Forum › Posts by YuriLoveFan

joined Jul 8, 2013

A truly terrible ending. Fuck this series. I'm pissed I started it and I'm pissed i ever had faith in it.

Yeah that was pretty dumb of you.

Yeah I know. I thought the first couple chapters had so much potential though and then out of nowhere the mangaka like, sensed my potential happiness and was just like "Oh fuck that person. Fuck THAT person in particular" and then just made the series terrible.

joined Jul 8, 2013

So, considering that the final chapter of Triangle Struggle came out today too, this is just the day of shitty endings, I see. I had read some of the spoilers so I expected this but HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHE REALLY DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE. AND RUKI FORGAVE HER WITH NO HESITATION. I mean...this is a bad ending...this is arguably the worst ending...I know my reactions tend to be capslocked and filled with rage but I never really get that angry at a series and its usually just me overexaggerating them cuz I know its fiction but with this I'm legitimately enraged. I currently hate everything. Excuse me while I go on a murder spree.

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 12:44PM

joined Jul 8, 2013

A truly terrible ending. Fuck this series. I'm pissed I started it and I'm pissed i ever had faith in it.

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 12:39PM

Lily Love discussion 17 Feb 17:12
joined Jul 8, 2013

I find it funny that this is like the one series where I like the normal usual art more than the "she's beautiful" or "she's totally serious" art lol.

joined Jul 8, 2013

So fucking stupid, I literally just can't even.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Well this one was nice. I would've rather seen a more concrete conclusion like was that really a confession even? or something like that, but I feel like, compared to a lot of the yuris that have been coming out lately, something sweet and with a nice ending like this was LONG OVERDUE lol.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Man, look at this shit. This is just another fake happy ending. Fucking look at it. One girl loves the other, but, even though the other does seem to care about her, all she does is lead her on without any actual intention of going out with her. And what's her fucking reason? BECAUSE SHE WANTS A KID FOR HER PARENTS. I literally just can't even. Shuninta's been nothing but a disappointment lately. WTF happened? I mean, at the very least, REJECT HER SERIOUSLY! Give her a chance of being happy with someone else at least. gfdi. I'm so close to just considering skipping all of Shuninta's works if this is how they're all gonna be from now on.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Well that was a lovely way to end it. See, why can't one of Morinaga's series get animated? Like Girlfriends? Never met a person who didn't like Girlfriends. It was just a great series. Yet no anime. WELL FUCK YOU TOO JAPAN! FUCK YOU! lol

Lily Love discussion 08 Feb 18:55
joined Jul 8, 2013

Well. That escalated quickly lol.

Collectors discussion 07 Feb 13:40
joined Jul 8, 2013

God fucking damn it. I just finished reading that new chapter of Fragments of Love and when I started this one I realized that Takako has the same name as one of those idiots over in Fragments of Love and I had to read this whole chapter slightly pissed off and spouting a line of curse words under my breath. I'ma have to reread this one later because it was A FANTASTIC CHAPTER but I really just couldn't enjoy it at all thanks to that lol.

joined Jul 8, 2013

There's no reason for her remark to be so goddamn vague unless they were referring to a character we already knew about and AGAIN just because Mayu is the girl Takako refers to DOES NOT mean they're dating.

Please keep in mind that that chapter was included in the Vol. 1 tank. If she'd mentioned a specific name, regardless of the name, that would have spoiled the ending.

Jin pretty much spoiled the ending in Chapter one though, with adult Mika still being single when she sees the woman with the kid.

I'm gonna be an eternal supporter of Mika x Mayu, considering they'd be more awesome togeather than any couple I can think of. But let's be honest, it's not gonna happen and it'd be weird if it's gonna happen after saying it's not gonna happen in the last two chapters.

