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WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 18:19
joined Feb 8, 2016

what's productive in an off topic?

Anything that isn't intentionally hostile or sardonic.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 18:07
joined Feb 8, 2016

I honestly don't know what to think of this xD

I felt the same way :P

Yeah it's nice during the cold months and then you get to summer and your girlfriend who radiates heat like an oven still wants to spoon. Air conditioning is one of the wonders of the world.

Haha, fortunately I have air conditioning always on, so that wouldn't be a problem, now if I just got a girlfriend... (T^T)

Time to put yourself out there! You said you're short right lol. Maybe you can pass as lesbian :P Depends on your facial hair and voice probably ...

I don't know how far spread that stereotype is, but in Germany, blonde people, especially blonde women, are somehow associated with being stupid and really only being good at sex. -.- That's why I've gotten rid of my blonde and have stuck with black ever since highschool. XD

Haha, I guess only in the USA? But even so the stereotype of blonde being stupid is everywhere, but why black hair? Ever tried some other color? Like Blue or pink? xD, right now with Chloe from Life is Strange in mind since her natural hair is blonde if I remember correctly.

The stereotype and jokes are definitely prevalent in the U.S. (How many blondes does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 100, 1 to hold the bulb and 99 to rotate the house. How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday? Tell her a joke on Tuesday. What do you call a blonde with her hair in pigtails? A blowjob with handlebars... the list goes on). Even so, I think most people would also acknowledge that it's a nonsense generalization.

last edited at May 4, 2016 6:09PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 17:52
joined Feb 8, 2016

Countless people who vote Hillary and Trump are wrong as well.

This bunch is (mostly) international enough to not give a shit about what you just said.

last edited at May 4, 2016 5:53PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 17:37
joined Feb 8, 2016

Oh, can't argue with that, anyone can beat me, even children, I'm creepy and harmless but in a good way xD


Go play video games :P That's what single life is all about lol. Playing video games without someone interrupting or whining.

#PureFuckingWisdom v.v

I might go, but it's too fun here right now, and well, single life is only as good until those lonely cold nights without anyone to hug you come... (T^T)

Yeah it's nice during the cold months and then you get to summer and your girlfriend who radiates heat like an oven still wants to spoon. Air conditioning is one of the wonders of the world.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 17:21
joined Feb 8, 2016


Is that good or bad? xD

Well it isn't good, but considering your personality, I suppose it isn't that bad either haha.

Well, creepy is not bad, countless of people enjoy creepy or unusual things, it's normal people who whine too much about it xD, and what you mean considering my personality? No, really, I'm curious about what you mean. xD

All I meant is that you seem pretty harmless lol

Hello 300!

Hello indeed, now I wonder if I should continue here or go continue Demon's Souls.

Go play video games :P That's what single life is all about lol. Playing video games without someone interrupting or whining.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 17:09
joined Feb 8, 2016

I meant everything we can see in the picture xD

I knew what you meant lol


Is that good or bad? xD

Well it isn't good, but considering your personality, I suppose it isn't that bad either haha.

Also, lest post of page 299.

Hello 300!

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 17:05
joined Feb 8, 2016

And indeed nice eyebrow, technically nice everything xD

Wellll, we didn't see everything

Still sounding creepy I guess? xp


WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 17:02
joined Feb 8, 2016

Thiaguinho and mvl, what a weird thing to argue about :P

Su, your eyebrow game is on point. So is whatever mascara you use.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 14:20
joined Feb 8, 2016

What's wrong with redheads?

Nothing. ^^ They just have a reputation of being very fiesty and very stubborn. That's why I said, with my temper the world can consider itself lucky I'm not a redhead to top it off. XD Chances are I wouldn't only be an alpha top, but an alpha domme if I were a redhead. X'D

Well that explains some of my life up to now xD :P

Also that's just the internet for you. Anything you open up to people is up for scrutiny and/or perversion. Doesn't matter how many times I've dealt with it, I hope to never get completely used to it.

last edited at May 4, 2016 2:22PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Newp, thanks, arigato, gomawo!

When I saw the Korean version I was thinking that Sungji probably just wants to go walk under one umbrella with Sumin and that's actually what she said lol...

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 12:58
joined Feb 8, 2016

Thank the gods I wasn't born a redhead though, lol.

