^^ the sad thing there's hardly any eyebrows lesbian fanart and more of something else instead..
@felloffalot I doubt this is cheating since the artist also drew ena and nadeshiko happily together with rin
neversung posted: "This isn't my battlefield... *runs away*" oh my fucking god this is the greatest
neversung posted:
"This isn't my battlefield... *runs away*"
oh my fucking god this is the greatest
Yea Time Ranger Homuhomu totally deserves the comedy tag
last edited at May 4, 2018 9:01PM
What's the reward of the pocky game?
muffled camping sounds
^ No wonder their foreheads are so hot
We're reaching impossibly high IQ here.
Me on the bottom right
Seems like Madoka got a little too much from homu~
Thanks TFO Scans for this translation on the night of Walpurgisnacht
She wants the P (translation note: the characters fit nicely in this beautiful scenery)
Friggin genius! It's a indirect kiss using the mouthpiece from Reina's trumpet .
Maria always walks in when DMJii is doing their business ><
^ Yea together with Rin they fuse and form a centaur (Rin's pantsu included)
At first I was like don't judge the book by the cover But then I was like don't judge the book by its author
this news is too much for me ;_;
Cute bar date with Cinnabar
pure unadulterated indirect kiss
this is a perfect break time doujin to read for my break time
Rin's bun are so shaken that Rin can't speak properly
last edited at Apr 24, 2018 8:46PM
plot twist: the wind blows ucchi away from tomoko
there's clearly a top and bottom in this pair
beato is conflicted about betraying princess
^ pottery
Next panel is popuko's fisting
Too bad Nico isn't going to have a Night of Fire