Right? The fact that no name was mentioned only really makes it seem MORE like its Mayu to me, especially if it would've spoiled the ending. Like that comment, could've been the setup for the Mayu and Mika's whole story. And it's not like this is me being hopeful here because, if you've read my prior comments, I lost hope for the ending for this series A WHILE BACK lol. I don't even think they're dating, but I really do think that Takako was referring to Mayu, just seems to me to be the logical conclusion. Blatantly referring to some girl in Volume 1 (RIGHT before they really get into Mika and Mayu's whole story) who won't even be introduced until the very end of the entire series just makes no sense at all to me. Maybe I'm crazy though and alone there, I guess, I don't know.
Although the fact that you're an uploader makes me think you've already read the raws and rebutted my logic because you already know exactly what's gonna happen lol. But, even if I'm wrong, I still think that my conclusion makes the most sense.

last edited at Feb 7, 2015 1:34PM

joined Jul 8, 2013


last edited at Feb 7, 2015 1:26PM

joined Jul 8, 2013

YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! FINALLY, an ACTUAL chapter. Thank you, translators! Sadly, its been so long that I officially have no idea what had been going on before this chapter lol.

last edited at Feb 7, 2015 1:22PM

joined Jul 8, 2013

At least with Happy End, you saw the ending coming, but I agree, it was a pretty terrible (and illogical and random and confusing and just completely out of fucking nowhere) ending.

I think saying you could see it coming and then stating that it came completely out of nowhere negate each other. But I guess as a series about incest you could probably expect it not to end happily. I did still hold out some hope - I liked their romantic relationship considerably more than that in Sakana no Miru Yume. And then my hope was dashed against the salty rocks of mandatory heterosexuality.

Well when I say that you could see it coming I'm referring to the fact that they didn't actuallyget and stay together which was obvious from the start and when I said that it came out of fucking nowhere I'm referring to the ACTUAL FUCKING GUY SHE WOUND UP GODFUCKINGDAMN MARRYING lol.

joined Jul 8, 2013

What a strange couple, Takako and Yui.

Apparently, Mika did have her happy ending.
Takako mentions having someone Mika spoils a lot.

And Mika is just so blunt. Always liked that about her.

It really, REALLY sucks that it happened offscreen.

I'm completely baffled by Takako and Yui

Wait, I'm almost positive that Takako was referring to the girl we all wanted Mika to end up with. I was SO sure that's who it was because, if you think about it, that's kinda exactly what Mika did the entire series when it came to her, especially when you remember that the girl is just a younger girl who does nothing but hang around her, despite the fact that she's not even Mika's type. If it's not clear I'm referring to the highschool girl that Mika rejected, aka that one other main character, but I'm just really bad at names lol. But yeah, in all seriousness, there is LITERALLY NO REASON, for Takemiya Jin to make that line so incredibly vague unless it's a character we already know. And, frankly, it doesn't even mean that they actually got together. Are you forgetting that the comparison is with Takako and Yui who are ALSO not a couple. Don't worry guys, nobody got their happy ending yet. Everything has remained the same........*cries in corner*

No it's not her at all (I'm one who didn't want her to end up with Mayu). I, and I think a number of others guess it's the mysterious woman at the end in the color page in ch.15, pg.21. I thought the whole premise of the story was to help Mika be able to love again for Mayu to be more accepting of who others love, and all that. I liked it because they didn't end up together.

But that doesn't really even make sense though. There's no reason for her remark to be so goddamn vague unless they were referring to a character we already knew about and AGAIN just because Mayu is the girl Takako refers to DOES NOT mean they're dating.

Kase-san discussion 06 Feb 01:44
joined Jul 8, 2013

Words cannot grateful I am...that I am I saved this for after The Feelings We Must Endure and Fragments of Love...I always save the fluff for last when I can....but this is the most I have ever recovered from damage dealt by other series thanks to the fluff...Its true what they say...Fluff makes the world go round and the world cannot survive without fluff. If it wasn't obvious. "They" is me.
Also, is this the end of it? Are there no more chapters left after this one?

last edited at Feb 6, 2015 1:52AM

joined Jul 8, 2013

What a strange couple, Takako and Yui.

Apparently, Mika did have her happy ending.
Takako mentions having someone Mika spoils a lot.

And Mika is just so blunt. Always liked that about her.

It really, REALLY sucks that it happened offscreen.