What's wrong with redheads? :((((((( I think they're the cutest but it took me almost 26 years of life to find one actually into me.

joined Feb 8, 2016

People ready manga/manhwa for different reasons. If fluff is done right it's really enjoyable. I like Sungji because I think she's a complete dork and really quite funny. To me the best fluffy characters aren't just cute, they're comical as well. If I think about my favorite fluffy yuri (very minimal drama):
Wife and Wife
Collectors (though this can have some heavier moments)
Under One Roof
Strawberry Shake
(probably missing some right now)
they all pretty much have that quality. Obviously WDTFS isn't a fluff comic, but Sungji's child-like wonder when it comes to all things Sumin/first love is really pretty great. No doubt that without Seju, this would be less interesting/good of a story. Doesn't mean I want to see her all the time.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Just realized that we have discussed this much without even seeing the translations lol, funny. low key wondering where our beloved translator goes to haha

She is oversleeping again, I guess.

Let her be. She'll get to it eventually.

joined Feb 8, 2016

yoonie0104, Sumin probably was the most popular character at first; she's just been written to be more and more unlikable lol...


Is there actually any other WDTFS forum out there ? I come to Dynasty because I accidentally found it on Google, and I never bother to look for another as I like it here bcs most people seem chill and not overly dramatic/rude. It'll be very interesting to me also to see another pov where Seju is a no no.

There's a facebook group/page, but I wouldn't say people get into it the same way we do here. Maybe a little. And for sure mostly Team Blonde.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 12:10
joined Feb 8, 2016

Honestly, I don't think it really depends on what the owners want, but what kind of dog is suitable for them. XD Big dogs are usually the best protectors and the ones with the most patience. If you have a house and a family, one big dog is enough to make sure nobody you don't want in there gets in and your kids will always have a play buddy as well. But that's just it. Big dog breeds usually need a large territory and some sort of task they're responsible for, otherwise they'll get bored, lazy, fat and sick. Also, rule of thumb: the bigger the dog, the longer the walks they need (unless you have a large garden). Small dogs can easily be held in apartments, but the personality of most small breeds tends to be really unique and needs a lot of getting used to. Generally, all dogs usually need lots of loving attention if you don't want them to develop some nasty character traits like jealousy or typical lone wolf behaviors (not listening to your command, refusing to respond to their name etc.) It's not my decision, but I generally don't recommend getting a dog to people, who are usually very busy with their jobs.

I'm not looking to get a dog for protection, but we do have enough space that a big-ish dog would be alright as long as we take it out. I love walks and would really like to bike or skate with the dog :) Other than weekends and works travel I'm usually at home working or lazing around so I feel better about having the time for a dog now. The amount I'm traveling now is really a first for me and I haven't been enjoying it, so I'm hoping not to have to do much of it in the future. That said, kanojo keeps long hours so I think I'd be doing most of the care other than evenings and weekends (another reason why I'd push for my preferences...). I don't want one of those tiny little things that you can dropkick, just not a really huge one. Like a goldendoodle :)

If you really just want to have someone around so you don't get lonely, a cat really would be the better idea, I think. XD Cats are amazing in their own way. First and foremost, cats are a whole lot smarter than dogs and have a different social behavior. While frequently telling a dog to leave you alone when you're busy will usually result in the dog either getting depressed or growing more and more distant from you, a cat will keep its social distance right from the start. Tell a cat to get lost and it'll do so. It'll join you on the couch for cuddles a few hours later without holding anything against you. Their heart isn't as delicate as a dog's, so they can usually easily live with busy people without feeling neglected or unloved. A whole lot of all this of course depends on the individual personality of the animal and of how the owner raises their pet, that's why I used the words "usually" and "generally" so often. Exceptions prove the rule they say. XD

No cats! I'm allergic to them. I ignore them if I have to be around them; they pester me anyway. No exceptions -_-

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 12:00
joined Feb 8, 2016

I think you replied my post some pages ago, I'll probably reply it later when I read all the post I missed, sorry for the wait. (>_<)

No problem. Please quote as much as you can so that I remember what we were talking about lol. I'll be back in a bit.

Also, I think someone asked about other people sexuality some pages ago, I guess I'm straight? And that made me remember, I'm the only guy here? I'm not sure if there's any other here, and just you girls know, you can think of me as one of the girls, I actually kind of prefer it that way...

I think you're the only guy, and I pretty much already think of you as one of the girls :P

last edited at May 4, 2016 12:11PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

So most of us think this chapter is boring, nonsense and disapointing? Is there anyone who is whole-heartedly TeamBlonde and don't really care about Seju or still resent Seju here? What do you think? Because it would be nice to know another perspective :)) Most of people here have a soft spot somewhere for Seju so... :))))

I'm Team Blonde. Or at least a Sungji purest. She's really my favorite character. I can sympathize with Seju, but her character sort of drives me nuts and any time there's a run of Seju chapters, my soul slowly glides into the abyss.

