Haro haro
Man this is quite the weird read but I enjoyed seeing Kagami hopelessly in love with Konata =w=
Cutee start
Good good =w=
How are they not a couple yet
W-what's this
Sugoi reversal
Cute pair
umu another great find
Yay that was great
Yes yes yes
Nice =w= hawt
This guy the mvp
Man I just can't wait for the 3rd season I'm in hope that it would spur the author of my favourite fanfic to start updating again
Man he/she literally left at the gewd part(of confirmed yuri!!!)
Ah the toxicity
Ah nice =w= I needed moar
Heh~ found out
What a nice chapter =w=
What the heck is going on
FBI open up
Heh next chap seems fun
That was beautiful. Smug asf