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Stretch discussion 10 May 20:09
joined Oct 12, 2013

It's a fight we'll win, but you've got to accept it's a long fight. A very long one, measured in terms of generations. That's been going on for longer than the almost half century since the current movement started. Yes, we're making progress, but we're not even halfway there yet.

There're a bunch of European countries that made same-sex marriage legal, on par with het marriage, with the same rights and benefits, and even possible adoption. On top of my head, UK, Spain and the biggest one yet, France. Probably because at the time it came up, the governement of these countries pushed in that direction, despite the vocal opposition of a minority.

I think most "civilized" societies are ready for it, but the average het people won't cast their vote because of that issue, but rather because of economic concerns. For it to happen, there need to be a political will, or nothing will happen.

So, a Japanese lesbian couple could perfectly marry in France for example and adopt children there (though their marriage would not be recognized in Japan, yet).

States that allow same-sex marriage for further reference:

In Europe: Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Netherlands, Spain, England, Wales, and Scotland but not Northern Ireland, Belgium, Iceland, Portugal, Denmark

The Americas: Canada, Brazil, Uruguay, Some states of the US and Mexico, Argentina

Everywhere else: South Africa, New Zealand.

Hopefully Ireland by the end of the month.

My Beloved discussion 10 May 20:03
joined Oct 12, 2013

...So this whole book is just going to be a cavalcade of misery, is it? Okay then. Good to know. Next time I see an update, I'll remember to get a drink first.

Welcome to Takemiya Jin.

Stretch discussion 07 May 11:43
joined Oct 12, 2013

I sort of wanna see Ran and Keiko's iPS babies now.

Stretch discussion 06 May 20:55
joined Oct 12, 2013

Looking at Ran's expressions in the last two pages hurts my heart.

joined Oct 12, 2013

Normally I don't play attention to a yuri anime or manga until I know it will really be yuri, because a lot of times I hoped it would become yuri I got disappointed, but for some reason I made the stupid choice of exepect real yuri on Cross Ange, and got dissapointed again... so after Cross Ange no more hope! only despair! like Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku for example, Eruna is pretty much lesbian, in the light novel she don't have any het romance but a lot of subtext with that other girl, but who knows if they will not fuck up with the anime? It's because of that kind of thing that I read spoilers about anything that I want to read/watch/play.

About Cross Ange, anyone know anything about the Vita game? I read in some places that supposedly you could go yuri route...

Cross Ange was full of real yuri. But it also had the yuri baitshit thing with Sala that bothered me enough to drop the show.

Anime season 12 Apr 11:40
Anime season 11 Apr 15:12
joined Oct 12, 2013

What I've gathered from various threads on /u/ and /a/ is that no one seems to have actually read the light novels, and if they have there's not much romance in any form. Eruna has a few fanboys, but she's more interested in shipping them together in her fantasies, and she's pretty hard gay in general, but mostly the ln are more plot oriented.

Of course, it wouldn't be the first time stuff has been changed in adaptation, but honestly no one seems to know what's going to happen in the show. No point in getting twisty knickers about it yet, I think.

Anime season 06 Apr 17:24
joined Oct 12, 2013

Oh crap the Digimon sequel thingy is right around the corner...I don't know what to think...

It isn't, really. We have no airdate for it

...But wikipedia sez april! Edit:.........And now it says July lol.

Oh I forgot about koufuku graffiti, so far watched half the episodes the main two characters are pretty gay for each other but well they are cousins

Pffft, second cousins, barely even counts.

joined Oct 12, 2013

I might be alone here, but it's really unpleasant to see even a fictional character called a slut. I also can't fully wrap my head around that way of judging way of looking at characters. Whether or not Remi's a well-drawn character, I certainly don't think we're intended to judge her negatively for her views on sex.

We can judge her on what she did though.

Which is what, precisely?

Worst thing she did was being mean in the confrontation with Ruki on the beach, and even then she was written to have a benevolent ultimate goal.


