Forum › Posts by Blackkitty

joined Feb 3, 2015


^ You could always say that you're already in a relationship with someone ^ - ^

We've been to the same group in Uni so I can't, but thanks anyway :)


"adorable" is really not a trait that could be easily found in a full-grown man. Hope you could come up with the nicest humanly possible way to turn him down.

oh, I don't think he really is a "full-grown" ... he is just very innocent... oh,well, I'll just tell him I'm not interested in anything but being friends with him^^ I guess I'm just overthinking things...^^""
I hope as well :) because I'm not very good with that stuff!

So far, the number of guys I've found them adorable is still "one".

i know of 3 adorable guys, I find them because I don't look for them, I guess xD that's my luck

last edited at Oct 13, 2016 8:59PM

joined Feb 3, 2015


I thought you caught a cold or something...
I'm glad you are alive^^
… but as you say: bad weeds grow tall.. xD

On a not very positive note: for a person who loves snooker I suck so much at billard... just so embarrassing...

last edited at Oct 13, 2016 5:00PM

joined Feb 3, 2015


And I somewhat did, it's not the most appealing job ever but, I least I get to spend everyday doing nothing for 6 hrs (lol)

hah, it's nice to hear you are doing ok.. keep up with the good work ;)

and since you mentioned something about my starring in a romance story... very soon I'll have to turn down an adorable shy guy and I feel really bad about it... and I've been thinking how to do it in the most delicate way... :(

joined Feb 3, 2015


Life not, but the rocky road sunday was waaaayyyy more D:

Why? What happened?


^ Gz Blackkitty! ^ o ^ who knows, maybe you'll end up finding yourself starring in your own supernatural romance story :>

Who knows... but I doubt that I have that much imagination xD I'm usually on the more realistic side^^""

So, did you get used to the job? It's already been about a month? :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

I wonder why people go to the cinema and when the lights are off and the movie begins they decide that a fish face selfie must be taken....

Anyway, the movie I watched was "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" and here is a song from it ^^

joined Feb 3, 2015

I got the job^^ some night shifts ahead.. I'm curious to see how that will turn out xD


Never >_>

on a side note, at some point during the year, fam got me lord of the rings ring for birthday D:

Happy Birthday, Choco! ^_^ (whenever that is)
May your life be as sweet as your name! ;)

I can't answer to your random question - it's strange, but I don't have crushes when it comes to anime, or any other media. >_>

joined Feb 3, 2015


Trying my best sis :( If I were able to fully control things, I'd make so it wouldn't bother me at all, or better yet, wake up feeling 100% okay with my assigned gender.

I know for a fact that none of them are doing it for bad reasons.. I mean, I can imagine that shifting their mindset after knowing me for so long has to be a huge shock.

On a more positive tone, things do get better, I've already managed to get some work of them, and looks like with the most cases my work will pay off.

You know better your friends, I guess... I can just keep my fingers crossed in hope that everything goes well for you and them.. whatever happens, I'm with you :)

Plus, it's always nice to come here and be fully recognitioned as something I feel as. I do specifically remember your post when I came out here.. it one of those that gave me the courage > to keep on pushing, and I don't plan on slowing that. Words cannot describe how much the reception here has helped me cope up with all of this crazyness.

But I'm getting too sentimental here, so I'll just say this: I feel fuzzy when I read the word "sis" in your posts :)

So now I have one more reason to call you "sis" ;) ... the "sentimentality&blushing" gene obviously runs in the family... because reading through your post I got the warm feeling in my stomach... hugs you ...

what to say......I just want you to be happy with who you are - a lovely one! :) so I give you my full support for your journey! :)

A dream job? Anyway, good luck, I'll be rooting for you the whole day!
Looks like you beat me up to me editing the previous post :P

Thank you! Far from being a "dream" job, but it's a job and I need it if I want to save money for my future travels ;) so thank you, sis! I very much appreciate it!

A very dependable friend of mine recommended me to his boss actually... but there is something funny... since we've been talking about friendships here, I remembered how my friend and I get to know each other - we happened to fall badly for the same girl when we were first year students in Uni xD

Sure! Skype sounds neat! On a side note, I jsut realized I use old information on it, need to change it soon.

hahah, my skype account is so old and embarrassing xD not surprisingly it contains "cat"in it xD

last edited at Oct 10, 2016 4:44PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

It appears that I have a job interview tomorrow... ^^''

joined Feb 3, 2015


Imo if it doesn't hurt you too much or affects you too negatively, I'm always for trying first to make them understand their ignorance/mistake. If you really matter to them, they will be willing to try to change their mindset in a timely manner.

But if they are not - they either don't truly care about you or are too stupid... in both cases you will only torment yourself needlessly if you keep them around.
It's you who is important and you have the power to chose your friends^^ it's wiser too chose quality over quantity ;)

hmm..[about the Onee-chan post from the other page]... Thank you! >//< .. but such comments leave me speechless, sis...^^

joined Feb 3, 2015


She is smart (I mean, smart is such a relative word it doesn't mean much anymore), she just is a whiny baby who never owns up to anything and makes excuses...