I'm completely baffled by Takako and Yui

Wait, I'm almost positive that Takako was referring to the girl we all wanted Mika to end up with. I was SO sure that's who it was because, if you think about it, that's kinda exactly what Mika did the entire series when it came to her, especially when you remember that the girl is just a younger girl who does nothing but hang around her, despite the fact that she's not even Mika's type. If it's not clear I'm referring to the highschool girl that Mika rejected, aka that one other main character, but I'm just really bad at names lol. But yeah, in all seriousness, there is LITERALLY NO REASON, for Takemiya Jin to make that line so incredibly vague unless it's a character we already know. And, frankly, it doesn't even mean that they actually got together. Are you forgetting that the comparison is with Takako and Yui who are ALSO not a couple. Don't worry guys, nobody got their happy ending yet. Everything has remained the same........*cries in corner*

last edited at Feb 6, 2015 12:55AM

joined Jul 8, 2013

sigh So fucking...stupid...Oh my god...And the worst part. It's literally just gonna get 295843948 times worse when Takako sleeps with the guy too, since we've ALREADY been told that's exactly what happened. And maybe, just maybe, it'd all be werf if they just got together, but no, we've also already been told that that's not the case in the most recent extra. sigh So...Takako literally just ends up alone, doing nothing but spoiling the girl that she's been in love with for about a decade (I'm assuming because I'm not really sure what their ages are), but never having her feelings reciprocated, neither physically or emotionally? Is this honestly supposed to be a happy ending here? Cuz I have yet to see the happy ending in any of these storylines. This is what I like to call a pseudo-happy ending where everybody looks and acts happy and the author tries to pass it off as the happiest fucking thing ever, but if you honestly just look at everything going on, you realize that, realistically speaking, these people would all be pretty fucking miserable. Like "Hey the hero saved the world, and even though all his friends, family, and even his one true love (who was murdered on their wedding day right before the vows) died, it's a happy ending and he can go home (a home which was ALSO destroyed in the final battle along with his trusty pet dog, Fido, who was burned to a crisp) with a smile on his face becuz the world was saved" but anybody watching this is like "No, that's horrible. Just call it a bad ending, cuz the hero should be fucking miserable."
I really feel that Takemiya Jin should just make a series that never ends and is just constantly being updated forever, because this woman is pretty terrible at endings lol. I don't know about you guys, but I'd read the shit out of that series. I know that TECHNICALLY its not over yet, apparently, but I really don't see how they can change anything in a way that would satisfy me in so little time.

last edited at Feb 6, 2015 1:01AM

joined Jul 8, 2013

But she also says at the end of chap 10 that she's sure there a better girl out there for Ruki. I think she's still got some major issues from her exbf. Reading it as well, honestly, it doesn't seem like Sacchan really wants to be in a relationship with Ruki. She seems to like Ruki and appreciates that Ruki loves her, as in so much as it makes her feel good about herself and she clearly has some inadequacy issues, but I don't recall if she ever actually expressed a romantic interest in her of her own volition. Even when she talks about them having sex, she talks about it as if it's just something you have to get over and done with when you're going out with someone. Maybe she was fucking around with Remi because she was hoping she'd get caught and then she'd be able to get Ruki to break up with her. She's been really passive up until now. (Except for those occasional violent outbursts.) Even when Remi is accusing her of being a LUG, I don't feel like she's agreeing because she's actually straight and knows she's just experimenting. But moreso because she knows what she's like and she accepts that she'll probably take the path of least resistence which is to settle down eventually with a man and have a family. Either that or she wants Remi to make her feel terrible, because she feels like she's terrible. I think I'll have to see the next/last chapter before I really make up my mind there.

And then when Ruki confronts her she realises how much she really loved her all along and she's sorry for everything and they all live happily ever after because Ruki's a doormat for her.

Then again, what the fuck do I know. It's making me increasingly impatient for the next chapter though. I wanna see how shit goes down.

ETA: Also, worst end ever is still Happy End. soz.

