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Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


It seems a pretty chaste love at this point anyhow. No kisses at all for the first six months, and the younger of the pair is still quite confident that they're in a relationship. Odds are no sex for a while yet.

Nothing wrong with that.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Is that show really worth watching?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Am I the only one who thinks Yu-ji was being sarcastic in those comments since everyone was talking hella crap behind Seol-a's back and, Yu-ji took it a step further to make a point. However, she never got the chance to make it once Seol-a walked in. That's how it always appeared to me. It seemed like she was getting frustrated listening to what they were saying to provided another viewpoint they didn't think of.

The look on Seol-a's face when she came in probably told Yu-ji that she'd never be believed or given another chance at their relationship. In the end, Yu-ji got her wish because she really fucked up Seol-a.

Also... x2 about Ssamba learning how to draw characters differently because holy moly! This is getting quite confusing!!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I wish time flies faster so I can find out what happened between them, so that our Seola can victoriously kick him away for good

Wouldn't it be better if a sudden earthquake happens and the earth beneath him cracks open so that he gets swallowed in a dark abyss for eternity, while the tragedy makes the girls realize that life is short and shouldn't be wasted in hesitation xD

He gets run over by a truck.

And on the side of the truck it read, "Plot Movers Inc." XD

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I was going to recommend Berserk myself since it seems to fit that horror role quite well though, it's super crazy lol! The only other anime I can think of is Ghost Hunt which I found to be quite good for horror (I'm a wimp so I scare easy). I would actually really recommend checking that one out to be honest.

I was going to recommend Mushi-shi since it has its fair share of creepy, sad, and depressing moments that fit the horror bill imho.

The best horror imho is that which has a lot of buildup, good atmosphere, lots of mystery, and little to no gore or violence with generally smart and or mature characters. I think we can do a better job of finding something along those lines, I think.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

It would be nice if this was pinned, even if there wouldn't be a lot of people using it, as evidenced by the fact that this is probably the first thread of "I don't remember the name of the manga".

We get quite a few of these actually.

Random Reader
Image Comments 24 Oct 10:53
joined Nov 30, 2011

What is this... "Sword Knight Romance"?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


My guess is, it's probably gonna be a POV chapter just like Seol-a's past. On the other hand I really think No-Rae started to realise Seol-a has feelings for her and she acted like she had no idea. Remember the luna-park scene where Seol-a looked at her in a blushing way and she saied she didn't like these guys at all. Then No-Rae picked up on it and immeditely turn around saying the view was great. The same thing happened, imo in the confession too. Maybe she managed to hear Seol-a saying "I like you..."
It's going to be interesting getting to know No-rae character more. Also, maybe we will have her sister appearing now as well

My guess too was that she was picking up on Seol-a's flirtations with her. However, most of the previous chapters were from Seol-a's point of view so we really have no idea what No-rae was thinking during that time. Though, we know she is definitely smitten with Seol-a with all that blushing.

Also, despite the ex totally cockblocking the confession, I think it was good timing. Some things really need to be addressed and I think this will allow both women to work out what they want from each other and why they like each other. Hopefully the result will be a much more intimate confession similar to the hallway scene during that party. I think Seol-a will learn a great deal about the importance of a serious relationship and what they demand and No-rae may learn to trust again. ...Well, that's my take anyway. Ssamba hasn't let me down with the characters yet so I look forward to seeing what happens.

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 24 Oct 10:32
joined Nov 30, 2011

Hmm, you know there is a bit of hope. We were discussing editorial manadate earlier, which may have forbidden him from having the girls get together as a couple given it's not a yuri mag at all. That restriction may not apply to the tank, so while I don't expect anything blatant like a kiss or anything, they may end up together again in a more stable arrangement.

That is a possibility Nez but I'm suspecting that they'll be older and kinda like neighbors or something who just happen to spend copious amounts of time with each other. With how Shou ended the main story I kinda get the feeling that they may not be living together exactly. Who knows, we shall see!

Random Reader
Lily Love discussion 24 Oct 10:27
joined Nov 30, 2011

I get the feeling this will steam up pretty quickly.

Random Reader
Teppu discussion 24 Oct 10:25
joined Nov 30, 2011

Overall, a good ending. Although I felt like the resolution with her brother was kinda lame. She didn't have to beat his brains out, but some explanation/apology on his part would have been good

Yeah, that was really weird. I thought she may have been dreaming or something...

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

But ... there are some characters [...]

I'm not sure you interpreted me correctly. I was referring to the fact that the next volume or so introduces 20 new characters.

Holy crap.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I expected the "if you think it's so bad, why do you read it?" and "If you are so smart, why don't you do better?" flames.

That is also cliche... :)

Those weaksauce comments are better left for Youtube Nya... We write essays to tell you how wrong your opinion is here. ;-P

Also, about ^, I think ekw79 was just trolling. No need to overreact like this.

Yeah, it was purely sarcastic and nothing to get your undies bunched up about.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Somehow, while I love the characters, as I said numerous times, the plot devices Ssamba uses are a bit too artificial. I see the ropes there. Overearing conversations in the classroom, check. Riding a Ferris-wheel, check. Truck-san killing, or injuring, a character, check (twice). Interrupted in the middle of a confession, check. I feel like I've read this kind of devices in a million shoujos

I still like it, but she doesn't aim for originality. Same sins than Lily Love.

