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joined Dec 6, 2018

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

news flash, this isnt real life, this is a manga, so please when given another chance, think twice before using the real world as a shield to deflect against disapproval of what someone perceives as a poor plot scenario.

that aside, the ”joke” here is that, this story has become so bad to me, that i can only laugh in bitter anger since it falls short of the intrigue it initially invoked within me.

i quite simply, just dislike eri for her lack of eq and fuyuki for her lack of iq, and it manages to frustrate me beyond reason.

Well, it is indeed quite the news flash I am reading a work of fiction. Thank you for your clarification on that point. Not being nearly as worldly and wise I had the mistaken impression that fiction, nonfiction, and indeed most works of literature were based at least in part on real life or, at least, real life situations which the author uses to better draw in the audience and make the story relatable. Evidently I was incorrect.
I was using real life as neither a shield to protect the author who I do not know, nor feel the need to guard, nor as a cudgel to belittle you as you seem quite content to attempt to do to me. I was using real life as an example of where the author possibly got the idea for how they handled the story.
If you do not care for the story, that is absolutely your right. If you do not care for the characters that is, again, well within your rights. (not that I have given approval whether tacitly or no as you do not need my approval nor anything else from me and I do apologize if it came across that way) to feel that way.
I was simply pointing out that, having written a book or two of my own, and having lived a moment or two as well, I felt the use of the senpai was a perfectly acceptable plot device given the situation and that, just as you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to disagree with it.

sigh.... you know what, this story isnt worth arguing over, lets just end this discussion of ours right here.

I apologize if you think I was arguing, I wasn't. But I see no need to continue what is, obviously, a pointless conversation. Good day to you.

joined Dec 6, 2018

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

news flash, this isnt real life, this is a manga, so please when given another chance, think twice before using the real world as a shield to deflect against disapproval of what someone perceives as a poor plot scenario.

that aside, the ”joke” here is that, this story has become so bad to me, that i can only laugh in bitter anger since it falls short of the intrigue it initially invoked within me.

i quite simply, just dislike eri for her lack of eq and fuyuki for her lack of iq, and it manages to frustrate me beyond reason.

Well, it is indeed quite the news flash I am reading a work of fiction. Thank you for your clarification on that point. Not being nearly as worldly and wise I had the mistaken impression that fiction, nonfiction, and indeed most works of literature were based at least in part on real life or, at least, real life situations which the author uses to better draw in the audience and make the story relatable. Evidently I was incorrect.
I was using real life as neither a shield to protect the author who I do not know, nor feel the need to guard, nor as a cudgel to belittle you as you seem quite content to attempt to do to me. I was using real life as an example of where the author possibly got the idea for how they handled the story.
If you do not care for the story, that is absolutely your right. If you do not care for the characters that is, again, well within your rights. (not that I have given approval whether tacitly or no as you do not need my approval nor anything else from me and I do apologize if it came across that way) to feel that way.
I was simply pointing out that, having written a book or two of my own, and having lived a moment or two as well, I felt the use of the senpai was a perfectly acceptable plot device given the situation and that, just as you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to disagree with it.

last edited at Jul 9, 2023 7:56PM

joined Dec 6, 2018

eri is dating someone she doesnt love, so fuyuki responds by doing the same?

what a joke of a story this manga has shown, though i guess its too bad that its not funny, cause then i could at least enjoy the laugh it provided if anything.

I'm not sure what joke you're referring to. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life when someone is hurt. They cast about for anything or anyone to make themselves feel better. It's been established that Fuyuki and senpai have a history, so it's not like she went to get a hooker or dropped into a bar and fell into the lap of the first person she saw.
I'm not sure, again, how this constitutes a joke. Maybe I'm simply too dense to grasp it. Seems legit to me.

last edited at Jul 9, 2023 2:54PM

joined Dec 6, 2018

Being a writer I was a bit surprised at the number of words in the chapter but I still should have handled it better.I'm doing a bit more editing on my own, now, so hopefully I can cut down on the verbosity a bit to make it a bit easier to read, too! I really want to be able to do whatever I can to help bring these stories to life and share them with people who will appreciate them! Since I can't read Japanese or Chinese I want to be able to help where I can!
Thank you for your kind words and for not judging me too harshly!

