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joined Mar 16, 2016

This continues to be great. I'm really grateful for the translation. I found this by chance, and now I check back pretty often just hoping to find the next chapter! Been a while since i was so invested in something currently running.

joined Mar 16, 2016

There's a whole history of "lesbian" Korean cinema. Most of it's pretty on the down low/plausibly deniable, but maybe look into the Whispering Corridors series?

On that topic, the Fatal Frame movie from a couple years ago was a lot like them, and was Definitely Severely Gay.

joined Mar 16, 2016

I'm always baffled by this community's aversion to toys. Like LOTS of women use toys it's totally normal and yet they're like the number two thing people complain about after het.

That out of the way, I adored this doujin it's so nice to see actual SSC BDSM. Like BDSM yuri is already pretty damn rare but BDSM yuri that actually adheres to proper practices is a frickin unicorn.

This was my feelings on it too! I don't know much about the characters themselves, but I adored how solicitous they were of each other's feelings/comfort. So sweet! <3 I was kinda astonished, because reading it made me stop and think "have I ever seen anything where characters acted like this?" D:

Ayame 14 discussion 20 May 11:02
joined Mar 16, 2016

This chapter was the most tedious thing to clean. Especially this page though the bad part is luckily covered by the B from the sound effect in the top frame.

A worthy effort in the service of cute butts! salute ;_;