Sagume’s outfit is too cute!
^ They are (delusion).
Insulin... N-need my... hyurk!!! (X_X)
^ Metroid... SMASH!!!
I’m thinking we need to turn Mezashi in to the Yuri Police. Something this fatally heart-melting is an act of Yuri Terrorism if I’ve ever seen one.
Everyone loves a daredevil. XD
Ikeme~n! X-X
So’s spaghetti, until it gets wet. ;3
Kill that idiot quickly so Saki-chan can get back to being all tsun-tsun.
Ahh, I love both of these art styles. Flan-Chan and Remi-Chan both look super cute with elegant, slender bodies. <3
Y’all think Saki would be mad if I gave her li’l vamp a hug?
Might just be me, but this feels like a longer version of this little gem. I’d like it if it ended the same way too.
Those damn Mound Makers...
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: there’s cute, and then there’s criminal. These two ought to be arrested for grand theft of our hearts. Plus, I wouldn’t mind having a super cute woof girlfriend of my own...
I totally get how that drummer feels. XD
Thought this was GochiUsa for some reason.
^ namely, into each other’s pantsu.
Those are air mattresses. Dunno what y’all are talking about.
^ That’s what happens when you feed a dog people food.
Girl is currently lifting.
I suppose bloodbending would be cheating?
There’s cute, and then there’s criminal.
Anyone else get sleepy while reading this? It’s super relaxing…
Yuri wizards GET!
Wait, there are vampire types? What’s a “Camilla?”