At least with Happy End, you saw the ending coming, but I agree, it was a pretty terrible (and illogical and random and confusing and just completely out of fucking nowhere) ending.

last edited at Feb 5, 2015 6:30PM

joined Jul 8, 2013

Are you fucking kidding me? So this is just "College girls are either malicious sluts or woobies" the manga? Fuck this shit. Fuck you Shuninta.

Gotta remember who's doing this. I still vouch for Fucking Shuninta to be a tag.

Cause I firmly believe that no matter how bullshit this is right now, somehow, someway, she'll make it all come full circle and even in this messed up world with fucked up Remi and brash Sachi and non-communicative Ruki and untrusting Fue and lustful Asuna and noncommittal Maasa and...well you get the point. Somehow with all this, I know Shuninta will make it work.

Probably the only reason I am enduring this right now, is because Shuninta has earned and built up my faith in her.

Your optimism is admirable.

I've read the Chinese scans, and in my personal opinion, happy endings are bullshit when there's a clear lack of conscience or recognition of wrongs on multiple parties. It's very unsettling when a character overlooks the terrible things said and done to them just because the other person smiles and abstractly "returns their feelings." (Note: Sacchan just HAD to sex it up with Remi in order to figure this out? Really? Is that how things work nowadays?) It is also disturbing that "returning feelings" in this situation does not involve any form of apology or admittance that you've wronged someone you supposedly now "love." Also, the fact that Remi can still insert herself in between Ruki and Sacchan and make passes at them, despite implicitly knowing that the two have "resolved their feelings," just seriously grates on my nerves. It seems that no one has a brain in this story.

I don't care how good a mangaka's works usually are. Anyone is capable of writing a crappy story with frustratingly unrealistic character butchering at the end. Takemiya Jin's Fragments of Love comes to mind.

Fully agree with this. Read the Chinese raws for the next 2 chapters and seriously? Guys, if you're waiting for a "happy" closure, you got it. But a "happy" closure in this case? It's fucking fucked up. It makes no fucking sense at all and just throws the characters into even badder light. Major spoilers ahead for 13 : Even though they made up in the end, Sacchan's attitude towards the whole thing was really flippant. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK! This is how she fucking "explained" to Ruki : "After having sex multiple times with bitchtits, I realise that I am actually a lot worse than I thought I was, yet a lot stronger too. I realise I don't have to be protected or controlled by anyone. Actually, maybe, I'd like to protect you (Ruki) instead!" OF FUCKING COURSE YOU'RE WORSE YOU FUCKING CHEATED BITCH! WOW, STRONGER IN YOUR FUCKING MENTAL CRAZINESS YOU MEAN?! OH AND YOU FUCKING REALISED YOU'RE NOT A BABY TO BE CODDLED! HOLY FUCKING NUTS CONGRATS, YOU FINALLY ACHIEVED INDEPENDENCE AFTER HAVING SEX WITH ANOTHER PERSON FOR ONE WHOLE MONTH! AFTER BREAKING HER HEART YOU WANT TO GO PROTECT HER NOW?! PLEASE GET THE FUCK AWAY AND PROTECT HER FROM YOU INSTEAD! The whole shitstorm was unbelievable, but the most unbelievable thing was, Ruki accepted her back when Sacchan didn't even provide a single fucking apology. Like, oh my god what in the world is wrong with you girl? She cheated on you with the same girl the whole month every single day and you accept her back just because she says she wants to "protect" you from now on? WHYWHHYWHWYWHWY! Clearly she wasn't apologetic for her actions and you just take her back like this?! This whole "happy ending" is so screwed up I'm gonna puke my tears out. All in all, there's no other words to describe how things wrapped up other than ABSURD. Dear Amano Shuninta, I've always loved your works and I will definitely continue reading your future works but I'm never touching this work of yours ever again I'm sorry.

