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joined Aug 27, 2013

The characters are really lively, not just some tsundere and kudere, but actually have quite complicated personalities. It is interesting to read, because you can't predict what you'll get from these girls next.
Art is also god-like, dynamics is perfect, definitely want more of thiiis!

Gamma discussion 17 Oct 20:16
joined Aug 27, 2013

Yay. i make a request to Uploaded this manga after know if have very good ending
here I leave some spoiler to the end if you want to know

Hmmmm... Won't read it without incest, what the hell with setting the plot and then just throwing it away?!

Gunjo discussion 01 Oct 17:17
joined Aug 27, 2013

I didn't want to read it at first, don't like tragedy and drama and this kind of art, but then... well... I have no words to describe my feelings. Too deep and too depressing, but man... Too plausible. I found a lot of familiar lines here.

joined Aug 27, 2013


No, it really is too funny to read.

joined Aug 27, 2013

Rape tag maybe?

last edited at Sep 17, 2014 7:30PM

joined Aug 27, 2013

I want the two girl together

May the guy die =D


Your Fault discussion 09 Sep 15:56
joined Aug 27, 2013

The art was marvelous.

Happy End discussion 08 Sep 13:18
joined Aug 27, 2013

I regret I read this piece of crap.

joined Aug 27, 2013

It's a pity that the way to put an end to this was just a kiss. It would be better if Nico-chan did lewd things with Maki to go out of hypnosis c:

joined Aug 27, 2013

Am I imagining things or is it FINALLY YURI DEVELOPMENT???

joined Aug 27, 2013

It's either there's always one new character introduced every other chapter or so... or flashbacks from miss sunflower's past, which isn't exactly bad.. I just wish there would be more romantic development between matsuri and miss sunflower in the future chapters. sigh.
I love this, but the pacing is killing me.

Absolutely totally agree.

joined Aug 27, 2013

I didn't like the end, to be honest. Yes, it's happy and cute, but somehow is too...short. Like I was waiting for years, was expecting something big and cool and funny and extremely lovey-dovey... But Morinaga made it quite pale, in my opinion.

Well, still glad it's published and translated, it was a good manga overall. Thank you.

joined Aug 27, 2013

I cried just too much...

joined Aug 27, 2013

To Jii XD

Thank you, now I see it pretty clear. Mostly because of screens :D

Cuz just so ? It's not that everyone in school is gay ? Where they're friends with each other regardless of their sexual orientation ?~ Besides, Mori just hangs out with the girls whenever she appears in the panels. No big deal ?

Well, she needed her own story then, It is obvious that not everyone in school is gay. If she hangs out with them, then she is a precious friend and has a story behind that should be shown or something. Single empty character - why?

joined Aug 27, 2013

I don't understand why this sort of people even exists. I just don't understand.

And I didn't really see: did he rape her? Or did he just enjoy hitting her? I don't understand both actions though, why in hell you can want to do this?!

last edited at Jul 14, 2014 1:42PM

joined Aug 27, 2013

I don't really understand one thing, sorry if it was asked here before, I didn't find it.

There is a tall girl with blond hair with Katou, Nonaka, Hanaoka and Kana. Is she dating the girl from very first chapters (a sister of Hanaoka)? Because she enters the hall in chapter 2 with her. But then in chapter 8 there is one more tall blondy. Who is who, who dates girl, who dates boy, who is whose classmate? And why Takemia Jin even needed to creat a hetero character that hangs out with main heroes???

joined Aug 27, 2013

It's perfect. The autumn is my favorite season, so I sure would be grateful for seeing the burning golden leaves as the last thing in my life.

Hiyorigeta discussion 05 Jun 07:17
joined Aug 27, 2013

She's going down so slowly, her glance is hot and it's sooo freacking sexy and arousing~

Soiree discussion 05 Jun 07:10
joined Aug 27, 2013

Adorable :3 But it's a bit confusing, when Satoko managed to get undressed? And I really hope for both-sided sex next time, I'd love to see Satoko orgasming~ x3

joined Aug 27, 2013

I've realized how cool the fact that we all care about the author and her relationship and friends so much is though the majority of us haven't even seen their true faces.
I'm really touched by Sachiko, Masako and their break up, I cried a lot too :c It's sad that people can't love each other forever, and this break up also was so sudden for me, just 5 pages against 32 chapters of them being together D: Too depressing.

Lemonade discussion 22 May 12:41
joined Aug 27, 2013

Like "penis in page 23" we should have a "Yuri in last chapter" tag please.

was laughing for 10 minutes

Image Comments 16 May 11:49
joined Aug 27, 2013

No... Don't remind me... Nnnnnooooooo~

Image Comments 05 May 10:28
joined Aug 27, 2013

Noo, Namori, make it Kyoko x Ayano :c

joined Aug 27, 2013

I hate the stories where they promise to write each other but don't do it ._. And unfortunately this situation is quite often in manga.

joined Aug 27, 2013

I knew I didn't need to read it with a Tragedy tag, I knew it would end like this! And yet I'm reading it, crying all my shit out. Wwwwhhhhyyyyyy