Forum › Posts by StupidSexySolaire

joined Jan 19, 2023

*repeated head bashing noises

joined Jan 19, 2023

Akizuki seems pretty obviously like a trans-esque character: if they really had a solid male identity, being turned fully into a girl temporarily would make them not want to do that again, and they'd especially flee when learning about the PERMANENT GENDER LOCK TO GIRL. No romance is worth lifelong gender dysphoria. Instead, Akizaki is anxious but also a fully willing participant and is growing to be comfortable with transition more and more. This is not a character tied to being a man lol. Actual men would not take this bargain. If you think you're a man and would take this bargain, you should discuss this with your therapist and start thinking deeply about your gender identity, because there might be some stuff about yourself you haven't realized before lol.

gotta disagree here. first off you have confused sex and gender its his sex changing not his gender. and second not everyone cares about gender. while it can be a strong one for some people gender is still just a made up social construct after all. just because someone has a dick or has a vagina doesnt mean they'll always like the same things/behave like each other after all.

i mean for most part the things people think are "manly"or "girly" are just interests/behaviours that are normally associated with that gender. doesnt mean a dude cant like pink or sewing or that a girl cant like football and working on cars.

anyway that kind of stuff may be important to you but that doesnt mean it is to everyone. and it doesnt mean someones trans because they dont care that much about whats between their legs.

im a big 6ft1 dude and would not really care at all if i turned into a girl. why? because it doesnt matter to me. im me no matter whats in my pants. if i wake up with a vagina im not going to be different as a person or in personality the only real change is i wouldnt be able to pee as easy and id need to buy bras. if i had a reason like in the story id 100% do it. that doesnt mean im trans or want to be a girl but ive just never attached any part of my identity to a stupid concept made up by soceity. i do still prefer being a man however the sole reason i prefer having a dick is because i dont want to deal with having periods.

Actual men would not take this bargain. If you think you're a man and would take this bargain, you should discuss this with your therapist and start thinking deeply about your gender identity, because there might be some stuff about yourself you haven't realized before lol.

wrong again buddy my dick is still attached with no desire to be a woman. oh wow its almost like gender is just a concept that not everyone cares about. also just really bad take dude. please learn that just because you think/place importance on something or think a certain way doesnt mean everyone else does.

joined Jan 19, 2023

super cute. always love to see after story stuff. always makes me grin like a idiot

joined Jan 19, 2023

yuzu looking at her like this lol