I'll probably be flamed to death by the FF fans, but oh well, once I've read this chapter, I was like..."hmmm, where did I read something like that before? Oh right... EVERYWHERE!"

Die heretical scum!!!

Okay, now that the flaming is out of the way.

I agree. She does use the tropes but eh, it's not a high school girls manga and the characters are relatively mature which is a VERY nice change of pace. I just wish we got to see more of them interacting with Korean society because... well you could place this in nearly any major metropolis and no one would know the difference.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I think it's gonna be a bit confusing and hard to no rae. I mean yes she likes Soela but she was sooo in love with the ex. She was so much in love and heartbroken till the fact she took a year off everything and went to australia to clear her mind off. So i'm sure his moves would at least will touch her about even more since she dense about Soela's feelings to her. She would think soela still doesn't like her in that way. So soela should be really smooth and more bold with her moves towards no rae (and judging from her actions, she will totally be hella bolder XD).
But isn't a bit weird that Soela just went by confessing in the middle of the campus to no rae?? I mean is she sure about no rae's feelings towards her?? I mean especially since she's in korea, confessing to the same gender could be a vey big deal you know, judging their perspective towards homosexuality.

spot on with the confessing thing. it's really somewhat mind-boggling that Seol-a and No-rae never once contemplated that they're falling in love with the same gender. it's like, it never was a factor. and Seol-a just thought I'm just gonna confess now. she didn't even consider their friendship. when the last chapter imo wasn't that frustrating enough for her to confess at this point. but I think the ex comes at the right timing. No-rae just keeps chickening out. I think No-rae is getting the hint that Seol-a likes her but she's somewhat dismissing that possibility and afraid with facing her own feelings for Seol-a. No-rae's closure with her ex would make her realize that she can take a chance at love again and of course it would be with Seol-a. stop holding back No-rae. Seol-a keeps throwing herself at you. don't act like you're so dense. I bet Seol-a will get drunk again. this arc will be bitter-sweet.

Maybe all of this will be answered in the coming chapters.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Alextasha, time for bed

Yeah, I know I know. But I was waiting for halmoni's TN, but because I have to get up early tomorrow I think I will read it in the morning *sigh*

Also kouhai was also "nice guy" :P

Indeed. In fact, we were all up in arms over the wrong guy lmao XD


I'm wondering if in this arc we will have some homophobic things like... No-Rae's ex will get furious when he finds out about her feelings to Seol-a and... he might do something to her... or to No-Rae...

He has the look of a nice guy in this chapter. I dont think so (i generally think people are good lol)
Alextasha, time for bed

I don't think No-rae has even fully admitted to herself that she likes Seol-a. So it doesn't sound very possible that she would even reveal it to someone else, especially her ex.

Nope. No-rae already admitted that she likes Seol-a and that's why she attempted to avoid her that led to Seol-a chasing her to her home.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

random reader seol-a is actually just one word away from saying the magical three words
ssamba really toyed us with these cliches

eh, not that its a bad thing

First person to correct me in this entire damned thread lol.

And I was thinking the same damned thing about her fashion!!

last edited at Oct 18, 2015 11:39AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Perfect timing, oppa. Anyway, No-rae already rejected Ji-hwan's confession, so why shouldn't she do the same now? I mean, we know she has feelings for Seol-a. In short, I'm not worried about the ex's return.

Too true Romantic it's just... how do we KNOW he's her ex?? He could be her family's dark secret. The brother they rejected!!! dun dun DUUUUN!!!!!!....

J/K... I have a feeling that No-rae will deal with this maturely. It just sucks because it looks like Seol-a was totally ready to put the movies on No-rae. As in she maybe possibly noticed No-rae might have some feelings of her own towards Seol-a!!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Ahhh shit.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Cute ending. Didn't realize this finished since it's been sometime since I last read it.

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 17 Oct 14:16
joined Nov 30, 2011

Hear hear Nez. It's really disappointing.

It violates "show, don't tell" really badly. Sure, Keiko got closure. But the reader did not. That's kind of important.

Especially when it's a major plot point that has had tons of build-up.

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 17 Oct 11:38
joined Nov 30, 2011

Hear hear Nez. It's really disappointing.

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 17 Oct 10:47
joined Nov 30, 2011

I really really loved this story up until the last few chapters and then it got really frustrating. There were so many loose ends to tie up and we didn't even get to see one of the most important ones that had buildup from almost the beginning! (Well, make that two if you count the ending bit about going the wrong direction.)

I hope that, maybe there is a sequel but I would rather see the loose ends tied up from this part first and not hear about them with shrug.

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 12 Oct 09:17
joined Nov 30, 2011

Who knows... maybe the moving away part will be the trigger for Keiko to realize our dormant feelings for her love of Ran and show up at Ran's place for a night of hot, sweaty, all night stretching!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

How is it going?

Steady and amusing!

Recap of the best lines of today's session (for posterity):


you just make yourself into nice shooting target, +10 points for hitting niples

ED: Before anyone asks, no one got those extra points =(

Lol! The day can always be saved by violence! ;)