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Josei Yuri
Image Comments 09 May 02:14
joined Apr 15, 2016

Looks like Hina was more specific about 'meat' when asked what she wanted for dinner...

Josei Yuri
Image Comments 04 May 23:55
joined Apr 15, 2016

Youka found a sensitive spot--so rock!
@MakaS0ul: I agree.Until late summer in the game, all you know mostly is her reputation and what others see: The Demon Gate Guard with a degree in successful cat-herding, who at best seems to be humoring the Fool. ...And then you get into her POV and find out what she's really thinking. It helps make their journey that much more rewarding.

Josei Yuri
Image Comments 27 Apr 13:09
joined Apr 15, 2016

Nena isn't that busty, but I'll take it. @ Random Bird Where Nena and Ano are concerned, even in the game Nena knows which buttons to push to get Ano blushing/ flustered. By the time of the CDs, NenaxAno is low hanging fruit, even to the other characters Yuna and Hina ask Ano and Nena if the rumored kiss (a stage kiss to flush out Ano's stalkers) was an actual kiss. Nena simply answers she can neither confirm nor deny ("If Ano says we didn't, then we didn't'), which the others take to mean a "Yes" despite Ano's denials.

Josei Yuri
Image Comments 18 Apr 23:44
joined Apr 15, 2016

I wouldn't put it past Nena to FAKE being asleep, just to set this up. Face it Ano: you have her right where she wants you.

Josei Yuri
Image Comments 15 Apr 18:26
joined Apr 15, 2016

Is Fingertips Nena X Ano too? Would make the trip from Palm to Thigh practically a 4-koma.