Forum › Posts by Blackkitty

joined Feb 3, 2015

Welcome to the thread, SaintPata !
I like your feline avatar. Where is it from?

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ LittleSis

I hope you made the right decision ,and now you are in harmony with yourself :)
You deserve better than that!

Certainly you are not the luckiest person ever... Next time you have a job interview, I will let you borrow my own luck.. I'm curious to see if it will be any better.^^

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ LittleSis

I'm so sorry that you have to deal with such low life forms abusing their power :(
sadly they are everywhere and I suspect you can't do anything to make them pay for what did to you during the interview...

I don't really know your financial state and priorities, but you are capable and intelligent, and this is hardly the only job offer you will ever receive - so maybe tossing away their "kind" offer and concentrating on finding a place where they will respect your being isn't such a bad idea?

But don't let it get to you! You haven't been hit on a "man" - I wouldn't call them that ;) hugs

joined Feb 3, 2015

^Sleep well, Sis :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ LittleSis
You are very kind.. thanks! >//<
But I just said what I think.

Everything will be alright :) at least you talk about philosophy and politics xD

Gratefully takes the blanket and the tea ^_^
Thanks, Sis!

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ Yeah, it's for the better :)

I can't fall asleep for some reason...

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ LittleSis

It was a coincidence! I have no powers otherwise many things would've been different ;)

But you have your own powers - you are an intelligent young lady so tomorrow you just have to show some confidence, motivation, and absolutely you mustn't say anything unnecessary like I did the last time^^ and they won't let you go! ;)
Good luck!! :)

@ Rina

So apparently I'm not in the same group as I was previously when I return to classes later, which is fine I guess (lol). For what it's worth, it's probably for the better.

Does that mean you won't be in the same group with the "cool" girl?
Your internship is about 3-4 months, right xD

joined Feb 3, 2015

oh, yeah, it totally slipped my mind when I read Anon's post...
but today the Cafe turns four months and I was meaning to say "thank you" to Anon, because imo her creation is a very positive thing where one could feel among friends!

and Anon - I doubt that her light would ever be gone for you ;)

@ LIttleSis

Galich, I missed you! So welcome back!

I think it's high time something good happened to everyone in here... So good luck with your job hunting! You can do it :) (and make sure your CV is impeccable ;) )

joined Feb 3, 2015

I'm sorry, Anon... :(( ...
You wouldn't want a hug...
But she was doing better :(

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon (sorry about the long post)

I just feel worn out and a little hollow.

maybe after all that stress you should ask someone to give you an aromatherapy massage^^ it will elevate your spirits and boost your energy!

We've been talking about me too much recently... (^_^“)

no worries! I usually feel uncomfortable talking about myself xD

thanks! I'm doing ok for my standards. I finished the second season of "Transparent" ^_^ it's about a very complicated family ;)

I even forgot to congratulate you on getting a job!
I hope it's a job you like! That's the most important part (after getting paid) ;)

oh, thank you.. so you remembered!
it's just another job that has nothing to do with my education - it's about food production which is great because I won't have to deal with too many people. But to start the job I need several papers and I need to have some medical test done - it's a pricy bother xD

yes, it's all about the money if I want to study abroad next year ^^

Do you still have her...?

4 years ago the neighbors poisoned her(we are 90% sure), and before that she had been part of our family for 7 years.
but yeah, she was the least cutest cat we've ever had - she was supposed to live outside the house but sometimes she sneaked in so that she could steal the sausages from the shopping bag, or other times she would push the lid of the saucepan and satisfy her gluttony xD

and she constantly had troubles with her health - she even survived a broken jaw after a fight with a dog, and once my father had to milk her because otherwise she would've suffered from mastitis, and so on...
her aura was one of a troublemaker, and her tummy - of a glutton^^

her only virtue that made me forgive her misdeeds was the fact that she came out of nowhere when I needed her the most :) at the time we didn't have a cat and I felt a bit lonely. I was thinking of asking my father for a kitten, but then one day she just popped out meowing - the little devil was able to read minds xD

That's why I like online shops! No need to leave the house and look around for stuff you like. Too annoying for my taste (^_-)v

yes, I hate it - the perfumes/lights/noise in shops sometimes make my head spin.
my experience with online shops is very little since strangely I'm not used to online shopping...

last edited at Oct 24, 2016 11:40AM

joined Feb 3, 2015


I'm from Singapore, it's hardly a romantic place XD and thanks for liking the avatar ^ o ^

I hope at least you have some parks and greenery on the island!

Oh, no need to thank me but lol... it's not easy - I just get used to your avatar and you change it xD

And hmm...I guess I might as well post one confession here :p

Haha, looks like a confession made by you ^^

Both pairs look cute.

