I'm curious: What will be the point or message? Because right now they only have replaced the established system with the empress's* rule. Now, she's arguably a better leader (for now), but in the end, it's still the same: oppressive and dictatorial.
A dictatorship with a "good" leader may work quite well, but it's still wrong.
*I'm pretty sure the grammar is wrong, please correct it if you can
Funny you should say that, because you are assuming that the idea of a dictatorship is just somehow inherently wrong.
Hua is a character larger than her own existence, because her will and enthusiasm is what powers the transformation of her entire class. In the face of a weak "citizenship," can anything other than a dictatorship or oligarchy change anything?
The idea that Hua will simply repeat the oppressiveness of the current system in the end seriously underestimates our hero doesn't it? After all, the whole point so far seems to be that Hua is different from the structures in place. It would not be wrong to say that if 5-3 was left to its own devices, it would just remain as a class that deserved its negative reputation. Seems to me like a terrible punishment to the children who we've seen are capable of so much and just didn't realize their own potential. That would have really been "still wrong."
Now there's a message. Sometimes the world is very oppressive and hopeless, but a strong Empress can remind everyone that together we can achieve something.
It has always been the same argument, dating back to ancient Rome. Society is "weak", morally bankrupt or facing a difficult crisis, therefore we need a strong leader to make things right. While it is true that someone with absolute power may be able to force great changes that wouldn't have been possible otherwise, it comes with a tradeoff. A dictator is just one person and their opinions, their beliefs would be absolute. What that means is that every other differing opinion is secondary, especially the one of minorities (think of race, religion, sexual orientation etc).
What kind of person could truly judge what is right or wrong? What kind of person is intelligent, wise, just and incorruptible enough to make it work?* Even if they are, what happens when they die? Who would follow? You can't just abolish a dictatorship. People who only know how to follow will have trouble being responsible for what they do. If you think about it, only a god could lead us all and that's exactly how monarchs used to justify their rule. Or religious extremists, i.e. the IS.
The empress has also established herself by a violent act (= kicking everyone in the balls). Again, the "strong" prevails over the "weak". Nowadays, I'd like to say we're beyond that.
Of course, this is fiction, but if that were the central message, if there would be people reading this, thinking "Hey, this is a good idea" I'd be very disappointed.
Which brings me to my last point: Can you name me one dictatorship in the history of ever that has worked out well?
*Hua isn't that person even though she's fictional. She's got problems herself. She isn't "larger than her own existence" and she isn't a hero(ine).
I apologise for derailing this thread but it seemed important enough to me.
last edited at Nov 26, 2014 8:24PM