The two are sharing the same room and same bed, how come they didn't at least talk it out or something before that ? ><
What u talkin about? This is cheap soap-opera-quality drama, this is no place for natural human behavior like communication.
Let the third love triangle situation proceed with the exact same lack logic as the previous ones!
The author should have stopped with the drama BS in this chapter. It was now or never.
As it seems we are doomed to be fed with mindfu**d plot, we might not have basic love triangle next time, but a huge mess including Sara's "twin sister" and the other pest-from-the-previous-chapter-I-even-do-not-remember-the-name.
It's drama, isn't it? That's how this manga is being sold.
I just can't stop thinking that the author's art is so good and yet degraded by the quality of that story.