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Ekicho

Imo what you did then was kind of cute. Clueless people have their own charm! (but don't trust me, I'm one of them <_<, but it's not so bad when I end up making someone laugh from time to time - that's a talent! xD)

@ Rina

And no it's just a regular subway train sadly, this island is so small that one end to another theoretically only takes an hr or so.

oh, I got excited for nothing then..
if I may ask, where are you from?
a small island.. it made me think of one of those exotic romantic islands xD

You know, like those [insert series here]-confession blogs that you see on Tumblr every now and then :D It'll be fun!

It would be fun to read your confessions ^_^

and I like your new avatar :)

p.s. I wonder how are Galich and Anon doing ^^"

last edited at Oct 20, 2016 7:52AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Rina

First thing of work, travel from one end of the island to another by train to get some papers signed…
Aw well, at least it's somewhat fun.

... you have a nice job... the only danger is to get lost in the way xD

That's awesome! is it a bullet/maglev train? ^^
I wish I would be able to get on one someday.

Someone should really make a confessions thread for the forums, it'd be a fun activity \(^o^)/

What do you mean by "confessions"? xD

joined Feb 3, 2015


My birthday is in exactly a month. Currently no plans, don't even really know what I'm going to get. So there's that.

a delicious birthday cake!! ^_^

Finally, I bring up a discussion topic. Did you go to homecoming/prom? If so, what are some notable moments?

I went to the prom when I graduated from high school.. but it was 6 years ago xD
the most notable is that after the prom I didn't have the occasion to meet many people... and I didn't mind that ;)

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

We need to find our source of strength! ٩(。•ω•。)و

I need a strength strength, a strength is what I need
hey, hey
well I need a strength strength, a strength is what I need
hey, hey... ♬♬

Shortly after I fell asleep yesterday she woke me up again. I thought that maybe she was hungry so I went to get her something to eat and when I came back I saw some dark stains in my bed. I turned on the light and saw that it was blood... (Ç_ç)

that's horrible, who wouldn't freak out on seeing blood stains in these conditions?!
why do they prescribe such medication when she already has enough strain on her digestive tract?
poor thing indeed! the little fighter!

Oh... to tell you the truth, that poor little thing never had a choice! ^^ She was born into this family.
My mom owned her mother. And she had 4 babies. 3 boys and a girl. I loved them all but she was special somehow because she never acted like your typical dog ^^

How cute :) So she is your little eccentric sister! A lady with character!^_^
No wonder the two of you get on so well :)
She will spend many more years with you!

once a stray kitten chose me when she came to our door... she turned out to be a real devil xD

You were there. That's more than anyone could ever ask for ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)

I think you are the kind one here!

Well, there's no rush. But I'm sure he'll be able to accept you the way you are. It actually means that you two have more in common. You both like girls! ^^b

we will see... he is too stubborn.

(Unless you're anorexic – then please stop immediately! (◦’ںˉ◦) )

hahaha, the opposite... I let myself put on some extra weight and now I can't button up my favorite shirts :( ..which means going shopping for new ones and it would be annoying xD

joined Feb 3, 2015


Don't know, but one thing is for sure: we both need a little more confidence and self-esteem ;)

We are much alike... If you have any idea how to get what we need - pls tell me because I'm at a loss...

She sometimes is but I actually kind of like that about her. Not her being sick but her coming to me whenever something is wrong with her. When she's looking for help, she comes to me – I just wish I could understand her better...

She is your baby ^_^ and she comes to you :)
How is she doing? Any progress?
I was wondering what's the story behind your tiny family - did you chose her as your dog, or it was a mutual love at first sight^^

Can't say that enough, so thank you again! It really means a lot to me! You're a very kind person. Don't ever change that!

Hey, I haven't done anything, really^^
And she is a lovely canine damsel in distress!

If he can't even take a gay dog then that kinda sounds depressing... I'm sure that's tough for you as well...

