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joined Apr 2, 2014

sigh these comments just make me sad, there is a thing called nostalgia look it up

I hear you. ''

The original story, in Conditions for Paradise, was from Shinobu's perspective. That said nice read though it was kind of unsettling. Something how if Lala had to choose I seems like she'd pick the old Shinobu...

I personally don't think she'd pick the younger Shinobu over the current one.

Again, it's sort of a nostalgia thing, and understand Lala on that part. I dearly miss the times when my best friend and I had this type of relationship, though, completely platonic, our feelings were strong. * *'' But I accept that the past is the past.

And in that sense, I don't think Lala would want to go back to those times permanently.
[Or maybe she's already having a mid-life crisis, hahA-- Who knows.]

...To be honest, I'm not even here to win over your opinion.
This doujin seemed to prick sensitive feelings in me. ~

joined Apr 2, 2014

I think people are missing something when looking at this story.
Yuriko never stated she wanted to play the princess role and while she didn't stop Koro's weird habits she never forced her into it. Koro followed her and did things for her happily, and at the end was able to openly and comfortably express her own thoughts and opinions more because they had finally connected on less of a vertical power scale.

Yuriko by the looks of it was pissed being forced into a doll position, and I think the only reason why she accepted being called cute so much by Koro is because she realized how earnest and pure her feelings were. And while people may take offense to her constantly calling her a dog I think in her own way that was her way of showing affection, seeing as she really loved that stuffed animal.

The only real reason why I find this a bit off is because Yuriko and Koro never really stated their feelings clearly which is probably why you're looking at it as aubusive.

I mean hey I'm not saying you guys have to listen to me, but I think it needs a deeper level of thought.

Yes, this is me! I finally stopped lurking and created an account just to quote you.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved. Being "loved" means being "held dearly".

While adoration is more like being "worshipped and idolized".

While Koro was "worshipping and idolizing" Yuriko to an extent, it was out of genuine love and... well, if you recall how her mother treated her and how her little groupies treated her, it was what she was looking for all along.
And in that sense, Yuriko probably loves Koro for... loving her!

pssht even though she's loyal in a creepy way ~