..........................................oh....oh my god.....i honestly wish I could post pictures here because I'm 123489720394857% sure my WTF face right now is possibly the funniest thing to ever be present on Earth...I literally just...Oh my...What......I'm not sure....I've ever been so let down by a manga I knew the ending was gonna be terrible, since there's literally no fucking way in hell it could be good at this point but this is just....IT'S ACTUALLY WORSE THAN THE THE TERRIBLE I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE. I LITERALLY, AND I MEAN FUCKING LITERALLY, EXPECTED THE WORST ENDING IN THE HISTORY OF YURI MANGA AND I GOT DISAPPOINTED CUZ ITS EVEN WORSE THAN THAT. I'm just....I might be even more disappointed than when I read how Triangle Struggle turned out (and if any of you saw my reaction there, then you know how fucking disappointed I was there lol)...and I actually expected really good things for that one...I think...I think I'm gonna go to church now...because being agnostic obviously isn't working out for me anymore and the fact that I read even the first chapter of this series just makes me think I REALLY need Jesus in me. I now realize that this series is really just God's divine punishment to me for not truly believing in the glory that is him/her....The sheer shittiness of this series made me see the light. So before anybody asks if this series is worth it again, let me just respond with a resounding "HELL TO THE FUCKING NO."
Like was there really not even an apology? My fucking God. Where is my Bible!?
Also, I FUCKING KNEW IT. I FUCKING CALLED IT. NOT ONLY DOES REMI NOT HAVE TO SUFFER FOR BEING THE WORST SCUM IN THE HISTORY OF LIFE, but she ACTUALLY gets the credit FOR HELPING THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW IN THE FUCK DARE YOU, SHUNINTA!? How dare you make a person like that monster the seem like even the slightest bit of a good guy!? I don't care if she is a completely 2D character without the slightest bit of depth or development besides "I enjoy making my 'friends' suffer." A person as horrible as that deserves some kind of retribution done against her, but at the end of the final chapter she's right there smiling with Maasa and Meru like she's the fucking happiest person alive. Fuck you. Like, I try to be an objective person when reading series and not completely blame a mangaka, or at the very least, not hold it against them for the rest of their career and just give them a fresh start every time they release something new. But the fact that Shuninta released this, thinking it was actually a well written work, worthy of her readers...I'm gonna try and forget this by the time Shuninta's next thing gets translated but holy fuck is that gonna be one hell of a challenge.

last edited at Feb 5, 2015 6:26PM

joined Jul 8, 2013

I mean really there's two places this could go. "I forgive you despite you cheating on me" blah blah fake happy ending, or "Ruki moves on with her life and epilogue chapter shows her finding people that don't suck, blah blah ten years later", which is just a cop out meant to say "I drew pointless drama and don't care to develop characters, skip everything I'm out". Unless the story keeps running for a while longer than this there's nothing good to look forward to. But according to mangaupdates, it ends at 3 volumes, so there's no point in hoping for anything better.

If I remember correctly it has 16 chapters (4 more)... I took a peek at the raws months ago, don't remember anything about the end though
(my auto-spoiling was useless)

Twas a valiant effort nonetheless lol.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Somehow with all this, I know Shuninta will make it work.

Probably the only reason I am enduring this right now, is because Shuninta has earned and built up my faith in her.

So Shuninta will force a bullshit happy ending despite all this? That shouldn't actually make you feel better.

I mean really there's two places this could go. "I forgive you despite you cheating on me" blah blah fake happy ending, or "Ruki moves on with her life and epilogue chapter shows her finding people that don't suck, blah blah ten years later", which is just a cop out meant to say "I drew pointless drama and don't care to develop characters, skip everything I'm out". Unless the story keeps running for a while longer than this there's nothing good to look forward to. But according to mangaupdates, it ends at 3 volumes, so there's no point in hoping for anything better.

That's exactly my issue now. Really no matter where this story goes now, it's gonna wind up being terrible. Shuninta kinda fucked up pretty spectacularly here.

I won't be satisfied until Remi suffers, then suffers some more. I need her sorrow to heal my heart after reading this chapter.
Ugh, I knew it was coming and I still read it, why, why do I do these things.

