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joined Mar 24, 2014

So, board games club with girls with vague yuri subtext?

I can get on board with this.

You think you're funny, don't you?

I'm the godamn queen of comedy.

Better than 99% of the puns written on Dynasty Scans. Those sweet diabetes puns, man.

This manga seems pretty promising. Even though I prefer my board games with exlosions and people turning invisible and stuff.

What, Warhammer 40k? D&D? Transhuman Space? None of the above? Don't leave us wondering.

joined Mar 24, 2014

This thread is so damn salty!

joined Mar 24, 2014

So, board games club with girls with vague yuri subtext?

I can get on board with this.

You think you're funny, don't you?

joined Mar 24, 2014

Aki San I didn't know about that O_O
So that's why whenever my cat Kuruko hunt for Rats. He ends up showing it every morning comes.
But I just wish he didn't brutally killed those Rats caused its totally terrifying...

Cats are brutal for their own amusement. You have to remember that cats are predatory creatures and therefore by human standards are basically sociopaths. Sure they can get attached to humans or other cats but anything else is just something to be killed and eaten.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Well, lets see were this goes.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Ah, Inugami, you ditzy genius

Image Comments 14 Dec 06:09
joined Mar 24, 2014

No, Koneko is just cynical.
Seriously though, that introducing Ruby to Winter scene just screamed gay.

"Thank you for taking an interest in my sister Ruby Rose" Cue awkward, totally not gay response.

joined Mar 24, 2014

A tradition...? That's just grown-ups making the next generation suffer the same way they did when they were kids.

Somehow, I like this line. Good for you, Nowol.

Nowol may be a little bitch but he was spot on with that one.

joined Mar 24, 2014



so what will happen if they made out? sounds dizzying.

Their bodies will merge.

Merging trough a kiss? I have seen that before and the result is beautiful, and then it becomes a titan...

The way you define making out terrifies me, for the record lol.

Terrifying, no. WTF level weird, yes.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Still quite the bad chapter to necro it on lol.

"Like, yay, it's back. But what the fuck is going on, why is it turning into a het manga?!"

Cause at not point was it ever promised to be a yuri manga? Seriously, this is the same thing that happened with Stretch. Nobody ever said there would be yuri but you people have your shipping goggles on so strong that you can't accept that and then you get pissed when something that obviously wasn't going to happen doesn't happen.

but, but, but the tag says yuri :(

Dunno though, It does feel like it is hinting at a few things here and there, while still having comedic elements. Maybe not focused on the yuri, but seams to be foreshadowing a development later on.

And the Stretch ship would have been god tier, you gotta admit.

Edit: On second thought, it isn't hinting so much as rubbing our faces in it, specially in the earlier chapters.

Yeah but a lot of mangas and animes like to have lots of homoerotic content and then have nothing come of it so just cause a manga has god tier subtext doesn't mean you should expect yuri.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Still quite the bad chapter to necro it on lol.

"Like, yay, it's back. But what the fuck is going on, why is it turning into a het manga?!"

Cause at not point was it ever promised to be a yuri manga? Seriously, this is the same thing that happened with Stretch. Nobody ever said there would be yuri but you people have your shipping goggles on so strong that you can't accept that and then you get pissed when something that obviously wasn't going to happen doesn't happen.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Lol wow it's back.

Also I really hate the MC, like God damn I hate useless and wimpy people. Grow up plzzzzzz

As if it was that easy. Someone yells some vague truths or cliches at her and bam, she gets back on her feet?

Depression doesn't work like that.

Everyone is downright abusive toward the MC, treating her like dirt, ridiculing her at every turn and expecting her to magically get her shit back together, because there're things she has to do for their sake. They are all assholes. She has a fucking inferiority complex, thinking she's not needed and has not talent. These people keep on hammering on it, expecting she will fight back. Or not. Bullying at its finest.

IRL, she'd probably have swallowed a bunch of meds and would be in the hospital at best.

Or would have turned psycho-killer and gone on a rampage.

Thank you.

joined Mar 24, 2014


probably because casual acceptance and fetishization of depictions of statutory rape is pretty fucked up, and can lead to actual abuse of children. Enjoying fictional material is fine as long as you understand and acknowledge its effect on society.

Enjoying fictional rape doesn't make anyone into rapist if they weren't going to turn into one in the first place. Also why you talking about rape in thread of manga that have voluntary prostitute as protagonist?

Because statutory rape is still considered rape even if the victim consented beforehand.

