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Lit a Light discussion 05 Jan 13:04
joined Feb 21, 2019

Is it bad I was kinda hoping the girl died so we could get Lesbian John Wick

last edited at Jan 5, 2021 1:04PM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Knowing Neji we’re probably going to get some exposition next chapter about how “magical shape shifting cats choose their partner who is the only one who sees them as their true selves” or something along those lines

last edited at Jan 4, 2021 3:27AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

^Yeah but its telling a story it isnt just art. The story has to be consistant to its reality and make sense if we are to take it as more than nonsensical rubbish.

Realism isnt optional in writing unless you establish why it doesnt have to be, and even then it has to stick to its established rules- and the explanation needs to make sense. We have nothing to go on in regards to how 2 different realities are co-habiting space.

I have no issue with the idea- as long as we get some explanation that matches what we are being told.

Oh brother, this website really is a literary brain trust

last edited at Jan 4, 2021 3:24AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Remembering when people were bitching for pages about how unrealistic it was when Vivi was just accepted at face value when she said she was a vampire and now there’s a nonhuman registration bureau

joined Feb 21, 2019

I forgot Kano is rich too...I don’t know what’s better, Misono with three maids chaperoning her, or Kano showing up with a fancy car and her personal butler.

Butlers outrank maids, but if it's three against one it could go either way.

The maids would certainly win in a fight

joined Feb 21, 2019

'Marriage and having kids in a country with dangerously atrocious birthrates and the same anti-traditionalist circles that divided and crippled other countries growing by the day? How repugnant. Better cheat on my obviously dislikeable dimlow of a Japanese Male™ that I'm already not honest about my opinions of to any of the people that push me to continue my family's existence.'

Cryptofascism? On my dynasty scans? It’s more likely than you think

last edited at Jan 1, 2021 4:55PM

joined Feb 21, 2019

If a straight male coworker of mine came into work tomorrow and told me he married his platonic female friend just cuz’ I would tell him that was the most insane shit I’d heard in my life

Also I don’t know if you live under a rock or at the Elvis themed chapel in Vegas but thats not how marriage usually works “these days”

There exist couples who get into amateur BDSM and need to call the police to get them out of handcuffs, people who take shits on each other every Sunday, people who get into heterosexual marriages to conceal their homosexual liaisons, people who use websites to track marriage partners or put ads in the paper so they don't end up single post-30 and people who get hitched because they had sex at midnight in a gas station bathroom, but live in a country where abortions are illegal. Surprise, surprise, diverse situations and individuals exist, and the planet doesn't end at the edges of your neighborhood.

Regardless, my original post explains the issue from an angle that examines and justifies the tropes put into use and acknowledges the way premises and demographics work for romantic fiction. Your post draws on your own hyper-subjective experience, which I'm guessing is not relevant here, and from a mildly condescending conclusion about how marriages work everywhere, which I'm assuming is also subjective. So maybe take a second to think carefully about you're what reading before lobbing rocks at people for not seeing 2-dimensional lesbians in the same way you do.

There exist people who cover themselves in mountain dew before taking a shit, who only fuck during full moons, who think a garbage bag will protect them covid.

This somehow justifies this stories leaps in logic which everyone in the story views as completely normal and is definitely not a total non sequitur, I am very wise

last edited at Jan 1, 2021 1:38PM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Nsfw even though there's no visible nudity

Telling my boss it’s chill there’s two anime girls fucking on my screen cause you can’t see the nips

joined Feb 21, 2019

Not enough cheating and polygamy for Dynasty to enjoy.

I can excuse uncomfortable age gaps, incest, and teachers having sex with their students, but I draw the line at rich people existing!

As the kids say “based”

joined Feb 21, 2019

Sexual coercion by landed gentry

joined Feb 21, 2019

Unless Shiori is lying about wanting to eat her in the first place...

That couldn’t possibly be the final twist. I wonder what a trained therapist would think of the “learn to live happily and then I’ll grant you death” approach to treating depression

School Zone discussion 30 Dec 14:21
joined Feb 21, 2019

Glad to see Yokoes X-gene finally activated this chapter

joined Feb 21, 2019

I feel like a lot of people are overvaluing the marriage in this case. The series takes place in a world where same-sex marriage is legalized and two women do it on a whim with zero social stigma, suggesting that it's roughly as acceptable as het marriage, at least in their general social circles. Lots of people get hitched on an impulse- marriage these days is just a matter of submitting the right documentation to an office, not some glorious union of destined love. It's not particularly inconvenient, they're on excellent terms with each other, and the whole thing is basically glorified cohabitation for the sake of wacky humour. Heck, it's even acknowledged in-universe as the premise of Kurumi's manga- people see the title, get intrigued by the premise and its potential for unique dynamics, and follow the narrative thanks to the novelty.

Just like the readers in-universe, we're trying to resolve the traditionally romantic connotations of marriage with a more realistic, formalized arrangement that resembles it in legal status alone, and wondering if reversing the order could lead to the same result. It's a premise that's been used to jump-start romance in countless series, het or otherwise, and I'd say that Shio giving it a legal basis, a genuine in-universe reason that reflects the process of the manga's creation, and a shared history between good buddies makes this one of the most realistic takes on the 'marriage-before-romance' story type.

If a straight male coworker of mine came into work tomorrow and told me he married his platonic female friend just cuz’ I would tell him that was the most insane shit I’d heard in my life

Also I don’t know if you live under a rock or at the Elvis themed chapel in Vegas but thats not how marriage usually works “these days”

last edited at Dec 30, 2020 3:31AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

The artist has shown they have a decent understanding of how humans work in Crescent Moon and Donuts why does this feel like it was written by a space alien

last edited at Dec 29, 2020 1:01AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

This really says a lot about the society in which we live

joined Feb 21, 2019

I would like to order one handsome flirtatious tan skinned girlfriend plz

joined Feb 21, 2019

Man I’ve never thought about how horrible a death drowning in a dark lake would be, learn to swim kids

last edited at Dec 22, 2020 9:04AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Jewels lose their power if they fall in love? Is this whole thing an elaborate metaphor for the idol industry? That... actually makes a scary amount of sense, considering all the arbitrary standards and problematic practices. And being an idol is often marketed as something every bit as wonderful and cute as being a mahou shoujo, only for optimistic kids to get into the industry and find themselves suffering through one of the most restrictive, exploitative professions in the world.

This series continues to be big-brained. I hope the two manage to net themselves an early retirement and a cottage in the countryside where any mascots entering the grounds are shot on sight.

I mean it obviously operating somewhere on that level, her magical companion is a manager/talent scout

joined Feb 21, 2019

Oh so thats what the title of The Whipping Girl refers too, learn something new every day

joined Feb 21, 2019

Hmm, is this really Psychological? Honestly it was kinda sweet.

Psychology can be sweet

joined Feb 21, 2019

When the Tsundere girl tells you she likes you while you’re both naked in the bath

joined Feb 21, 2019


joined Feb 21, 2019

We live in a society

joined Feb 21, 2019


joined Feb 21, 2019

This kinda feels like it’s gonna be a more drawn out “Honey and Mustard”