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Image Comments 09 Oct 08:11
joined Mar 24, 2014

Wall. Of. Text.

Stretch discussion 06 Oct 16:56
joined Mar 24, 2014

why people remember fukushima not the tsunami? why???

Because Fukushima was man's fault.

Tsunamis or earthquakes are none's fault.

And the consequences of Fukushima will stay with us for centuries.

and fukushima will further made the already stuck in time nuclear technology
never improved mans fault in indeed.

Yeah, because the word "nuclear" was involved, there was a lot of hysteria beyond the actual damage caused. The advantage at least is that all the other plants in Japan are pulling up their socks and getting proper safety measures in place, which were way too lax up to this point.

Nez is right. The lax safety measures are the main reason why Fukushima went so wrong. Had the Japanese government actually spent the time and money upgrading the plant to modern standards it likely it would have survived the tsunami easily.
Modern nuclear power plants are without a doubt the safest and most durable power production systems in the world, so long as people take the time to keep them in tip-top shape. They are also one of the cleanest so long as the nuclear waste is properly disposed of. Far cleaner than fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and especially coal, the latter of which is so filthy that it amazes me that its still even legal to burn coal.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Trica's pretty cold...

last edited at Oct 5, 2015 11:11PM

Murcielago discussion 29 Sep 23:54
joined Mar 24, 2014

Great guro loli

Sounds like a good name for a rock band.

Yuri Danshi discussion 29 Sep 07:04
joined Mar 24, 2014

Basically all male /u/ board users

Which is ironic since most of the harshest criticisms about Yuri Danshi comes from there.

The collective internet-garbage-scum-orgy that is 4chan is not a place I delve into, what are the general criticisms?

Hey, hey, hey, 4Chan is pretty nasty but only /b/ is that bad. They're better than 9Gag at any rate.

In my opinion they're better than Tumblr too (less self-righteousness and also less creepy, depending on what part of Tumblr you're on)

last edited at Sep 29, 2015 7:08AM

Murcielago discussion 29 Sep 07:01
joined Mar 24, 2014

Good series but Kuroko is probably one of the least sympathetic fictional leads I have ever seen.

New Game discussion 28 Sep 23:30
joined Mar 24, 2014

it really is a pain when you have been working for hours and poof PC is off, vanished... effort gone.

happens quite frequently for me since the city I live on has a shitty power company with frequent dips in power surge and hours of blackouts every week.

Not to be a creeper but were do you live if the power company is that bad?

Yuri Danshi discussion 28 Sep 22:35
joined Mar 24, 2014

Dude get knocked the fuck out.

Yuri Danshi discussion 28 Sep 18:35
joined Mar 24, 2014

Haha loser I can be the Yuri hehehe

Btw no.

No love triangles just no. NO.

Too bad, it is me, LOVE TRIANGLE!


After Hours discussion 22 Sep 07:22
joined Mar 24, 2014

Argh! They always have to be bi!

What's wrong with that? Ladies loving ladies are all cool in my book xD Plus it's not confirm that she's bi, she could be pan or smthing ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯

Pan, Bi, same thing different color.

joined Mar 24, 2014

What's this? Looks like Edo Period porn?

The Edo Period is Japan dude. This be China

Quickening discussion 14 Sep 21:30
joined Mar 24, 2014

I'll just leave this here.

Soon we will have dicks on all the pages!

Lily Love discussion 24 Aug 03:56
joined Mar 24, 2014

Though I am somewhat fond of FF (crazy ikr), I don't judge FF and LL with the same... "criteria". That might seem "unfair", but I just think that different series can have very different "purposes", and it doesn't make sense to have the exact same set of expectations for all of them. You know, It's like going to see a serious drama movie versus a silly comedy versus a dumb action movie. I would think most people wouldn't take the "criteria" used to judge one and apply them to the other. Apples and oranges, as they say. Just my opinion.

This is exactly why I said you can't compare FF with LL :P

But if you compare apples and oranges, you can always get the result you want. That's why all the politicians in the USA make sure to always do it that way. Err, please forget I made this post.


Image Comments 21 Aug 23:18
joined Mar 24, 2014

I've been to every province in Canada (though I don't remember Newfoundland, I was too young.) You think Nova Scotia is cold, you should try Quebec.

