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Lemonade discussion 20 Jan 19:10
joined Jan 30, 2013

Awful lot of butthurt here.

Encore!!! discussion 06 Dec 22:14
joined Jan 30, 2013

Another classic. Hawt.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Aah, Love live is full of yuri material~ My fav pairing after Nico x Maki

I've yet to watch the anime or read any of the manga, is it worth the time, yuri-wise?

joined Jan 30, 2013

That was a nice "confession"

Indeed, it's amazing what touching with the right setting can do ;)

joined Jan 30, 2013

Good stuff.

Fragtime discussion 27 Oct 20:09
joined Jan 30, 2013

It doesn't really have to be rational. As long as she thinks she's degrading herself the coping mechanism is serving it's purpose, so time is irrelevant. Coping mechanism don't work on a consciousness level.

It's not really that uncommon in real life.

Da fuq is this guy even talking about? Someone please dumb down his comments or make him GTHO.

I actually understand what s/he's talking about, but they seem to be hostile/aggressive with their tone so I don't see a point in translating it, but I'll do it anyway.

They're saying that whatsherface, Muramaki, has issues and represses them, so she's putting on the strip show and being otherwhatsherfaces plaything/fantasy as a way to punish herself (for what, who knows, her own perceived lack of worth through the BS she puts up with?) through humiliation, or sexual degredation, or whatever.

I do find it interesting that she's been "testing" (imo) Moritani's character during different snippets of the time stop, maybe to get a better sense of her , and (more imo) she likes being around Moritani because Moritani doesn't really matter in "their world" anyway, since she makes herself invisible to their peers via the time stop. She's a safe place for Muramaki, even if she hasn't realized it yet (though a part of her recognizes it on a subconscious level which is why she acts 'different' around her)

That's just my 'kyaaaaa emoticon fluffspeak' though (to quote mr.hostilepants up there)

Fragtime discussion 27 Oct 11:28
joined Jan 30, 2013

People take their supernatural time-stopping lesbianism a little too seriously.

Dynasty Games! 27 Oct 11:20
joined Jan 30, 2013

So aside from Minecraft, what else do people play? I've been spending entirely too much of my life playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Was this dropped? ;_;

joined Jan 30, 2013

This is how we get ants.

joined Jan 30, 2013

I don't even know why I read half the shit I read on here...bleh.

If you're like me, you just do it because it's there.

Because is yuri, and deep down you know you have to read it to know if it is good, bad, or ugly.

It's true - but the things I can't unsee ;_;

joined Jan 30, 2013

I don't even know why I read half the shit I read on here...bleh.

Happy End discussion 16 May 21:27
joined Jan 30, 2013

i don't like incest stories... i read them and even if i get to like them, in the end i can't help but think "this is so unreal" and "but, what's going to happen if anyone finds out?". I know this is not a serious story unlike others but, this is why i can't see it's cute side anymore.

Incest is an international taboo because it happens everywhere...And it's fairly well documented, even among long lost family members ( Just look at any European royal families...they're all related to each other due to years of inbreeding...

Also, in most countries it's legal to marry your first cousin. In fact, if it weren't for the freaky babies (inbreedin' is bad, mmkay?) there probably wouldn't be any taboo about it, for the most part.

What's more unreal is thinking that incest situations are unreal.