Statutory rape is having sex with an underaged person who isn't a preteen (thats child rape) in other words it is having sexual relations with a teenager who hasn't yet reached the age of consent (which is 16 in most parts of the world)

In Canada, even 16 comes with requirements. Not being a relative of course, and the young person not depending on the elder financially in any way, and the elder not being in a position of authority over the young person. Which rules out probably most situations.

As a fellow Canadian, I can tell you its actually even more complicated than that. I'll just give you the wikipedia link

joined Mar 24, 2014


probably because casual acceptance and fetishization of depictions of statutory rape is pretty fucked up, and can lead to actual abuse of children. Enjoying fictional material is fine as long as you understand and acknowledge its effect on society.

Enjoying fictional rape doesn't make anyone into rapist if they weren't going to turn into one in the first place. Also why you talking about rape in thread of manga that have voluntary prostitute as protagonist?

Because statutory rape is still considered rape even if the victim consented beforehand.

Statutory rape is having sex with an underaged person who isn't a preteen (thats child rape) in other words it is having sexual relations with a teenager who hasn't yet reached the age of consent (which is 16 in most parts of the world)

joined Mar 24, 2014

I did not mean it like said, bad choice of words from my side. It is more "accepted" as in they simply accept the existence of it and then try to hide it from the public eye while not actively trying to do anything against it.

Japanese have the same attitude about it than they have about homosexuality. Everyone knows it exists but as long as you don't talk nor do something about it, you can pretend it doesn't.

That's Japanese general behavior for anything problematic tbh, just slide it under the rug.

Same thing for bullying. Or sexual harassment. Or rape.

That's what happens when collectivism and traditionalism are two of the core concepts of your society; nobody wants to go against the group to change or fix anything and society/"the group" never wants to fix anything cause it would go against tradition, so everyone just ignores it. They lost a war because of this nonsense (that and the fact they tried to challenge a sleeping giant but even that was because many Japanese higher ups legitimately thought Yamato-Damaishii (Japanese Spirit) made them invincible, so blame you can blame tradition again.)

joined Mar 24, 2014

Underaged schoolgirl looking to sell her body to some 30 year old guy? Am I reading this right? And according to her comments she has done it with other guys before?

This is actually disturbingly common in Japan. It's called enjo kosai or "Compensated Dating" and is believed to be a result of the over fetishization of youth and virginity in Japanese culture. It doesn't always involve sex (hence the "dating" part) but it just as often does. It is EXTREMELY controversial in Japanese society and is probably not something you want to mention on any forums with plenty of Japanese netizens on it, as it is pure, unadulterated flame bait.

last edited at Nov 30, 2015 8:33AM

joined Mar 24, 2014

I love how instead of paying attention to the story, everyone is just debating the merits of mint ice cream.

Also, Kasumi is a master of not giving a fuck.

Lily Love discussion 19 Nov 04:06
joined Mar 24, 2014

Permission to slap Ploy in the face, sir?

Permission granted, Private PimpHand.

Image Comments 14 Nov 21:13
joined Mar 24, 2014

That you hate her makes her hotter, doesn't it?

Their Story discussion 31 Oct 18:19
joined Mar 24, 2014


joined Mar 24, 2014

As a dinosaur enthusiast, I can get into this but the lack of (full body) feathers is bothering me (especially for the Velociraptors).

but dinosaurs with feathers look like shit :P

Feathered non-avian dinosaurs look like birds with fingers and teeth. I don't see how it looks like shit.

like over-sized chickens, not menacing nor cool at all.


What we have here, is a failure of imagination.

(many birds mimic sounds, remember)

Why are you so cool, Nezchan?

Cause she does drugs. Drugs are good for you,mmkay?

Wait, I think I did something wrong...

joined Mar 24, 2014

If you don't think birds are scary, you've never met a goose.

If you think a goose is scary, you've never met a human being.

Someone has social anxiety.

Hitori Bocchi is that you?

joined Mar 24, 2014

Wow, what's all the hate with feathered dinosaurs? Humans are naked bipeds without fangs, claws, venom, armoured scales, or anything. Humans are wimpy as heck, yet everyone's terrified of serial killers and clowns. If humans can be considered scary, then giant highly evolved predators with feathers are plenty scary. Sharks are considered scary, yet they're "just fish."

Thank you, though I doubt even this logic will be enough to convince Flips to accept feathered freaks of murder into his heart.

Stretch discussion 14 Oct 21:35
joined Mar 24, 2014

I never expected yuri from this series anyway so I ain't even mad.
Keiko and Ran's life was interesting while it lasted but its too bad the narrative fell apart near the end. Even so, Keiko leaving Ran was nice to read in a bitter sweet way.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Kram, girls with a six pack are god's gift to the humanity. Be happy!