Cross Ange (anime) 31 Mar 11:26
joined Oct 12, 2013

The only really bait-y part I found was the Sala montage. Up until that point the only person really in the running for the Ange-bowl was Tusk, and then it seemed like there was another serious contender.

But obviously that wasn't going to happen, so I dropped it immediately after that episode. I would have happily watched the rest of the show and not cared about the het, but that felt so calculated to mislead people. Still a little bothered that Hilda ended up falling for her as well, but eh, that's a rant for a different topic.

joined Oct 12, 2013

I don't share the negative sentiments at all, either. Nor do I agree with much of anything said about Oogami Sachiko. No one seems to have noticed that when Remi hit on Ruki at graduation, Sachiko hauled off and hit her in the head, HARD. And told her to cut it out. And more importantly, right away before she could even finish a sentence. Admittedly then, she said, with a worried expression, "I suppose so" to Remi's suggestion she could always come have fun with her again. And then she got a very mischievous look, and Ruki was totally horrified, and someone said oh look she (Ruki) got really scared! So yes, Sachiko definitely teases Ruki. And yes, Sachiko absolutely loves being the guy in a relationship. But Ruki loves being the lovestruck long-suffering girl in a relationship, so they're absolutely made for each other. The scene with Sachiko's little sister makes it clear she doesn't want Remi - or anyone else but Ruki. Clearly the last person she asked her family that sort of thing about was her ex. And it didn't even phase her that her girlfriend isn't "cool." She basically said, so what, she's my girlfriend, we're a couple.

But how do we actually know all this stuff. We just got 13 chapters of Sachi being a pretty terrible person and then we're just supposed to infer that from the fact that they seem happy. All the important parts of them actually building a new relationship after the shit Sachi pulled is just skipped over. It's disappointing.

joined Oct 12, 2013

Nothing's changed. Ruki's still running around after Sacchan, who's more aloof than ever.

It wasn't bad, objectively, but I can't say I enjoyed it overall.

joined Oct 12, 2013

How anticlimactic.

Pfft. Yeah, tell me 'bout it. Where was the murder and the political intrigue? And why didn't the Yakuza hitman make a reappearance after Act 2? Did the wife know the inheritance had been hidden beneath the floorboards the whole time or not? Simply dissatisfying! Pfft. ; )

Dissatisfying? I came, but I'm not happy about it.

joined Oct 12, 2013

How anticlimactic.

Stretch discussion 27 Mar 12:14
joined Oct 12, 2013

tfw you apparently inadvertently made someone reveal they're a paedophile on dynasty

Stretch discussion 27 Mar 11:55
joined Oct 12, 2013

Well, this escalated quickly. Mostly I was just trying to get at what Yuppers said, though they clearly thought I was commenting on Shou's loli work negatively. I just think his characterisation of his lolis is creepy, that's not a reflection on my opinion of Shou. (That would be more influenced by the tracing scandal than anything.) It's no different to saying I think Murcielago is gratuitously violent. Just because I may say that doesn't mean I think Yoshimura Kana is a repressed spree killer or anything. (I do think it's gratuitously violent, but so's Quentin Tarantino, and it doesn't necessarily bother me.)

Stretch discussion 26 Mar 23:12
joined Oct 12, 2013

Also you misquoted me in the first place anyway. I meant he clearly must enjoy drawing yuri as well. I guess the phrasing was a little inexact. Hence the bit about the tracing, since it was Prism that got cancelled because of that scandal.

last edited at Mar 26, 2015 11:13PM

Stretch discussion 26 Mar 22:47
joined Oct 12, 2013

But he clearly enjoys drawing it as well, or he wouldn't put so much care into it.

I'm not going to say you're wrong about Shou, because it's possible he does enjoy drawing loli. However, I do feel your logic's off.

