All this bait and I'm still going for it. Damn you KyoAni!
Oh my god I love Rokuroichi. It's Christmas all month long!
That got me tear up a bit, but I like that the chapter ended on a funny note. Kai's hair though XD
I feel like these fans drawing very official looking KumiRei is them throwing shade at KyoAni for the baiting lol
Ahahahaha that was a good chapter. Poor Teru-chan though, it's the kids' fault for trolling her XD
This is not the type of gay I wanted from this series.
Well, better gay than het I always say. not really lol
thought this was fan art because of the sexyness but nope XD
Got a little teary eyes seeing them grow old together. Oh this is great.
Can't say that this was the weirdest thing I've read, but it is darn funny lol
weird how i was looking at my own patronus an hour ago...
Pito keeps hurting us T_T
Hanamaru even type zura in her text? XD
me back when my crush still text me
@chapter 79 my gay ass love this so much
Any day where there's new NanoFate fluff is a good day
Washio crossdressing gives me life
Ok I know that hand holding has always been lewd... but we all agree that THAT was the lewdest hand holding scene right? Unless I'm missing something here
ship Sayaka x happiness
Btw I just want to punch the senpai's face the moment she said the whole "normal girl" bs
Don't even remember who Taeko is but I'll admit that my jaw dropped after they fixed her up. Hot damn~
Chibi Ano though. I'd like to see that.
Btw anyone else got a little teary eyes seeing Sachi and Megumi? No? Just me? Okay then. sobs in the corner
Oh god that cliffhanger. What she gonna do???
@RyukoMiku His name is Shuuichi but I call him Shoe because that's how much he's worth to me, a single, useless shoe.
aaaaaaah i love it so much