Oh, you know, if the arcs division is still right, then next chapter would be the final one for the second arc. Based on the final chap of first arc, there would be something big going to happen :)))), can you guess what it is? Anyone has any ideas? Aren't you curious? Because if the next chap is still fluffy teamblonde, I'm gonna skip it :)))). I'll be honest, I wanna see Seju :))))

It could end this arc next chapter or after 54, if Team Gaji is keeping them (relatively) even. Seju at the end of the first arc was pretty horrifying (at the time), so I don't put anything past this story anymore.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Cmon Seju is suffering too much? Isn't she the one who slept with someone else just because Sumin was depressed over her parents death? You can say it was 10 years ago yeah sure but it was too much suffering for Sumin back then. Betrayed by the only close person she had left.

I'm not even Team Pink and I think this comment lacks empathy. Seju has pretty much eaten shit for 10 years because of how guilty she feels. Is she weird and creepy and possessive at times? Absolutely. But saying that she hasn't suffered too much at this point is just vindictive. If you've ever hurt someone you love in your life, done something that you truly regret, even if it isn't as terrible as what Seju did, it's not hard to want Sumin to forgive her.

I also found this comment a bit too much, but didn't want to call them out because this was their very first comment.

Ah well might as well get used to it lol. Most of the Team Blonde folks on dynasty are at least Seju-sympathizers. There might be more Team Pink/Seju fans here (at least vocally) than Team Blonde, and that's not at all the case elsewhere.

joined Feb 8, 2016

a whole chapter without Sungji is more acceptable than a whole chapter without Seju.

100% on the other end of this sentiment lol

joined Feb 8, 2016

Cmon Seju is suffering too much? Isn't she the one who slept with someone else just because Sumin was depressed over her parents death? You can say it was 10 years ago yeah sure but it was too much suffering for Sumin back then. Betrayed by the only close person she had left.

I'm not even Team Pink and I think this comment lacks empathy. Seju has pretty much eaten shit for 10 years because of how guilty she feels. Is she weird and creepy and possessive at times? Absolutely. But saying that she hasn't suffered too much at this point is just vindictive. If you've ever hurt someone you love in your life, done something that you truly regret, even if it isn't as terrible as what Seju did, it's not hard to want Sumin to forgive her.

last edited at May 4, 2016 11:25AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

If it's the most boring chapter yet then why are we talking about it more than any other in quite awhile? :P

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 11:10
joined Feb 8, 2016

Su, glad you got it off your chest :P Reeba sounds cute and sweet, but I'm not much of a cat person :| I've wanted a dog for awhile now and so has kanojo but we have different sensibilities about breeds lol... She likes big dogs. Like ones that probably weigh as much or more than she does. I'm more wanting a little to medium size one to keep me company during the day... that doesn't shed... I hate office environments like the ones I was in before, so things are better for me now, but it would be nice to have someone around.

last edited at May 4, 2016 11:10AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

So what if it's just couple rings. Sumin has been hiding at least half of her life from Sungji. She was quite upset about her past and Seju some days ago. And now she goes to Sungji and pretends everything's fine, completely ignoring what happened earlier.

Yeah it feels pretty odd. Maybe she's doing it for herself as a reminder of what she really wants. Just because she still has feelings for Seju doesn't mean she doesn't still love Sungji and want to be with her.

Anybody know more about these Korean couple rings? When's a normal time in a relationship to get them? Maybe they were overdue anyway.

Btw, Sungji seemed more mature in this chapter, the way she was drawn and her expressions.

Yes and Sumin was pretty baby-faced in some parts.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Guys its a fucking couple rings ..not damn proposal korea its really commen for every couple to wear a couple ring its a tradition even the ring sumin and seju has ..its couples rings not that she and seju was engaged please understand

Alright if that's the case, sorry for my non-Korean projection onto the situation. I've never dated a Korean girl. Hope if I ever had that she would have given me a cultural heads up before trying this kind of thing on me...

joined Feb 8, 2016

Pretty sure Seju gave the ring to Sumin, not the other way around. Or at least that's how it felt. Why does it matter that she had a ring with Seju or not though. This is way early for rings...

I think they're just couple rings :), but things has been so weird, Sumin is being so weird, I don't get it at all @@

The fuck are couple rings lmfao... lesbians...

last edited at May 4, 2016 9:57AM