Image Comments 21 Aug 17:13
joined Mar 24, 2014

Venom, the cool air is part of the appeal.

New Game discussion 21 Aug 17:11
joined Mar 24, 2014

Isn't it kinda illegal for a company to hire only female workers...? (also you'd expect in a game making company a really high percentage of males, but that's not even the point).

It's not that I don't like it but, everyone in the company never questions it and finds it normal...okay

I hear that there actually are all female gaming companies but none of them are particularly well known or particularly large, with most of them being little indy developers.

Image Comments 21 Aug 01:23
joined Mar 24, 2014

Yes actually, several times.

joined Mar 24, 2014

More cringe:

"It should be no surprise to anyone with a passing familiarity with vidcons that pocky is the ideal food to snack on when playing mentioned objects ( although 'playing' is an inappropriate word, because you experience, rather than play, a vidcon: I shall use 'playing' for the sake of simplicity). For those ignorant to the intricacies of this fine Japanese cuisine, imagine a delicate stick of sweetened bread about the width and length of a chopstick, its tip coated in the richest chocolate imaginable. The bold flavor of the chocolate is complimented by the small nuts that caress the tip, creating a culinary juxtaposition of sweetness and saltiness that can only have been hatched in the mind of a chef versed in the subtle paradoxes of Eastern cooking. They are light and easy to eat and hold, useful for vidconning on the go, and their sugar content add that extra boost for late night vidcons. Therefore, pocky has garnered itself the precious title of "Ultimate Vidcon Snack". Perhaps the only drawback of pocky is its limited availability in the West, though this cannot be attributed to the snack itself, but the infuriating baboons that think they are running grocery stores."

I don't know whether or not I want you to stop posting these or post more. On one hand they're hilarious but on the other hand I think a chunk of my brain shuts down each time I read one.

joined Mar 24, 2014

This could easily be an anime, it's actually really well written and a different take on social anxiety, absolute adorbness rather than watamote's constant cringing

Yeah but unfortunately it won't be cause in Japanese society people with social anxiety or other "communication disorders" are usually shunned or ignored so manga's dealing with these problems almost always fail to sell well. The only reason Watamote got an anime is cause 4Chan saved it cause they sympathized with the protagonist (cause let's be honest, if there is one group of real life people as cringe inducingly weird as Watamote, its the people on 4Chan)

joined Mar 24, 2014

I can almost taste it!

I'm so proud of you son.

joined Mar 24, 2014

It is hard to state just how much I sympathize with Bocchi.

After Hours discussion 09 Aug 01:21
joined Mar 24, 2014

Is Kei's surname ever mentioned?

Stretch discussion 08 Aug 18:07
joined Mar 24, 2014

tl;dr You don't know that they're trying to be simplistic anymore than we know they're trying to be layered. Plenty of writers do think about this stuff, and do pay attention to what they're writing.

I'm not implying that there are't writers who do think about this sort of stuff, just saying I don't like making assumptions without fact. I'm not a fan of assumptions I guess would be my whole point here.
And I'm pretty sure any decent writer pays attention what they're writing. Don't imply that having hidden layers of symbolism and meaning somehow makes a story better.

Their Story discussion 08 Aug 18:02
joined Mar 24, 2014

Kase-san or Candy are much more adorable. Even Prism is more adorable.

It's impossible to be more adorable than Kase-san. I just can't decide if this is as or slightly less adorable than it... But I definitely think Their Story is cuter than Prism and Candy (which are still good, of course...).
Plenty of very adorable one-shots too.

Kase-san is probably at the top in adorable and cute.

I feel like cute isn't the word for Their Story, more like... charming and lovable, find it to be much more than any of the other series. Love the bunch of dorks in this manga.

I like to thinking charming and lovable is what "cute" is while Kase-san is more "sugary", so I would say Their Story is more "cute" while Kase-san is more "I think I have diabetes now thanks to all that sweetness."

I think we are getting too abstract x)


joined Mar 24, 2014

This game.

Its an interesting concept but I really feel as if what they'e shown so far is only scratching the surface of what they could be doing.