Oh, I will live :) but he won't be honored to see some of my true colors any time soon xD

Since we are looking for good news - I've lost 2 kg ^^ only 10 more to go xD

last edited at Oct 17, 2016 9:18AM

joined Feb 3, 2015


... what to say... Hugs
I was expecting a different outcome..., but you have the chance to get the best of the situation and make your inner world a more peaceful place, I guess.
And I'm going back to uni next year ,we both should work hard now, sis!!
You know my Ukrainian friend - she studies abroad and at some point she had to take a year off uni so that she could go back to Ukraine and spent a year working whatever jobs available in order to continue her education... It wasn't easy for her, but now she is back on track: she has just started from where she left her studies, she is extremely happy^_^, has a more mature outlook on life and her mind is set on the future :)
So you never know ;)

last edited at Oct 17, 2016 8:44AM

joined Feb 3, 2015


Hey, that sounds really harsh... I'm sure that's not true!
Anything goes if you really want to! ;)
(But I shouldn't be saying anything either... I'm probably worse myself.)

ok..who knows, maybe in 10 years you will be getting published and I will be taking care of patients^^

Thank you! But no real news today...
He just prescribed some medication and gave her another injection. Today he said that it sounds like she just hurt herself somehow...
The heavy breathing from yesterday could be related to the injection she got two days ago...
If her condition won't get better we're supposed to visit the doc again...

She's doing okay so far. But she woke me up three times last night. Something seemed to bother her but I couldn't really tell what it was...

she is a little troublemaker - another bad weed in the family! ;)
unfortunately she can't tell us what torments her :(
and you take very good care of her but don't forget about yourself! And we are hear to listen to you, always :)

Oh... it was a German dog he tried to help last night, hope that didn't cause any inner conflicts ;)

...the gay part would've caused serious conflicts because a gay dog is a potential source of bad ideas....>_>

I told him it's the dog of a friend who lives abroad and that worked fine.

joined Feb 3, 2015


Maybe you should become a veterinarian as well? ^^

Everyone who knows me well says that! My both parents are vets, and I grew up wanting to be one as well... but I'm a 25-year-old underachiever so I'm not so sure if it's possible xD

You shouldn't think about losing her because she can feel your anxiety!

I will be waiting for news! keep my fingers crossed

Talk to your dad a little more often, he seems nice

he is indeed a good and intelligent person, but ironically he has two faults in his character - bad taste for women and terrible racism ;)

joined Feb 3, 2015


It was a very wise decision to make her undergo the operation^^ because, very often, dogs of 9-10 years that haven't given birth before develop cancer in the womb/overies!
And that is great news then! ^_^ I'm happy, because we had the suspicion that it might have been a cancer,which is not^^...And she is a goodlooking lady with some meat on her^_^ but you should really watch out for her diet because she should suffer of hormonal imbalance due to the procedure.
Well, he didn't say anything about making her eat more though.
I really hope that she will start eating normally soon. If you have any questions ever, you can ask any time.. though we weren't that much useful, I guess.

And no worries, it wasn't trouble at all!! :) and I was worried as well!! On the conrary, I had a reason to talk to him on skype a bit longer than usual and he was happy^^ he is always happy when I ask for his advice :)

joined Feb 3, 2015


well, I talked to him:

It is possible for her to have an upset stomach - depends on what she eats. Dogs, cats are very sensitive to spices, so no spicy food in the diet.

The full hysterectomy is a very serious procedure, and in his words, vets usually perform it if there is some life threatening element such us tumor/cancer. But that wasn't the case, right? It was an inflammation?

and what about her weight?

last edited at Oct 14, 2016 5:39PM

joined Feb 3, 2015


if you decide to take the hugs - I won't tell anyone if you cry a little! I understand perfectly the feeling of wanting to be there instead of others because you don't want them suffer :(

what's the problem with your cuttie dog? is she with you now? my father is a vet, if he can help somehow I will make him do it!

I guess doctors everywhere are super busy and the hospitals are short stuffed... but if they do their job right and save your loved one, then they deserve some trust?

joined Feb 3, 2015


I'm so sorry, Anon :((( gives you a big hug!

I'm with your loved ones in my thoughts, hoping that they will get better!!
All that misfortune at once seems discouraging, but from what I know about you, I know you can go through it successfully :) hugs again

joined Feb 3, 2015


I would gladly take that cold if it would make everything else go away.

hey, that sounds worrisome^^""
should I go and fetch you some cheesecake? ;)

So you went to play billiards? Sounds like fun! ^^

It's too optimistic to call it a "play" >//< and I masterfully managed to send the cue ball flying with a beautiful parabola somewhere far far away from the table xD

it was fun, I was laughing a lot at myself xD and I was so anxious.. my hands were sweating.. so I ordered a glass of wine and then I felt so out of place with all the other tables where people were drinking beer xD

I would probably suck at it as well that's why I never had the courage to play in front of other people.

I'm not courageous either^^ but when I looked around I realized that the other people weren't much better than myself xD probably you should venture and give it a try.

joined Feb 3, 2015

I think Granny is very lucky old lady because your gf is truly concerned about her! And she has so many more years ahead of her - recently I've read about someone reaching 120+ years :) me too, I hope she gets better!

last edited at Oct 14, 2016 11:42AM