I would never be able to make an argument to get it completely removed from the reader, though I did have the impression when I first started frequenting Dynasty scans a few years ago that it was yuri only.
However, I do think it would be fair to be able to blacklist tags on an account, or to be able to use a search feature that can find specific tags (multiple if possible) while excluding others. That would be ideal.
Most of my issues were solved with the recently released page only seeming to show releases that excluded much of the discussed content, while recently added showed a different list. I'm not sure if this is just because of the distinction between released and added, but it was much easier to avoid content that I did not want to see that way.
As for me, I have no issue with het or hermaphrodite material on the reader. My issue was only with content clearly depicting children. I don't like that, yuri or otherwise. But if I could exclude NSFW Loli material, that would solve all my problems.
I don't care what other people enjoy. I just don't like accidentally stumbling on things that disgust me. The clearer tagging system has helped with that immensely, and being able to blacklist tags will allow all readers to continue reading what they want to read, and to use the search function more effectively. As Dynasty is acquiring more and more material, it's getting harder to find things. An updated search engine will make finding works easier in the future as well.
I think it would be interesting to take a poll and see how many readers come to Dynasty just for yuri, and how many are interested in other things.