Forum › Posts by LucreziaV

joined May 27, 2016

I really can't see someone actually going through this kind of issue . It seems so unreal and full of overly stimulated anxiety .


You truly are a detestable piece of garbage

This isn't even the worst of what anxiety can do to a person

But keep living in your bubble

She's a "detestable piece of garbage" because she can't relate to someone else's depression or anxiety? Because she's never experienced that herself? Wow, that's a pretty narrow-minded perspective. Do you realize how absurd that sounds? "You're a detestable piece of garbage because you don't suffer from anxiety like I do/like other people do." Or "You're a detestable piece of garbage because you don't understand what anxiety is like." Well hot-dang girl! Be patient and teach her, then. Many people are fully capable of learning and growing. No need to write them off as a "detestable piece of garbage."

And just because someone doesn't deal with anxiety or depression doesn't mean they live in a bubble either, it just means they were made differently. Everybody has their own unique struggles and perspective that not everyone can relate to - and that's okay. So chill, fam. And be patient with those who are different than you.

EDIT: Just noticed Staff and Moderator addressed your comment... but I'll still leave mine so as to elaborate why it's an over-reaction. I apologize if it's a little inciting.

last edited at Sep 19, 2016 6:52PM

Pulse discussion 03 Jun 16:03
joined May 27, 2016

Anybody else thinks she looks like Fang from FFXIII in that photo of her and Lynn sleeping?

Pulse discussion 02 Jun 22:33
joined May 27, 2016

Mel with her hair down is so hot imo. It seems to be her post-sex hair. If she's wearing it around Lynn, I wonder what it could mean... ;)

last edited at Jun 2, 2016 10:34PM

Pulse discussion 27 May 16:39
joined May 27, 2016

I'm curious... Miss Lady Doctor is all strictly sex, and indicates those are her terms of the bet...but I wonder if Lynn's heart can handle sex? Often patients with certain heart conditions are advised to limit their sexual activity (though...I don't recall Ratana Satis specifying Lynn's pathology). With Lynn's condition being so precarious at this point...I wonder if that concern will be addressed? It'd certainly make things interesting in their relationship. Mel believes love is motivated by sex (or money, or power), but Lynn couldn't have sex which would take that concern out of the equation. That'd make their falling in love much more sweeter imo, and might help Mel open up to the idea of love. Just a thought.