Forum › Posts by kayllo36

joined Oct 22, 2021

Am I the only one who feels that what Eri and Kyou did was shitty. And, trying to sneak behind Fuyuki's back just makes it ten times worse.

I agree with you on it, its selfish on Eri's part to just make face for what I'm assuming in her perspective as: "for Fuyuki's sake". I have hope in the resolve, but realistically speaking I can vouch on the side of Eri being messy on preserving her status quo in the friend group sort of, is damming.

But I'm rooting on Fuyuki to call her out on it, but to a degree that's not too, too melodramatic.

joined Oct 22, 2021

I'd say Brave wins this race. But the maid will win the war

I completely agree, im really routing for either one of those two. The Witch is too mature, the Priestess (although being my favorite -dere type, Tsundere [at best]) is in my opinion not ideal for the Demon-King and simply for the Princess Knight its just a pass (her personality don't really fit with the Demon-King's + she kinda annoying... :|.