Your enthusiasm is infectious. Feel free to hit me up if you need/want help.

Biggest tip I ever came across during my time as an editor: if you do a good job no one notices.

That's my goal! I want it to be so that no one even notices I exist! It sucks being responsible for distracting from the story and art and I hope to one day get good enough so that I can fade into the background and just concentrate on helping to bring an engaging story and adorable art to people who normally wouldn't have the chance to enjoy it!
I will definitely contact you, though the program I use is pretty simple and I've just started learning how to use it (I'm not great at graphics, yet) so I can't do much in the way of fanciness, I've started using a lot of the suggestions people have given me so I have a better grasp of things. I'm also going to be a bit more involved in taking the translation and making it slightly more conversational for English speakers. Hopefully, it won't be quite so wordy and literal. Thank you so much for your kindness and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my next chapter, which is chapter 8!

joined Dec 6, 2018

I will get better and more intuitive at these things! Everyone has been very kind and helpful and I am taking their advice to heart to try to improve the job I do. I'm sorry it was such a distraction. The story really is a very engaging one. I promise!

Hey. Props for taking the criticism well. Every editor's first typeset is rough. Mine was way worse than this. We can feel your passion and enthusiasm for this title, and that's always nice to see.

If you have a QC or more experienced editor, they should've guided or looked over your work. So don't try to beat yourself too down. Typesetting/cleaning is a joint effort between the translator and editor. Not even the most expierenced type setter could've worked well with the length of the dialogue, so someone should've looked over both the edit and the translation.

Being a writer I was a bit surprised at the number of words in the chapter but I still should have handled it better.I'm doing a bit more editing on my own, now, so hopefully I can cut down on the verbosity a bit to make it a bit easier to read, too! I really want to be able to do whatever I can to help bring these stories to life and share them with people who will appreciate them! Since I can't read Japanese or Chinese I want to be able to help where I can!
Thank you for your kind words and for not judging me too harshly!

joined Dec 6, 2018

I have to apologize for the terrible job I did editing and typesetting this chapter. It was my first major assignment and I didn't do a very good job so I am so very sorry!

It's not that big a deal. Most people are way more interested in being able to read the stuff in the first place, and some editing ends up way, way worse than this. The only major problem I had personally was some of the blurry text, and I'm sure that could get better with practice and with some advice from more experienced editors.

I will get better and more intuitive at these things! Everyone has been very kind and helpful and I am taking their advice to heart to try to improve the job I do. I'm sorry it was such a distraction. The story really is a very engaging one. I promise!

joined Dec 6, 2018

I have to apologize for the terrible job I did editing and typesetting this chapter.

Like what was mentioned, the fault isn't all in the editing.
But if you want a few tips on the typesetting side of things, to make it an altogether better experience for the reader:
- Don't play with the font width (makes it harder to read, reduces the font quality), keep it to the normal ratio and be consistent with it;
- Be consistent with font size, don't change it every bubble just for the sake of filling up white space;
- Use different fonts for yells, SFX, titles, etc. (e.g. page 34).

Then again, the main issue I'm seeing here - and what has been mentioned by multiple people - is how horrendously verbose the translation is. One that caught me the most was page 31, second to last frame, third bubble, where you could have kept it to "She's off today, I'm the one on shift."
Try to make it less literal, get the meaning across while keeping it natural. You don't need to write a novel for each bubble.

While, ostensibly, I agree with you, it was still my responsibility to make it work and I didn't do it well enough and the chapter suffered for it. I promise I'll do better! Thank you for your patience!

joined Dec 6, 2018

I feel bad saying this... But I'd take down the chapter and redo it. The biggest problem (besides the inconsistent fonts) is the sheer amount of text that doesn't need to be there. Part of the challenge of translating and then editing/typesetting manga is reducing the amount of text to fit the bubble. It's really hard because Japanese by its very nature compacts entire words into individual kanji. And words that are phonetic use one character per syllable (as opposed to Western languages that uses letters for consonants and vowels).

