Forum › Posts by Pepeneros

joined Aug 10, 2018

What about her VOICE? Does her voice changes as well when she changes her look?
I mean cos otherwise it should be easy to recognize her, after talking to her both at the store and at school.

Given that she was unintentionally speaking differently in general I wouldn't call it too far fetched to say she's probably speaking in a different tone of voice as well.

I mean hell, as someone that works in in a restaurant I absolutely speak to customers in a totally different way than I do when I'm just normally speaking to someone. I've also had coworkers tell me that I speak in a lower voice when I answer the phone.

It's also a confidence thing! People speak different when they're appearing the way they want to and in a space they're comfortable in.

joined Aug 10, 2018

This just reads as an unhealthy relationship 10x over for me...

joined Aug 10, 2018

So, A Kiss and A White Lily Chapter 44 was titled and sorted into Bloom into You as Chapter 44