--> Official site...
Now... Age of this girls according to first chapter of manga: 13, 10, 16, 16, 13...
Don't anybody think, that with Japan problems with bulling, under-age prostitution, and children sexualization making something like this is rather "hardcore" ? I know, I know, fiction, free of speech, whatever, but tell Me what is the point in making a movie based on Guro manga by Uziga or fiction manga with under aged characters liking BDSM where manga is pointed towards minor audience? To prevent, to entertain, to encourage to do something like this? I thought, that Nana to Kaoru and Arashi version with live action movie, Sundome, was already on the border of good taste, but at least character portrayed there have Their adult age (16)... Here 10 years old girl likes BDSM, while She should be still playing in her sandpit with Her dolls.... But after read recently article about junior school gang, which prostituting fellows schoolgirls, of course in Japan, I still do not see a point to make something like this... I and know! I wrote something like this on the site full of loli! But where is the point, where fiction does mixing with reality, and in opposite direction, there always is some reality in fiction... I hope that this is made only to entertain, like porn, and not to encourage some sick peoples to try something like this with real minor persons.
Sensationalism, mangas as a whole and video games are used as scapegoats of our current media. Products are supposed to be sold to adults, if children get their hands on these it is NOT the fault of the creator nor the retailer. Parents are irresponsible and lazy, we live in a time where it is quite easy to set up protection for everything we use... yet they don't. And adults are hardly influenced by this sort of material in any way, ofc, they are ADULTS. They can decide for themselves if they want to consume these products or not. Going on a book-burning rampage over this would be irrational and absurd.
An important sidenote: "Sick people" will do monstrous actions to others no matter what influences them to do so, youngsters who shoot up schools do not do it because they played a video game where they shot guns... Just like how they blame mangas when that girl set her sleeping family on fire. Psychological problems are set off no matter what triggers it, but people tend to ignore the scientific and psychological studies in favor of sensationalism. Why? Cuz it is an easy way to get loud and funnel in views, thats is exactly why they always use the big names of mangas and videos games, it is rarely ever something obscure. In the past it used to be books and televisions... BOOKS! LOL!
last edited at Dec 6, 2014 3:33AM