I'd give it a second attempt but this time keep the fonts exactly the same and reduce the words being used significantly. I really like this series so it'd be great to see it done properly. This is a great learning opportunity too! I wish I could help as I'm good with "less is more" writing.

Honestly, if I had to do it over again I...honestly, I don't know. I would have done better, surely (hopefully!) but I'm not sure with the 6000 words in the chapter and my lack of skill (I'm a writer, really and am not so good, yet, at graphics or the program for them) I could have made it truly acceptable. I am sorry for the poor quality and that it distracted from the story. I love the series and am excited to read it and feel awful for not doing better.

joined Dec 6, 2018

I have to apologize for the terrible job I did editing and typesetting this chapter. It was my first major assignment and I didn't do a very good job so I am so very sorry! The last thing I wanted was the work I did to distract from the story or translation! You all deserve better and I promise I will work hard to be better in the future! Gomen!
~~~ <^..^> ~~~ (Sad kitten face)

Don't stress about it too much. You didn't really do anything wrong. First time typesetting never turns out well. It's on the group leader to catch these issues and fix them.

Here are a few guides that I found invaluable when I started typesetting:

I'd recommend reading through them. If you have any questions, just let me know.

Thank you so much for the advice! I'm working on Chapter 8 at the moment and I think I'm doing ok. I read through the guides you suggested and have watched a few videos as well as practiced with a cleaning and typesetting a few other pages so I'm hopeful the next chapter I work on won't be so bad. I could try to make excuses about wordiness or whatever you have it but I have none. I didn't do a good enough job and I will try to be better! Thank you for your kind words and advice!
<^..^> (Grateful kitten face)

joined Dec 6, 2018

I can only summarize this chapter with one word: TEXT.

oh i'm glad i was the only one who thought that

I have to apologize for the terrible job I did editing and typesetting this chapter. It was my first major assignment and I didn't do a very good job so I am so very sorry! The last thing I wanted was the work I did to distract from the story or translation! You all deserve better and I promise I will work hard to be better in the future! Gomen!
~~~ <^..^> ~~~ (Sad kitten face)

joined Dec 6, 2018

Maybe I've been reading too many SoL dramas but the last few paragraphs felt kind of ominous to me.

joined Dec 6, 2018

^ the series got licensed and is set to start releasing sometime this year

Shades, first, thank you for all of your work on this translation as well! You are a scholar and gentlewoman and you help to feed my Adashima addiction and for that I thank you! Second, I seriously doubt an official version can exceed what you've all done so I'm so grateful it's continuing here!

joined Dec 6, 2018

Thanks so much @sneikkimies ! I must confess, I'm interested in who Adachi's new co-worker is. I wonder if it's that girl from the library in middle school.

joined Dec 6, 2018

I don't think the car crash suspense was unnecessary, imho. Jun saved her and she was grateful to him for that but it didn't influence her affections at all. She knows, no matter what, now, that she and Jun can be friends but that it will never be more than that. I think, as a literary plot device, it was a tad overly dramatic, yet it also served as a sort of physical manifestation of her acceptance of Jun being nothing more than someone she used to love but has moved on from.

Liberty discussion 09 Feb 20:54
joined Dec 6, 2018

While she did say let me go she also willingly went to her ex's room and allowed herself to be blindfolded and then willingly cheated on Maki. She thought about Maki while having sex with her ex (not sure she's an ex anymore?) and when told you like this did not disagree with that assessment, knowing Maki was waiting for her. She admitted she is the worst but not until after the fact. Liz seems like trash and nothing more at this point to me..

last edited at Feb 9, 2020 8:54PM

joined Dec 6, 2018

I think it’s possible Adachi has multiple personality disorder. In the beginning of the novel she was calm towards Adachi. It seems as time has gone on Adachi has became more attached to Shimamira. I’m guessing Adachi seeing Shimamira with that girl at the festival caused some sort of psychotic break.


Look, I appreciate the need for awareness of mental health issues. But this is not multiple personality disorder. All the people throwing around psychological conditions need to cool it, because it isn't productive to point at a teenager being a teenager and suggest that they're mentally ill. Especially when she isn't exhibiting any of the symptoms of that extremely specific and controversial mental illness.

