Forum › Posts by neversung

joined Dec 8, 2013

drpepperfan posted:

This could use the marriage tag.


but what, chicken butt?

joined Dec 8, 2013

I love Hachi's stories. This one is so sweet, like all the rest. ^_^

joined Dec 8, 2013

Oh hell yes. I've never clicked "subscribe" so quickly before in my life.

also transbikes I think you're maybe being a little overly-cynical... The girl has a walking stick and a radio. Already way more realistic than most stories. I don't think the artist is using her disability as a throwaway gag or anything.

Sweet Room discussion 09 Apr 01:42
joined Dec 8, 2013

Nezchan posted:

As to the fact that it's not really much of a twist given the semi-sinister cover and the overall creepy mood throughout, he said if it's not a twist that's also reason not to tag it, which doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't address the tag's use in searches or blacklists at all, which to me are pretty big reasons to have tags in the first place.

I completely agree. I can't think of any reason for tags other than searching and filtering. Like, that's the whole point of the tags, I thought.

joined Dec 8, 2013

This was so sweet. :)

Sweet Room discussion 07 Apr 23:51
joined Dec 8, 2013

Nezchan posted:

If people want this tagged, they're going to need to make tag suggestions (upper right of the screen). Apparently only one person has done that so far.

Not to derail, but out of curiosity how is it decided which tag suggestions are taken?

Well, drpepperfan does most of it right now, and he's very resistant to the idea. But overall it tends to be a judgement call rather than an exact science.

Well, we'll see... but if they already expressed the wish to preserve the "twist", I don't see how making a tag suggestion is gonna sway drpepperfan. We're talking about it in the thread because we can actually elaborate and explain why we think it should be tagged.

Sweet Room discussion 07 Apr 05:22
joined Dec 8, 2013

drpepperfan posted:

mfw tagging everything would ruin da twist


Please add the yandere tag. Spoiler or not, you don't want people to be misled

Mm, I think that would srsly clash with what the artist intended though. Like, if I was working on a fandub of Citizen Kane, i wouldnt tag it "It's not a person, it was a sled" so people wouldn't get misled.

And yeah I just compared Citizen Kane to a Love Live porno. That's just how I roll.

What's the point of filters without proper tags? People blacklist rape and yandere for a reason, man...

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 5:25AM

joined Dec 8, 2013

You have nothing to apologize for, Uzaki.


Kiss Chain discussion 05 Apr 23:10
joined Dec 8, 2013

they're so aware of each other. <3

joined Dec 8, 2013

Reirin posted:

But nice artwork thought.

Yeah, I really did like the art. Hope to see some light-hearted (or at least not murdery :D) yuri from this artist in the future.

joined Dec 8, 2013

What could possibly go wrong?

joined Dec 8, 2013

lenne18 posted:

Looks like we'll be expecting another chapter called "Married Life". Can't wait!

Yes! So excited. :D

joined Dec 8, 2013

Whait wat? Cute!!

joined Dec 8, 2013

Labhubhul posted:

Of course.

excuse me but this is art.

joined Dec 8, 2013

Rainbowmau5 posted:

hey! a wild rainbow appears
[Pirate link removed, user suspended for 1 day]
heres the game, and its free :D

lol you done fucked up

everyone, if you wanna play this excellent game (well, read this excellent VN...), PLEASE pay for it! Show the devs and localizers that we are (the english-speaking market) a viable yuri market!!

last edited at Mar 29, 2016 11:22PM

Murcielago discussion 29 Mar 16:16
joined Dec 8, 2013

rip in pepperonis, Kuroko's heart :(

joined Dec 8, 2013

4976x8 no...


i agree

Lily Love discussion 29 Mar 04:08
joined Dec 8, 2013

Oh, you guys think you're soooo funny, don't you? I'm freaking out over here!! What a mess this story is turning into. Seriously.

joined Dec 8, 2013

You could also whitelist one tag, then specify in the blacklist things to narrow it down more. Yuri for the whitelist then start narrowing things down to confine the search. throw het, drama, angst or whatever and it'll start to narrow the results

This is what I currently do, and it works well enough. I was just wondering if there were secrets to the formatting of the white/blacklist functionality that I wasn't aware of.

