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joined Jul 23, 2016

Anyone figure out what's up with the telephones here: ? Is it some kind of secret code? Or just like random hyper-realism?

joined Jul 23, 2016

Has this always had the couple life tag?? Did I just miss something?

joined Jul 23, 2016

As of this post, 5 million yen is around $45,464.05.


That's less than my college debt.

Good lord, she's screwed.

Pretty sure that happened in Ch. 1

joined Jul 23, 2016

Poor itou-chan, all head over heels for the MC. I wonder how that's going to pan out.

Threesome happy end?

joined Jul 23, 2016

Why is it that in like every manga, characters get drunk as soon as they take just a sip of anything which might vaguely contain alcohol? I just wonder how this became a trope. Maybe it's something to do with taboos on underage drinking and a desire to, I don't know, reinforce that minors aren't supposed to drink? And then this gets carried forward for whatever reason to adult mangakas writing works about drinking-age people? It just feels kind of weird..

joined Jul 23, 2016

Think Sae was just hallucinating her bf too?

joined Jul 23, 2016

In Ch. 2, Summer Stories Series 1, Homura is retelling part of Cixin Liu's novel "Three Body Problem." It's really good!

What's the distinctive part that marks it as "Three Body Problem", and not a generic UFO/smart aliens story?

Ah, I guess I was reading the second and third panels as describing one of the suns on Trisolaris, but I guess it could have been a generic UFO.. I feel like since everyone else is confused, though, maybe Homura was making a reference no one understood?

joined Jul 23, 2016

That shirt is so meta

joined Jul 23, 2016

I like how the problem is that she's not a lesbian, not that, you know, her niece is her niece.. Also:


Image Comments 12 Sep 21:55
joined Jul 23, 2016

The etymology of boba makes this even better

joined Jul 23, 2016

My guess would be that the supposedly "grade schooler" Honda is getting feelings for is actually a teeanager somewhere at the age 17-18 who goes swimming but has to keep an eye on her little "grad school" sister. The first time Honda just didnt notice the little sister and mistook MrsAraAra for one as she carried her little sisters bag. At least I hope it turns out to be something like that. I wouldn't have bad feelings like this and still got me them good age gap shit

As a PhD student, I never realized how close I was to being in grade school til now..

joined Jul 23, 2016

Wait, why is this on dynasty? From what I remember, none of Lovecraft's stuff has yuri? Not that I'm opposed to having this stuff here; I'm all for it! Just curious if I should be expecting some yuri-divergence from the original plot.

joined Jul 23, 2016

In Ch. 2, Summer Stories Series 1, Homura is retelling part of Cixin Liu's novel "Three Body Problem." It's really good!

joined Jul 23, 2016

There needs to be a fundamentally al dente tag.

joined Jul 23, 2016

Not sure if anyone noticed, but Ch. 1's last page doesn't link to Ch. 2, but Ch. 2's last page links to Ch. 1; might want to fix it?

Image Comments 03 Jun 09:35
joined Jul 23, 2016

I think Werner was better.