She obviously needs to grow up but still... I think she would've made me a little furious^^

joined Feb 3, 2015


So I think.. but in all honesty, everything just seems to be so badly timed.. a survival, yes, but feeling like a one with half of her body blown off :P

Thanks older sister ^.^ Your onee-chan powers help more than one might think! Really glad to have such a cool sister!

For a person with half of her body blown away you are quite successful in making me blush... you definitely have enough of you left to be yourself again ;)
Tomorrow is a new week, hopefully a better one :)

ohh, me too! I'm very happy that I know you even if it's only in the realm of virtual space - I think you are a good person^^ and you are adorable as a sister... my brother has never called me cool, he thinks I'm weird and clumsy, and I have no arguments to refute that really xD

last edited at Oct 9, 2016 7:53AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Welp, finally managed to break my dry spell and got a new story finished and uploaded. So here, you are.

How the Goddess Was Saved

Hope you like it.

Thank you! I do like your romantic tale^^ especially in the end, when her dead body gets devoured by the rats, it's kind of beautiful.
I haven't heard the names of the gods before - are they fictional as well?

joined Feb 3, 2015


I'm so sorry... :( I know that kind of people very well... we had almost the same case in our group, that impertinent girl took advantage of the kindness of others and actually managed to graduate. She was insolent enough to even offer money once if someone agreed to make her project, which is insulting and unfair.
I woder what such people are doing in Uni if they are not interested in studying...
Be strong!


Hey, that was you first week so it's normal to be a bit turbulent^^ and you are a survivor! So be proud of yourself ^_^ plus regardless of anything I will go on seeing you as a younger sister :)

joined Feb 3, 2015


Your big sister invites you to teleport yourself to her place, and join her for a tea party ^_^The room is overpowered with the scent of tea tree coming from a candle while I'm having a tea of linden flowers. Maybe this will make you look at the situation differently, in a more relaxed way^^

It's only the beginning of the school year and I think you should focus more on how to get the most of what the professors can offer you as knowledge. And let yourself truly acquaint with your colleagues even if they see the world differently^^
About the job and the money - I believe that what really matters is you and your happiness because life is too short ;)

And I was so happy when I read about that girl who you had made friends with...

haha, your new avatar - it just smells of drama xD while Utoptia's darkness suits the his evil intentions to enslave the world...

and talking about ships.. I've always thought that you two would get on well ;)

joined Feb 3, 2015

I have no star sign since on the day of my birth the stars turned around and wept, so there were none in the sky D:

they wept because one of them had just descended to Earth, and they were lonely ;)

joined Feb 3, 2015


The job centre making me go in on my birthday ;_;

Crime against humanity ;_;

I used to have exams on my birthday ;_;
One time I had 2 exams on my birthday...

so you are a libra? :)

joined Feb 3, 2015


I like your taste, babe! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

( ’ω’ ) It would be more accurate to say that I like your taste! ;)

Because usually people say "Yeah, sure, I'll watch it“ and then they never do T_T
It's nice to hear you're not one of those ^^

I hope I'm not...

But we're still at the stage where we're getting to know each other (◦’ںˉ◦)

Great! Take your sweet time! I'm anything but in a hurry :P

^^ You can't escape those damn feels! They haunt you. ;)
Most movies don't manage to hit so hard. That's why I love it sooo much!

well, this is your movie then! ^_^
Exactly, I seek the same emotional reaction! To be left speechless..

I wonder if anyone of my friends would really appreciate it... (≖╻≖;)

I love 'em all as well! That's why I got the soundtrack d (^‿^✿)

I like those 3 best:
Origin of Love (of course! Best song about love ever made! ^^)
Wicked little Town
and the ending song Midnight Radio (it's so good...)

^_^ ..... thanks again!

And whenever I need something to cheer me up I like to listen to
Sugar Daddy or Wig in a Box.

honestly, when I've heard "Sugar Daddy", I though of you and your sweet tooth xD

And you know how you can make it even better?
You have to listen to those songs really really loud! ^^b
Turn up the volume to max! ;)

Most likely that would bring me a headache... but once in a while..., and you can sing with the music ♪(o^0^)o♪

joined Feb 3, 2015

@PKMN Ranger

I'm happy for you! hugs It's always great to have someone to talk to about what interests you most! Even better if she is your close friend :)

last edited at Oct 5, 2016 11:46AM

joined Feb 3, 2015


For real? O_O
You watched it? (๑°o°๑)

AWESOME!!! (ˆ⌣ˆ)/

hahah, why are you so surprised? I hinted at you that I was going to watch it ;)
shame on you! if we are to be shipped together, you should know better xD otherwise no shipyard for you! xD