As I mentioned though, you can't narrow it down "perfectly" to only stories with any yuri elements at all, since you miss subtext and yuri crush if you use the whitelist.

I mainly blacklist het, tragedy, and depressing as fuck (and bad end... Lookin at you "Happy End" -_-). I'd never complain about their appearance on the site, but I'm grateful for the ability to hide them.

EDIT: btw, how do you quote someone so that their name appears, and do they get notified of replies?

EDIT 2: nvm I saw Alice's Dynasty Thingifier post (great name btw. ^_^). Thanks for the hard work!

last edited at Mar 28, 2016 2:20AM

joined Dec 8, 2013

I'll be honest, I was expecting something more than this. I feel a bit unsatisfied, given how much the rest of the series led up to it.

Yeah, I'm hoping the next (final?) chapter explores a little bit of the insecurities they both felt (and perhaps still feel), with maybe a different perspective now that they're together.

But it'll prolly just be sex. <3

joined Dec 8, 2013

Drama CDs

What's all this then? Have they been released? Have they been translated?

They've been released, 3 of them are on nyaa. Fourth that was released in January 2015 isn't uploaded as far as I know.

I really should try to learn Japanese, but is there any hope for even a rough pastebin-style translation? I'd love to listen to them!

Good news, Mangagamer's releasing them.

Hey, you're from the Suggestions thread! I love you for this!!! :D

joined Dec 8, 2013

And with that chapter, all is right with the world.

A little rushed, though. I hope to see more of them! I noticed it said "next stage" rather than "next couple". :3

joined Dec 8, 2013

neversung posted:

That would be hilariously cumbersome... And there are no tags that always apply to stories that don't have the tags I'm after, so it'd be like chasing a runaway train. Like, I could block het, but I'd still see all the stories with no yuri tags yet have stuff like comedy or moe up the butt or 4-koma or school life. All of which can also be found in yuri stories.

It's a bit weirdly worded but the logic is actually correct. NOT (NOT X) is a double negative. The two NOTs would end up canceling each other out. So NOT (NOT yuri) would effectively be a check for a yuri tag.

I still don't fully understand, but are you saying there's a way to do this at present, or does it have to be implemented first?

joined Dec 8, 2013

You've completely lost me. ^_^

Hahaha, I should be a bit more careful about how much vodka I drink, huh? To clarify, if I'm understanding you correct, you want results that include at least one of the tags in your post, meaning that it matches any of them.

My post was saying in an awkward, rambly way that "X OR Y" is functionally equivalent to "NOT (NOT X AND NOT Y)". Which is to say, if there were a way to blacklist manga that don't contain at least one of the tags, it would return the results of interest to you.

That would be hilariously cumbersome... And there are no tags that always apply to stories that don't have the tags I'm after, so it'd be like chasing a runaway train. Like, I could block het, but I'd still see all the stories with no yuri tags yet have stuff like comedy or moe up the butt or 4-koma or school life. All of which can also be found in yuri stories.

joined Dec 8, 2013

Is there a way to whitelist multiple tags with an "OR" operator? Like, I wanna whitelist Yuri, Yuri crush, and subtext, but have the site display stories with any (not necessarily all) of those tags. Is that possible? I only see a way to show stories that have every whitelisted tag, not just one of the whitelisted tags.

EDIT: This goes for searching as well.

DeMorgan's Laws would imply that this could be implemented (granted, inefficiently) by checking against the opposite of each of these terms. If a result doesn't blacklist all of these tags at once then it necessarily much whitelist at least one of these and oh god I'm using formal logic to help people find yuri manga the 4chan is coming from inside the house

You've completely lost me. ^_^