Someone putting care and effort into something doesn't necessarily mean they enjoy it. Perhaps they're proud of their work and anything less than their very best in any artistic endeavor contradicts their self-integrity. Or perhaps they do it because they find a strong causal relationship between effort and reward. High quality work is a basic fundamental unique selling proposition.

These are artists we're talking about here.

Also, it's easy to apply this logic to something rudimentary and see its flaws: I do dishes carefully. Do I enjoy it? No, but there are obvious benefits in doing them carefully.

I understand there's cognitive dissonance at play here: people see Shou as a creep and that means he can't possibly do work people like us would enjoy. He's doing work we enjoy. There seems to be that paradox.

It shouldn't be that hard to resolve.

I feel like if he didn't enjoy it to some degree he wouldn't have drawn 4 books of it to the exclusion of all else. Bar Prism and now Stretch.

Stretch discussion 26 Mar 22:06
joined Oct 12, 2013

And by that regard, vanilla is not necessarily porn (although it certainly can be, it just usually isn't). I don't know what Shou's loli stuff is, but I'd be surprised if none if it is vanilla. I mean he probably has cranked out a lolicon porn doujin or two, or few, because that stuff sells well unfortunately.

A few? Try four entire tanks. His yuri is the exception, rather than the rule. But he clearly enjoys drawing it as well, or he wouldn't put so much care into it. tracing aside I think it's a little disingenuous to say that he's being forced into drawing loli. The only thing that freaks me out is how precocious the kids in it always are. It's particularly creepy.

Kase-san discussion 14 Mar 18:40
joined Oct 12, 2013

I think Yamada's pretty cool too.

Citrus discussion 10 Mar 20:30
joined Oct 12, 2013

roles being reversed

I'm so glad someone else said it.

joined Oct 12, 2013

Symbolism is cool and all, but I just want some plotty shit where the main ship actually get to act shippy and we get a kiss in the end or something.

Admittedly, I'm not actually expecting that from anything in the same vein as Madoka. though I would love it until my dying day

joined Oct 12, 2013

I have no fucking idea what just happened.

Citrus discussion 01 Mar 11:44
joined Oct 12, 2013

Harumin is best girl, but I like the novelty so far of an MC whose best friend is just a total bro (sis?) and not being nice in a roundabout attempt to get into her pants. (nice 'girl', I suppose.) And aside from that special conversation where Matsuri was trolling her, I don't think Harumin has really shown any romantic interest in Yuzu so far.

I think I'd prefer Matsuri to get all up in that, actually. She puts the 'fun' in dysfunctional.

Citrus discussion 01 Mar 10:20
joined Oct 12, 2013

I know she's getting shit for not coming right out with her feelings, but I think Yuzu was working up to it in a pretty sweet way. And she's expressed an interest in Mei before and been led on and then knocked back, sometimes rather cruelly so, so I can understand some hesitancy. Something that did occurr to me while reading that scene again was that since Yuzu led with talking about family and how much she cared for her as a sister (and more, clearly.), maybe Mei was reminded of the fact that they're family and how good Yuzu has been to her and was afraid to jeopardise that relationship she's obviously come to rely on, since Yuzu rejected her romantic advances. I think I'm possibly giving Saburouta too much credit here though. It would have meant a lot to see Mei's expression, but I suppose there's a reason it wasn't shown. If anything I think we should admire Yuzu's resilience considering Mei has done pretty much nothing but play mind-games with her from day one and used her as an emotional crutch.

Honestly, I think Mei is a train-wreck and Yuzu is better off as far away from her as possible, but she likes Mei and I like Yuzu, so :( If this is setting the pattern for the rest of their relationship though, where Yuzu constantly runs after Mei who pretty much treats her like shit then I think that seems really depressing.

Also, seriously. I admire your optimism, but it's pretty obvious that those pages are just sketches because they weren't finished. Saburuto hasn't displayed that level of subtlety before and I doubt he's about to start now.