Yeah... unfortunately I can relate. Too many of my things here spend their lives stashed away in boxes. Simply because there's no room to really display everything. And if you haven't seen them for many months or maybe even a year or two... you do start to wonder whether or not you really still need all that. That's why I plan to get rid of some of it at least...
Well, I plan on buying another bookcase (or two if I want some smaller ones as I have spots for them) but that's only if my lease gets renewed.
The best way to avoid spending lots of money is to turn of your computer more often and definitely avoid checking release sites and shops for preorders all the time ^^
I had that too. ;) So I stayed away from the computer, when I didn't really need to be online and surrounded myself with things I liked – and god knows I actually have many of those. ^^ So there was always a couple of books lying around, I packed out my consoles again and played some games I wanted to replay for years, or new ones that I always postponed, always kept a few dvds next to the TV with movies or shows I wanted to watch, and started to think more about my stories again.
It doesn't just help you to avoid spending money but after a while you get more relaxed and lose that feeling of wanting to have it all somehow. Felt kinda nice ;)
Oh... savings, yeah... there was a better time when I had lots of those as well... (^_^”)
Like so many things.... you only realize what you had when its gone ^^ Expensive hobbies and savings don't go together so well...
Yeah, I can't turn off my computer. I play games primarily on my computer, though this year may turn into a console year. But the plan is not to buy new things. There are a few games out right now that I want but I will wait for sales. Right now somehow I am doing it. I have no urge to buy the games I really want at the moment, and that feels good. I am going to work on my financial self control this year.
I do still check those sites but like, I cancelled preorders I really, really wanted. Those were more expensive than the ones I kept, which is why I kept a few. I will get the others one next year if they are still in stock or just buy them used on Amiami.
The ones I have left for this month are:
These are the ones for the rest of the year:
Unless there is another Love Live! figure this year from Alter, that will be it. They are reissuing the Kotori figure in the middle of the year, but I previously bought that one used. Ugh. I had no idea there would be a reissue, so the used one was like $200. I bought two of those, one as a gift. OH well
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Moving is so stressful....
Yes, I had to move back in 2014. My landlord wanted me back a month later so I came back to the same place and have been staying there since (I have been here since Feb 2013 and stayed with a friend for 2 months in 2014).
It was so stressful... and now it will be even worse with all the figures I have. Oh my. I don't want to move until I am ready to. I don't know when that will happen. Maybe a year? Maybe two? Maybe more. Ideally I would like to move to NJ (and my brother wants to buy a house there so we may buy it together) but right now I want to stay here for work.
Sorry to hear that! (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Yeah, the raise doesn't hurt as much as my title. It's a promotion but it doesn't feel like one since they expanded our department from 3 titles to 5 so I moved to a new title and not the one I wanted.
But the raise being what it is could be a blessing in disguise as it motivates me to finally get my financials right.
Plus, if I do good this year, maybe I can get a nice bonus and the bonus could possibly help me. Thing that stinks about a bonus is that it happens in December, so it is 11 months before that extra influx of cash. :P
Fuck, that's expensive... O_o Glad we don't have that here, “yet” I should probably say... Because that will be over soon... All good things must come to an end, I guess ^^
It's worse in some places. I don't mind paying tolls, but it will be a plus to not have to pay them since I will be taking different roads.
Mine too, horribly. I basically didn't do anything I had hoped for... I'm the worst procrastinator ever... щ(ºДºщ)
I ended up not working on much Gunpla last year, I hope to turn that around this year.
I'll pray for you! ^^ It's a lot easier when you start getting annoyed with it. But as long as you still enjoy it so much, it'll be hard, I'm sure.
Yeah, I still enjoy it. I will just avoid spending money on it. I spent too much money on it last year, but now I'm just going to play the game and not care too much about getting new cards. I have capped myself on how much I may spend, but I will probably avoid spending any money on it until July 22nd. (The 22nd is Nico's birthday so that means the Nico only scouting box will be available and I may need to spend some money then. :P) But just gonna play the game without spending money, that's the goal!
And that's why I don't like buying things on credit... It sounds so tempting sometimes but it just drags you down...
I use my credit card normally and just pay the bill when it's due. Just in this case it was to buy a laptop. I could have paid $1000 then and there but I chose to do the bill me later thing. It was pretty cool so I ended up using it for a few other things too. Oops. I've paid off the laptop. I ended up using it for some of my Gunpla and video game imports. I may use it just for importing Super Robot Wars V, but we'll see. Either way, learned my lesson.
If I didn't buy so many figures it wouldn't have been a problem. Which is why this year I am limiting myself only to like the Love Live figures from Alter. Because they are really nice.