorable.

drpepperfan Admin
Sisterism discussion 13 Apr 10:24
joined Oct 12, 2010

I think we really need to just drop the topic now. It's pretty futile. Those of us who don't like the ending aren't gonna change our minds, and the same can be said of those who liked it.

joined Oct 12, 2010

Sound's interesting. I wouldn't mind helping out.

drpepperfan Admin
Sisterism discussion 12 Apr 19:09
joined Oct 12, 2010

Circlejerk is a word used by people who have no real argument who see numbers of people disagreeing with their own opinions. It doesn't even work here, as it's not a huge group of people all agreeing with each other over and over again. Don't throw random buzzwords around trying to look cool. All these terrible words you throw in like "fan-disappointment" (it's okay to be a fan who is overly defensive but one who points out a single problem is a bad thing?) and "bandwagoning" (yes when numerous people have the same opinion or like/dislike the same thing, this is always a case of a bandwagon, and not, oh you know, having the same opinions) don't make anyone think you have a point, they just make you sound like a grumpy teen.

And you contradict your own points in your post. You say "He couldn't have wrapped everything up in one chapter duh it would have been rushed". But then you say "there's still a bonus chapter you can't have an opinion til you've seen that". So finishing it in one chapter would be awful.....except for when doing so could support your argument? Cute.

If that chapter get's translated, and it turns out to be a perfect ending, I'll be very happy. But until then, no dice.

And also, one annoying annoying point people keep making is "the comic was being cancelled, they would have had to rush things!" So what. Maybe the author should'nt have dragged the comic out so long then. Maybe the author shouldn't have shoved in random characters 3/4 of the way into the comic. (I actually really liked the characters, but sacrificing the main character's development for it is a no-no). Anything would be better than what we got really.

drpepperfan Admin
Sisterism discussion 12 Apr 13:25
joined Oct 12, 2010

The point that "other couples got together in the end, so that should be more than enough" is very silly. If I'm watching a romantic comedy, and not only do the main characters not get together in the end, they don't even realise they love each other AND the plot point which forms the backbone for the whole movie is abandoned half way through for a bunch of character's who had never even been mentioned before then....that's just bad writing.

The comic being a comedy does not excuse bad writing and lazy development. The comic being cancelled does not excuse a complete lack of a ending. Saying "It's your fault for expecting something more" when the author themselves heavily implied since the beginning of the manga about it is not a good argument.

And the ending of Sisterism is in no way a good end to any series.

last edited at Apr 12, 2013 1:26PM

drpepperfan Admin
Sisterism discussion 11 Apr 18:24
joined Oct 12, 2010

Handwavium is summing up everything perfectly.

To claim that you don't expect character development in a comedic story is a fair point. But if that was the case, then why did the author include so much character development for the main characters (hinting extremely heavily that they unknowingly love each other, that series of comics where they are getting closer and closer before it suddenly drops the topic) and why did he include development for the supporting characters (4 of whom were introduced about 6 chapters from the end)??

There is no excuse for setting something up and not following up on it at all. Especially when it is the central focus of the entire comic. If they wanted to make a comedy comic, they shouldn't have implied it would be something more. Worst possible ending.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Holy jesus it's been forever since I saw a chapter of this! I had completely forgot it existed, I sure am glad it's back though.

Wow that was a really cute chapter. And VASTLY different from the first one, which is awesome. I love compilation manga's that feature several short stories in the same setting, but with different characters. Nice to see some romance between 2 nerdy, not exactly hot girls, rather than one nerdy girl with a crush on her popular senpai etc.

Also Mech's? Awesome. Mech's and yuri? 2X Awesome Combo.

drpepperfan Admin
DEKATORIS discussion 07 Apr 16:39
joined Oct 12, 2010

I think youll find you are in the minority on a predominently yuri site. Ofcourse its subjective- but the other 2 points arnt - the style means they are barely recognisable, and they are acting too out of character to seem like them either! (I dont mean what they are doing- their words and mannerisms).

I think the other two point's are subjective. The art style doesn't look quite like the show, sure, but it's very easy to tell who they are, and it's a very good art style imo. I mean, doujin's shouldn't look exactly like the show, they should include the artist's own style, otherwise you may as well just trace the show.

The acting out of character thing is less subjective, but still not a definitely bad thing. In this example I think it works, as the "cutesy character in a show is actually a sinister sex fiend" trope in doujins is a personal fav of mine. It's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea for sure, but i like it.

Anyway, not saying you're wrong and i'm right, just defending a doujin I liked!

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Read Uso Kurata's "Kakera", and you'll see just how well a sister/sister relationship oneshot can be written.

Oh man that's a great one, I had completely forgotten about that story.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Indeed, the romantic aspect of Celtrance's work is 95% of the reason I like them.

drpepperfan Admin
DEKATORIS discussion 07 Apr 11:06
joined Oct 12, 2010

But futa is awesome :/

drpepperfan Admin
Yuriyurara discussion 07 Apr 08:16
joined Oct 12, 2010

I was gonna comment on how pages 6 and 7 are dupes, but I seem to recall it was like that in the original translated version too. Still, page 6 or 7 should probably be removed.

oh also Ayano x Kyouko is the best yuru yuri ship ever so this is nice to see

last edited at Apr 7, 2013 8:18AM

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

I will always leave a comment on any works of Yuri Incest, aka the best genre. Nice one-shot.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

The page order for The page order for Come!Come!Erotick is all screwed up, can someone fix it please.

drpepperfan Admin
Ero Teki! discussion 06 Apr 20:59
joined Oct 12, 2010

"Since this morning all I can think about is dick!" You and me both...

Nichijou doujins are at their absolute best when they're funny and silly, and recreate the crazy humour of the show. Thank god for doujin's that succeed at it, like this one and, the absolute king of doujins in my opinion, Hinichijou. That thing is simply perfect.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

I've always really loved the other two Celtrance Lucky Star doujins that have been circulating the interwebs (only one other of which appears to be on the site at the moment), so it's a big pleasure to see a new work of theirs uploaded to the reader.

I really wish some of the mysteriously missing ones (such as the sequel to Aogeki Murasaki Mamoru!) would be found and scanned one day. That'd be nice to see.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

I really love how old-school this is, so incredibly 90's. I actually enjoy this kind of style (like Slayer's Etc.), and although the art can be kind of wonky at times (Ayla's hair is just insane), I really like it. I also really appreciate Zefiberyl Translations' work in translating something so old and strangely untranslated, thank you ever so much!

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Wow this is truly awesome and if you succeed in doing this, it be will a commendable feat for which I shall shower you with praise. God speed Michan, God speed.