Adachi -might- be neurodivergent, I seriously doubt anyone here is qualified to say so, but it is perfectly normal for a teenager, especially a queer teen, to have feelings for somebody, not know how to handle them on literally the first try, and have an irrational outburst over it. Moreso if their parents are distant.

If a baby is hungry, it cries and wails, because the hunger is literally the worst thing the kid has ever felt, and crying is the only way it knows how to communicate. Adachi has no perspective, and weak communication tools. That's what this outburst was.

If this came from a 20 year old, then yeah, that girl needs therapy. But Adachi is a child. She needs guidance and advice so she can learn the right lessons.

This has very little to do with mental health issues. This is simply a girl who is tackling emotions and feelings she's never had to deal with for the first time with no support system in place. She has no friends to talk to as the only one she could talk to is the one she is in love with and parents who are virtual strangers. This is an outburst by a person who is scared and hurt and angry, plain and simple. While mental health awareness is very important continuing to speculate about multiple personality disorders, autism, et al is not the right answer in my opinion, especially given how the author hasn't intimated anything of the sort in the entire story.

joined Dec 6, 2018

I hesitate to call the phone call a break or psychosis or ascribe it to some sort of mental illness requiring a therapist. Adachi was not socially awkward, she was actively disinterested in social interaction. She had never been hurt that she would acknowledge before. She had no friends, her mom couldn't care less about her and she, also, simply didn't care. Then, all of a sudden she cared. Deeply, earnestly, awkwardly cared, only to have that thrown back in her face it would hurt. If you look back on the chapters Shimamura may have been thinking about Adachi often and enjoyed the thoughts but never let on she was. Adachi always had to make the first move. Always had to fight against her own nature to gain any closeness to Shimamura and thus, to see Shimamura seemingly put effort into getting closer to someone else would more than sting, it would be a punch to the gut. I'm not saying Shimamura's a bad person, but she is insensitive and clueless.I think, honestly, Adachi needed Shimamura to hang up on her. Adachi needs distance.

I don't think her mom doesn't care. I think she just doesn't know how to deal with Addachi.
Addachi has mentioned being taken to things like the park (and maybe the zoo?)as a child. So it seems she did try. Mom even made an effort to spend time with Addachi after Shima insisted she do so.

Wonder where the dads are. I'm so use to anime/manga giving parents non roles that this is all the more surprising it's suddenly part of the discussion.

You're right in a very real way. I said Adachi's mom didn't really care, what I should have said is Adachi's mom didn't show she cared which is not entirely the same thing. The important thing is that Adachi thinks her mom doesn't care or, more precisely, thinks her mom hates her which is just as devastating.

joined Dec 6, 2018

I hesitate to call the phone call a break or psychosis or ascribe it to some sort of mental illness requiring a therapist. Adachi was not socially awkward, she was actively disinterested in social interaction. She had never been hurt that she would acknowledge before. She had no friends, her mom couldn't care less about her and she, also, simply didn't care. Then, all of a sudden she cared. Deeply, earnestly, awkwardly cared, only to have that thrown back in her face it would hurt. If you look back on the chapters Shimamura may have been thinking about Adachi often and enjoyed the thoughts but never let on she was. Adachi always had to make the first move. Always had to fight against her own nature to gain any closeness to Shimamura and thus, to see Shimamura seemingly put effort into getting closer to someone else would more than sting, it would be a punch to the gut. I'm not saying Shimamura's a bad person, but she is insensitive and clueless.I think, honestly, Adachi needed Shimamura to hang up on her. Adachi needs distance.

joined Dec 6, 2018

Why is the moderator being so rude, the guy was just hesitant.


Yep, shouting someone down for stating their opinion is a bit overkill.

I actually read Nezchan's comment first then read Breizh's comment. I'm surprised at the reaction.
Nezchan, your comment was very unnecessary and frankly rude/mean.

It came across as somewhat abrupt, yes, but I'm sure Nezchan is just worried.