First off, let me just say that I totally sympathize with the second half of your comment lol. Second of all, unless Remi ACTUALLY dies she's not going to suffer at all, and you wanna know why? BECAUSE THE WAY SHUNINTA WROTE HER SHE'S INCAPABLE OF FEELING THAT KIND OF EMOTION. This is a girl who literally takes pleasure in tormenting others and destroying their innocence and LITERALLY does not care for anybody, including her so called friends. There's no little thing, that Shuninta can tug on that will make this girl truly feel sad, unless Shuninta pulls out some bullshit that makes absolutely no sense and is completely forced, in which case, I'll be even more disappointed in her than I already am. And you wanna know what's even worse? HOW MUCH YOU WANNA BET THAT SHUNINTA TRIES TO MAKE HER A GOOD GUY!? I guarantee that at some point SOMEBODY IS GOING TO FUCKING THANK THIS MONSTER for showing them that life is more complicated than it seems or helping them to grow up as a person or convincing them not to jump headfirst into stupid relationships or WHATEVER FUCKING BULLSHIT. And I'm literally just so not okay with that.

EDIT: Just decided that I'd give a five minutes later update on my feelings about this. I'm still fucking pissed beyond believe of course, but I'm admittedly taking solace in the fact that, after reading everybody else's comments and reactions, I actually didn't overreact....what a new sensation lol. My comment may have been a bit louder tho lol. I even managed to calm down enough to realize that four comments in a row is completely unreasonable and combined three of them lol. Btw every "lol" you see in my comments, in order to accurately view how they were said, imagine the lols on fire, screaming in agony and sheer fury, while simultaneously flipping every table they come accross, including some countertops.

last edited at Feb 5, 2015 2:20AM

joined Jul 8, 2013

gfdi. GFDI. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!!!! I fucking knew this would happen and yet I stuck with it. I'm so fucking pissed with myself right now for just not trusting my intuition. And now I'm fucking dropping this series because now, no matter HOW it ends I'm gonna fucking hate it. And it'd be one thing, if she'd just slept with her once, i'd still hate her guts but still, BUT NO CONSTANTLY FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH. I literally just hate almost every character in this series now. And not because she was "experimenting" or whatever, but because SHE WAS SUCH A BITCH ABOUT IT. FUCKING LEFT RUKI IN THE DARK FOR A MONTH AND FORCED HER TO FIND OUT IN THE SECOND WORST WAY POSSIBLE. Remi is literally just fucking scum. And, you know, I never cared for Ruki cuz she was naive to the point where it approached STUPIDITY but you know, that kind of naivete is kinda likable in some ways but starting the moment they began to date she just got truly horrible in a lot of ways like with her COMPLETE FUCKING DENIAL and the fact that she just REFUSED to do ANYTHING. Maasa, basically from the beginning, was the only character who wasn't just composed of about 90% shit. But I just...yeah no, I'm done with this series. Peace out. Christ almighty why is it that some yuri have to get like this? Like drama is one thing but then there's this type of fucking shit and its just dumb.
I really think I'm mostly mad at myself for not dropping this series the moment Ruki slept with the devil-I mean, Remi like I knew I should have, but I didn't cuz it's a yuri and I'm SO FUCKING BIASED FOR yuris that it just fucking clouds my judgment. I mean, I LITERALLY saw this entire development play out the moment Ruki slept with Remi and Remi made her character VERY clear. I saw it ALL coming. Everything, from the horrible boyfriend to the beginning of their dating and even to her sleeping with Remi and basically COMPLETELY shattering Ruki's mind. But I had faith like a total fucking idiot. I'm so sure I'm overreacting here, but the more I think about this whole fucking thing the more I feel like I'm underreacting lol.
FUCK WHY WAS THIS RELEASED SO LATE AT NIGHT. Now I gotta fucking go to bed furious with the white hot rage of 100000000 suns.

last edited at Feb 5, 2015 2:16AM

joined Jul 8, 2013

I'm surprised this was in Wildrose...aren't they usually a little It was a nice oneshot tho.

joined Jul 8, 2013

Is there any news on some progress of the next chapter of the manga? I don't really know who's translating or where I'd find this kind of stuff out so I figured I'd ask here lol.