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Murcielago discussion 05 Aug 22:38
joined Jul 21, 2017

How the author draw the male characters I always imagine the author is female.

Apparently not; it got discussed a little earlier in the thread that it's a guy. Here it gets mentioned and on this profile.

Murcielago discussion 22 Jul 18:00
joined Jul 21, 2017

Hey I mentioned this yesterday on reddit, but aren't these two bomb girl (Minako) and her 'girlfriend' (Fuuri)? Similar uniforms, similar hair (styled different but the blonde has longer strands on her left, for instance), and Fuuri and Minako are the only blue-eyed blonde and glasses-wearing red-eyed brunette I can think of in the series. Kind of adds a bit more of an interesting dynamic if it is, Yandere/Yandere pairing instead of just a bully exploiting a girl's crush on her. (I mean, it could still be that, but the red string between them on one cover etc. makes more sense if they're Fifty Shades of Murcielago kinda deal, I guess? Maybe Fuuri assumed her crush was unrequited hence the charade? Kuroko implied Fuuri expected to still have 'claim' to Minako even after showing her true colours.)

(Note: These are the things that make me wish I was fluent in Japanese; I could just outright ask Mr. Yoshimura xD )

This is a quick pic comparing the two girls from the tweet to Fuuri and Minako on the volume cover.

last edited at Aug 7, 2017 2:55AM