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Stretch discussion 04 Jun 06:52
joined Mar 9, 2014

I don't understand why Ran got angry. Keiko was being the perfect waifu! D:

Ran like a Keiko spanking her better than one who beg for attention

Stretch discussion 03 Jun 18:59
joined Mar 9, 2014

Glasses always makes yuri better. <3

Takachi fixes her glasses, "and zombies".

Would I be murdered for saying I dislike both?


Stretch discussion 03 Jun 11:17
joined Mar 9, 2014

Ran is such a hero, there is no way Keiko will not (or didn't) fall for her

Marriage discussion 02 Jun 16:08
joined Mar 9, 2014

It is weird (at least it can easily feel weird) , maybe she was released before but Miku's character is still 4 year younger than Luka and in most of the clip and song I seen Luka have a more mature feelings to her.

Here you've got a 20 years old calling a 16 years old (could be around first year of high school) Onee-sama... Well why not making her call miku something like that and make it works (tone down the sama) but here the personality + the exaggeration with "Onee-sama" just feel weird to me and to some others too it seems.

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 4:19PM

Image Comments 02 Jun 15:30
joined Mar 9, 2014

^ What an horrible person you must be to forget Honoka's sister

Age 15 discussion 02 Jun 12:59
joined Mar 9, 2014

Yeah, I kinda got the impression that the characters, including MC, were making all the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons because they can never speak their mind to each other. I would have liked Anna x Miku but noooo...

Actually, there isn't even a "real" sex scene in the whole three volumes. Just a lot of useless panty-shots. Pretty tame for Ryuu.

That's it and while I would have disliked it with another author, that actually seems like a real improvement for him

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 1:01PM

Itou Hachi discussion 02 Jun 10:01
joined Mar 9, 2014

That looks so great, I want this VN translated... I should really learn japanese

Age 15 discussion 02 Jun 09:41
joined Mar 9, 2014

Yes it end with 3 volume, all available in "Chinese raw"

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 9:41AM

Age 15 discussion 02 Jun 08:55
joined Mar 9, 2014

I'm actually looking forward for the rest, because the character development of MC looks interesting. It doesn't actually looks like there's really anything romantic going on with the older roommate/cousin, beside some fooling around (seriously, licking pussy over panties? It's out from a bad japanese adult video). MC seems rather emotionally engaged with earring girl. So maybe Age gap is not really warranted, but Romance will be.

!!Spoiler about the end !!!

It end with two age gap the two cousin together and earing girl with the other older girl

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 8:57AM

Age 15 discussion 02 Jun 08:02
joined Mar 9, 2014

Wow really surprised by this one, it stay away from porn and "watersports" until the end and the the story seems pretty decent... compared to his other stuff of course

Asagi Ryu still love his age gap till the end though x)

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 8:04AM

Their Story discussion 02 Jun 05:26
joined Mar 9, 2014

Mutual ? if it is, I didn't see it coming

joined Mar 9, 2014

And back in the days you could get your naruto or yu-gi-oh volume for 5 bucks...

joined Mar 9, 2014

Wow... in france it's generally between 6-8, rarelly above 10 and those are the biggest ones...
Glad to live there x)

joined Mar 9, 2014

The one shot have not link with WDTFS

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 6:40PM

joined Mar 9, 2014

There is a direct correlation between writing het endgame and being a poor writer in general.

It's because the het erodes your mind, you see, because of how not yuri it is.

No, no it just looks soppy x)

joined Mar 9, 2014

Every time I read a translation of these light novel, I can't help but think these novels seems really bad... and not because of the het, the translation of the Kumiko/Reina moment too

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 2:41PM

joined Mar 9, 2014

Are you kidding ? She probably did it a dozen times x)

Just go to the swimsuit tagged chapter and there it is :

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 2:29PM

Image Comments 01 Jun 10:21
joined Mar 9, 2014

Oops I missed the second part

Kase-san discussion 01 Jun 10:11
joined Mar 9, 2014

Seems like a spot on assessment Nya-chan. I didn't catch the hint about her previous relationships but agreed about them not getting very far.

I recall earlier on, it's made clear that Kase-san actually hasn't had as many prior relationships as the rumours around her say, and certainly none for at least a year before getting together with Yamada. She'd been watching Yamada, secretly in love with her, since the April prior to them getting together, in fact (see chapters 6 and 7). So any girlfriends would be from middle school or her first year in high school.

Just this. Seing how Kase-san is with everyone and how people are with her, the rumors that were mentioned are most likely not true

As to lust well, Yamada's not completely pure. Not by a long shot

And she's been that way since the beginning x)

last edited at Jun 1, 2015 10:12AM

Image Comments 31 May 18:46
joined Mar 9, 2014

OMG!!! Why is this SOOO CUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah... Cute accident... (about newest chap)

You think something really happened to her? I thought Seol-a just heard some news and got anxious that it might have been No-rae's bus, but I don't think it really is the case.. or may be... I'm.. erm.. too positive? But really so much drama out of nowhere? No-o... I think Seol-a just needed a clue how important No-rae became to her.

Yeah, even if it's No-Rae's bus, I doubt she will have anything serious. Next No-Rae/Seol-A encounter will be super cute x)

Kase-san discussion 31 May 16:48
joined Mar 9, 2014

...Tan in Japan seems quite easy to get... Never succesfully got one and i'm even in Brazil...

Some skin types either don't tan easily or won't tan while others tan with ease.

Yeah i burn easily, never tan, always been white as a sheet but i'd figure the folks in Japan (Outside of Okinawa at least) would be in the same page, specially considering the artificial tan that goes with them gyarus and all
Or maybe i'm just thinking too much and the author simply likes tans (or is from Okinawa)

There are two type in japan, those with very white skin who burn easily and those who tan easily (skin can become very brown). If i'm not wrong, most of them are the second type and white skin being beauty standard there, classy girls protect themselves a lot from sunlight (you can see it sometimes in manga)

last edited at May 31, 2015 4:55PM

joined Mar 9, 2014

I recommend Prism (even if it's unfinished)
I don't recommend Girlfriends. It may be just me, but it was 95% girly bullshit (veeery girly) and 5% substance. The boyfriend subplot was great, however.

From non-yuri mangas I remember Bitter Virgin being a very mature drama.

Yeah, I remember seing somewhere on dynasty a discussion about how rape and it's consequences in manga often isn't much realistic and I remembered that Bitter Virgin made a strong impression on me but I didn't have the name. Well I was like in the beginning of high school when I read it and it wasn't my brightest period so I may not be totally objective x)

To go back to the subject, I found Nezchan view more interesting, now it's becoming the typical what's your favorite yuri manga (just without the comic focused ones)...

last edited at May 28, 2015 5:42PM

Citrus discussion 28 May 10:37
joined Mar 9, 2014

Did anyone really thought that Mei and the this girl who came out of nowhere would ever be a real thing ? It's citrus we are talking about, it is obviously cheap drama to keep the audience captivated. It's not like any other things than Mei/Yuzu ending would ever happen

last edited at May 28, 2015 10:40AM

Citrus discussion 27 May 16:26
joined Mar 9, 2014

Is it really that popular though ? I doubt it

More than 6 and honestly, in my opinion and knowing of how Saburouta works, it would be one of the worst

last edited at May 27, 2015 4:27PM