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Anime season 05 Feb 08:28
joined Sep 9, 2016

In Schoolgirl Strikers ep 5, I'm probably the only one still watch this series anyway.

I never said I'd dropped it.

last edited at Feb 5, 2017 8:28AM

Anime season 04 Feb 15:45
joined Sep 9, 2016

T: But I’ll let you know this one.
T: I love you, Miss Kobayashi!
K: Are you planning to eat me?
T: I don’t mean that way! I mean sexually!
K: I’m a woman, though?

Funimation dub:
T: However I can certainly let you know one thing I like.
T: It’s you, I love you, Miss Kobayashi!
K: You’re gonna eat me?
T: No, not like that, like sexually!
K: I’m not into women or dragons.

Wow. I'm glad I don't watch dubs...

Anime season 04 Feb 04:13
joined Sep 9, 2016

Too much HET in urara ep5!!!
Yuri is dead!!!

Way to ruin it for me. Thanks.

Luckily, when I watched it, it didn't seem that het to me. So much yuri licking! So much subtext.

Saku and Nina are pretty much a couple, aren't they? Kinda like parents to Nono.

joined Sep 9, 2016

great minds think alike

Fools seldom differ.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Who among us doesn't

I was re-reading ch 12 and I love how senpai makes groping someone sound like a gum commercial ("It's like taking a deep breath of a cool breeze on a plateau")

Heeey, what a coincidence! I re-read that chapter today too!

joined Sep 9, 2016

I hope you won't judge me... but I ship Chio and Manana so hard. xD

Chio's actions are often very embarrassing and hilarious. This poledance segment was no exception.

last edited at Feb 3, 2017 8:56AM

joined Sep 9, 2016

I like this manga a lot! I had to re-read the previous chapters, since I had forgotten most of it, but I don't regret it.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Kagurazaka's a dude, isn't she... ? Or is there another reason for her to speak of a "secret" while lifting her skirt?

Anime season 01 Feb 17:23
joined Sep 9, 2016

Kobayashi-san 04 :

Full KannaXSaikawa episode, which was awesome.

I agree! This episode was great! It felt a lot like Kobayashi and Tohru were Kanna's parents, and all the Kanna x Saikawa moments were a bonus. The dodgeball scene (and what led to it) was super funny!

This and Urara are the best of the season. Nothing else comes close!

joined Sep 9, 2016

Yuu's sister is great. If only she weren't straight...

Hmm.. dunno, discrediting her just because she's straight doesn't seem right to me. The fact that she's straight but accepting her little sister (and also supporting her) is also the part of her

Who's discrediting her?? I just want her to be gay so we'd get some nice yuri romance with a cool character.

I don't know where you pulled that "discrediting" from, since I never said anything of the sort...

joined Sep 9, 2016

Yuu's sister is great. If only she weren't straight...

I really hope Yuu finally comes to terms with her feelings. She's so obviously in love with Nanami-senpai!

last edited at Jan 30, 2017 8:14AM

joined Sep 9, 2016

Well I for one am excited for this. Could have used some Morinaga, but I'm happy with what we got!

Anime season 28 Jan 10:15
joined Sep 9, 2016

Yeah, that's standard 4koma fare as reminders to the (adult male) target audience that they can still think of the girls as their waifus. If you have seen or read Hidamari Sketch, remember Sae and her imaginary boyfriends? Others might disagree with me but I kind of think of it as a necessary evil, it's irritating but easy to wave off. There's no het romance here, I can say this much.

Yeah, I've read Hidamari Sketch. That was annoying, yeah, but at least I could ship her with Hiro. They were pretty much married.

I hate it when they try to ruin ships by bringing in talk about boys. It's like they're saying "look! They're not really lesbians!"

But I appreciate the subtext.

Anime season 28 Jan 03:59
joined Sep 9, 2016

Urara is so delightfully gay, especially the ED. What I didn't like about episode 4 was the talk of seducing boys (hopefully just teasing) and Kon mentioning she couldn't get married. I think it was a bit unnecessary, and smelled dangerously of het.

But knowing how this kind of anime usually is, we won't see het nor yuri. But at least we have subtext.

joined Sep 9, 2016

A sparkling golden light glittering in the snow.

Don't eat the yellow snow!

last edited at Jan 27, 2017 4:05PM

Anime season 27 Jan 14:56
joined Sep 9, 2016

Minami Kamakura had a nice twist in episode 3: When they were competing for Natsumi-chan, I thought that Natsumi-chan is free to do as she pleases regardless of the result... and then she says exactly that. And the "bad girl swimmer-senpai" also said that she can't force Natsumi-chan to quit the bicycle club and only competed to make herself feel better.

Nice to see sensible people for a change! xD

joined Sep 9, 2016

Oppai kisses have been a thing for a while.

Oh my! I had forgotten about that! What a wonderful scene!

joined Sep 9, 2016

Niiice! Maybe we'll get the "romance" -tag soon. ^_^

last edited at Jan 24, 2017 4:07PM

joined Sep 9, 2016

Bisexuals are also girls who like girls. If that's what she says she is (although I'm not certain myself, I read it ages ago) then I'm inclined to believe her.

What I meant is, that I didn't know she also liked men. I've never read anything about that.

last edited at Jan 24, 2017 3:01PM

joined Sep 9, 2016

Oh my, how lewd!

joined Sep 9, 2016

Definitely she. in the afterword for Girl Friends, she talks about going to a girls' school and having crushes on her senpai. Pretty certain she identifies as bisexual.

How so? I always thought she was a lesbian.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Chiooooooo!!! One of these days you'll hurt yourself. Be grateful for your (girl)friend!!

joined Sep 9, 2016

@Marion Diabolito
I don't know her exact age, but her first work that I know of was published in -95, so I would imagine she is in her late thirtees at the youngest.

yes, and I am also thinking in terms of mangaka generations and their mentality. she's friends with Hakamada Mera (we know that cuz she drew herself and Mera on a picnic or somethng once). so that dates her.

And she went to see the Madoka Rebellion -movie with her. I ship them. xD

joined Sep 9, 2016

I'm out.


joined Sep 9, 2016

As old as her plots and development?

It is fine if you like the same yuri story all over and over and over again with different art. Because now really, she barely moved past changing the hairstyle of one of the main characters.

Yeah, we get it. You don't like it. You don't have to read it. Let us enjoy it and find better pastures.