So... you liked it? Well, of course you liked it, it's a great movie after all ;)
I mean, how could you not, right? (◦’ںˉ◦)

I loved it since the beginning! Actually, the movie has the best opening ever! And it overwhelmed me, when it ended I wasn't able to comment on it because I needed time... what to say, the spiral of Headwig's emotional universe compressed in 90 min :)

Then we practically watched it at the same time because after I disappeared here I grabbed my DVD and watched it again as well ^^

o.O now I'm surprised! It took me more then 90 min... I'm certain I've played most of the songs at least 2 times xD

Bittersweet 90 minutes... I love it's humor... First it makes you laugh and then you go all "Awww...." and you're so touched ^^

yes, the humor... but it's much more than that! walls, bridges, love, cynicism, metaphors, parallels,philosophy, and Headwig - he is who he is - one whole thing

Which song did you like best?

Difficult question, I like all of them ;)
But if I have to pick, my favorites are: "The Origin of Love" (beautiful, sad, meaningful and that lovely animation! ) and then "This Wicked Little Town" and "Tear me".

joined Feb 3, 2015

Good! (◦’ںˉ◦)b
That's how I like my servants! ;)

It definitely is worth a watch... My favorite queer movie.
His voice gives me goosebumps time and time again... John Cameron Mitchell is so lovely!

Mission accomplished! ;)
Your feeling was right...

joined Feb 3, 2015

Go and watch Hedwig!!!
Just seeing that clip makes me wanna watch it again right now ^^
It's so great!

I'm at your command... Ojou-sama..
it does seem intriguing^^

last edited at Oct 4, 2016 4:24PM

joined Feb 3, 2015


But I still enjoyed it very much. It gets you hooked. That show is so fast paced that you never get bored and most actors are really great, especially Viola Davis. I love her!

yeey! that's great news! And yes - Viola is stunning ^^ there are just very few series that have made me binge watch them - among them are this one and Sense8 (so give it a try)... and for the rest of the shows - most of the time I lose interest in the middle or even earlier...xD

Yeah, me too (^___^)b
After Game of Thrones I saw Jessica Jones and Transparent S2 then Stranger Things, The Night of, BrainDead and How to get away with Murder S2....

hah, you are supersonic.. you beat me.. I usually fall asleep 1-2 episodes xD so my list of titles is far more modest..

I've seen a few episodes of Black Box... seemed okay but didn't really catch my interest...
If you wanna see Kelly Reilly again you should watch Eden Lake... O__O Very dark movie ^^

the majority of viewers don't like it ^^
I'm in the mood to experiment with different genres so I will check it out. Thank you!

Never heard of that one before...
But if you're in the mood for a fun and good movie I might have a recommendation for you...
Do you know “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”?
I love that one very much. Holds a special place in my heart.
I have a feeling you could like it as well...

there are older versions of the movie under different names...
no, I haven't heard of it before, but now I have a reason to get to know it^^ Thanks again!

Why didn't you go???
My 3 favorites in one room?
I would have gone for sure! ٩(。•ω•。)و

oh.. I've heard about the show too late - only the worst places were available.. and it would've been annoying if some industrious camera man had been to block my view.. plus, no one of my few friends would've come with me... leaving me alone in the crowd. 2 favorites <3, I don't know about Selby... he is currently number one in the ranking system, but when I saw his playing in the final of China Open - he wasn't playing his game, but some unusual offensive snooker, and his accuracy was he let Ding Junghui beat him. And Junghui usually thinks just a couple of moves ahead..

Shouldn't complain. Could always be worse. So I'm grateful for what I have ^^

there will be better times for you, I'm sure ;)

joined Feb 3, 2015

I've just happened to watch the French movie "Indigo Mood" with Audrey Tautou. A very interesting one, I would say and I did enjoyed the stop-motion effects. It was something different from what I'm used to watching^^

joined Feb 3, 2015


Have you seen the second season of "How to get away with murder" yet?

Unfortunately, I haven't...but I will! Actually, I managed to finish the whole first season... so I will give a chance to the second as well.
But I always have something else to watch... for example, now it's "Black Box" - I've just found the series, and after having watched 4 episodes I wonder why they cancelled it. Its subject matter is intriguing, the title is perfct, the backgound music is great, and the cast - Kelly Reilly is lovely.^^""

no worries... I still have to reply to your previous post..

last edited at Oct 3, 2016 8:18AM

joined Feb 3, 2015


You do trigger interesting discussions sometimes ;)

well, I'm sure when the right time comes, someone will appreciate you for who you are and there will be romance in your life! And if you have your goals clearly set and the determination to follow through until you achieve them, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to make use of some real romance as well ^^
but I don't know... I fail miserably in the romantic department being kind of silly...

Bon courage! It seems that you will have to work really hard this year, but it is worth the effort :)

and good luck tomorrow! hopefully there are the nice people among your future colleagues hugs