Forum › Posts by Kyonne

joined Mar 6, 2014

Isn't it funny how this world works?
I mean, my computer's been acting up, right? No idea what was fucking it up
But then i just removed like 60kg of dust from inside of it and just like that it came back to normal
Like, who would have thought, right!?

Anime season 17 Apr 08:22
joined Mar 6, 2014

Wow, DB Super power scalong decided to take a vacation.

17 fighting Ssb Goku? WTF! Did Toei sell the logic and common sense to get better animations?

On of the worst episodes in the series so far.

It's starting to remind me a lot of GT, in which Goku just started going right into SSJ4 but the power up barely felt any stronger than a regular SSJ

Anime season 15 Apr 22:20
joined Mar 6, 2014

Ah... #17... I missed that sweet voice...
...The power scaling in this show is crap!

joined Mar 6, 2014

This manga gave a headache far more than any manga cuz of its complexity.


That's what you get for reading it sober

Anime season 15 Apr 16:48
joined Mar 6, 2014

I don't mind the trap but then they introduce a character cosplaying a sheep who ends all phrases in "baa" ...

Oh crap why didn't i hear about this earlier? This shit's definitively my alley!

joined Mar 6, 2014

Sweet! Time to fetch my creepy music playlist and get ultra drunk to set the mood

Anime season 13 Apr 12:19
joined Mar 6, 2014

mecha not supposed to be just giant robot!!

I will fight you on top of the Big Ben shirtless Yakuza style

Big Ben is the Bell you fucking dunce.


Anime season 13 Apr 05:36
joined Mar 6, 2014

mecha not supposed to be just giant robot!!

I will fight you on top of the Big Ben shirtless Yakuza style

joined Mar 6, 2014

By the milky way's mamaries are these guys fucking serious? Green Hill AGAIN? Is Sonic Team so fucking afraid of stepping away from nostalgia pandering for one goddamn second?

Manga General Thread 11 Apr 10:37
joined Mar 6, 2014

higashiyama show started making hardcore hentai......

Did he ever stop?

joined Mar 6, 2014

If the leaks are to be believed, this little countdown with 50 minutes left that everyone will click only after it has already finished seems to be about a Steam version of Bayonetta
I mean, that's not Vanquish or even Bayonetta 2, but i'll take it, only played the PS3 version so it'll probably feel like a different game

Edit: R$36,99? That shit is CHEAP As it should i guess

last edited at Apr 11, 2017 10:55AM

Anime season 09 Apr 04:44
joined Mar 6, 2014


I need to watch the series, even if people say its a mess.

It's a mess, but the G-Self is such a sexy beast i even bought the damn kit
Do you know how expensive shipping to Brazil is?
It ain't pretty i'll tell ya that!

last edited at Apr 9, 2017 4:45AM

Anime season 09 Apr 04:27
joined Mar 6, 2014
Anime season 09 Apr 01:25
joined Mar 6, 2014


So, apparently the show's director posted online saying this is a lie.
Probably someone's idea of April's Fool.

You mean this tweet? I have no idea who this guy is but more clarification would be appreciated
Anyway this interview ain't exactly recent, it's a guidebook for the movie Bokura no War Game so it's actually really old, only now it came to westerns attention, there was an archive from Futaba Channel from 2015 discussing a little about it but i lost the link i'm afraid
If the interview itself is an elaborate prank or something similar it's hard to say right now, but it definitively exists

Well, looks like someone is about to buy the guidebook, guess there'll be more info on it in about a month or so, until then time to hibernate a bit

last edited at Apr 9, 2017 1:32AM

Anime season 08 Apr 20:31
joined Mar 6, 2014
Anime season 08 Apr 19:25
joined Mar 6, 2014

Don't watch it, just... don't.
Eureka 7 is one of my favorites so I don't get you but fan or not, avoid AO... You should've waited the movie trilogy but eeh whatever.

Well i'll probably still watch the movies out of sheer curiosity, but the thing is that i really th-.... Wait a minute

Griffith did nothing wrong.

last edited at Apr 8, 2017 7:27PM

Anime season 08 Apr 02:03
joined Mar 6, 2014

Can anyone redpill me on what's the deal with Eureka Seven Ao? I've heard it's not as good as the first one, but i've already found the first one quite shite so i'm definitively not taking that leap of faith
I mean, i would if it was 12 episodes or somethin', but my lifespam ain't getting any longer
Damn it Akio Ohtsuka was really wasted in Saint Seiya Hades

Anime season 07 Apr 20:00
joined Mar 6, 2014

even chi sweet home is cg!!

Don't remind me... My heart still can't get over that one

joined Mar 6, 2014

Damn it, if i didn't waste so much on stamina i'd have enough hearts to get the Master Sword
...But i love watching those cute green circles multiply!

Fu-- t--s, --y - ---t -o- of shiel-s AND LETS -- ------ ---FING -------yyyyy

I'm sorry? Can't quite hear you over ALL THIS FIRE!! HUAEHUAEHUAEHUAEHU METEOR ROD!!

joined Mar 6, 2014

Damn it, if i didn't waste so much on stamina i'd have enough hearts to get the Master Sword
...But i love watching those cute green circles multiply!

Anime season 05 Apr 14:37
joined Mar 6, 2014

Watching Eureka Seven for the first time
The only character i managed to like just died
Now there isn't a single character in this show i don't want to punch in the face
Except maybe Eureka
I want to flick her forehead
Like Toguro

Kase-san discussion 05 Apr 12:24
joined Mar 6, 2014

Def. their first time. However, the author could have taken more time showing it.
As I said before, I don't even mean them "doing the do", but rather the lead-in could have had more panels; when did Kase's tracksuit jacket come off, how did she take over Yamada in terms of nekkidness, who undressed Kase (if we would have been shown Yamada tentatively lending a hand, that could have made a huge impact on how to read this scene)... As is, it feels as if a page or two were cut out before 'print'.

That's the beef i have with this chapter regardless of the first time debate, i'd definitively appreciate a remake in the same veins chapter 9 got, really didn't like the original chapter 9, it didn't explore the theme of the chapter enough and felt kinda in a hurry, i get the exact same vibes with this chapter
I mean, this time it's not an "issue" Yamada has to deal with, but it definitively deserves more time in the spotlight, even the aftermatch of the great battle almost made me question "wait, did that actually happen?" if it wasn't for Kase's silly face

Anime season 05 Apr 00:48
joined Mar 6, 2014

0080 is a runner up for both most depressing moment and ending. Always brings tears to my eyes.

What, don't you like hamburguers?

joined Mar 6, 2014

So today i dreamed that i was practicing seppuku
...Not the most pleasant dream i've had