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joined Oct 12, 2010

Older then she looks tag? Shouldent that be in every Touhou Doujin on here?

It's called "Childification" tag. When a character turns small or turns into a child.

It used to have Older Than She Looks tag, until I changed it a while back.

joined Oct 12, 2010

Kokoro is pretty dang cute.

drpepperfan Admin
Afterglow discussion 22 Oct 20:24
joined Oct 12, 2010

Wow DYNAMO'S art is goooooooooooooood. Really like it.

Nazrin is one of my fav Touhou's, even tho I'm not sure why. Getting to see her rocky start with the cast of UFO, especially Shou, is a big treat for me. It seems like it even may become yuri in the next chapter? Hopefully? Let's see.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

I really like how Carcharias takes one of the most cliche and most used plots possible, "Satori's eye goes missing/stops working, and has to learn to deal with it with the help of her pets", and goes in the most opposite direction possible. The parodies on pages 5 and 6 are perfect.

The various transformations of Satori are a pleasure to see. Parsee Satori! Okuu Satori! I really want to see Unzan Satori now.

Carcharias's love of yuri is showing. Now I want a Reisen x Ichirin (aka the most crack thing ever) doujin. Considering how much they love yuri, it's amazing they haven't done a yuri doujin yet.

Shame the translation is so dodgy. All it needs is a small proofreading.

joined Oct 12, 2010

Love the Nichijou reference on page 15. Totally made my day.

Oh wow you're right, I didn't even realise. Awesome.

because that bat-tub-like thing was normal ? i don't remember from what film it was...

That "bath tub" is the time machine from Doreamon

last edited at Oct 22, 2013 5:11PM

joined Oct 12, 2010

Alice x Sakuya best Alice pairing.

Screw Marisa x Alice. (Nah it's good, but this is much better)

Personal Color's noses are getting pointier by the day. I like it. But I hope this is as pointy as they get.

A whole anthology of SakuAli, it's like a dream come true. I hope Gaku Gaku does the whole thing like they did with Rumiac World.

joined Oct 12, 2010

The romaji title really completely thoroughly absolutely ruins the comedic mood.

Perhaps a over exaggeration.

Very happy to see Wife and Wife author doing a Madoka doujin. And a funny one with Back to the Future references too! Wonderful

joined Oct 12, 2010

The most badass Meiling I've ever seen, love it. Very nice to see her portrayed as super strong and confident (although I love useless Meiling too)

The doujin is beautiful as a whole too. Really liked this one.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Not to sound too unappreciative, since I really enjoy your work, Bakkin but the translation for chapter 20 was really bad :(

Last ones were fine, what gives?

You should tell them on their website, not here. They're far more likely to see on their own site.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

It the person thinking "guilty" on page 23 Golgo-13?

Most definitely. Sayakata loves their completley random shounen references, wish I understood half of them.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Every page of this is amazing. But 6 and 7 might take the cake.

drpepperfan Admin
K-ON! discussion 14 Oct 21:47
joined Oct 12, 2010

Wow! Introduction of new characters! Like, NEW CHARACTERS! Well, I think this isn't official but having people from outside introduced into the college life of the four cute characters is awesome.

Is there a continuation for this?

Yes, they're already on the reader. This was just a bonus chapter added to the collected volume. Just click next page when you reach the end of the chapter and you'll see the rest. :3

And yes, this is official. This is THE original K-on manga.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

I want to say that it's based on the game Septention (search it on wiki) ... Can anyone confirm this?

Definitely. They credit it on the credits page as being based on Touhou and that game.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Just want to point out this is a historic doujin. This may be the single oldest Touhou doujin ever! It was published for the 2002 Comiket which took place in December, only 4 months after the first Windows game, EoSD was released.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Okay I'm a little confused here. Did he borrow money off of his mum? Since it says a few chapters ago "I pay you back later" thats the impression that I got. Did he not spend the money too if he pays it back the same day he finds Nishimiya?

I think it's a mild error in the translation that causes the confusion. Rather than "I'll pay you back", it was "I'm paying you back", as in "I'm sorry for being such a hassle all my life, here's some money as an apology". Page 13 of chapter 5 shows him scraping up the money to pay her back by working jobs part time and stuff.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Yeah Shaun of the Dead is amazing. Big shame he doesn't like it, but I suppose nobody has perfect taste (except me).

joined Oct 12, 2010

And why is Marisa wearing Meiling's hat?

It's probably explained in the first volume. But that didn't get scanlated yet.

joined Oct 12, 2010

That art. orgasm face

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

"Suggestions status" is down

Can you elaborate on that?

When I go to
I get a page with

We're sorry, but something went wrong
Please contact if this problem persists.

Huh, weird. Mine works.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Oof, the last page got me. Nice short story, very effective. Rireba is consistently awesome.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

is that a spiderman comic she is reading at the beginning

Did you not see the censor bar over his eyes? That is clearly a completely different spider-related superhero.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

I'll be honest, I'm not as fond of this translation of the first part as the one originally posted, I found the language flowed better. On the other hand, it's really good to see the part that was missing so it's a worthwhile trade-off.

It is interesting to learn that the "unpleasant situations" Konata was talking about was living as lesbians together, which doujins generally gloss over. Although am I reading it right as Konata suggesting it might keep them from being together after they're adults?

Yeah, I was debating whether to replace it or not. The font and editing in the new one is way better, but the translation seems a bit more off.

Still, the 2nd half is definitely worth replacing it. And OrangePekoe went ahead and did it while I was pondering it anyway. :p

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010


drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

That Alice in that suit. :o

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Madoka living the dream.