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halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

As if that Seju who drank heavily because Sumin blamed her for her parents' death and ignored her for over a month was totally gone.

It was never directly stated that Sumin blamed Seju for her parents' deaths. In fact, like I mentioned before, she was ready to apologize to Seju the very next day for her behavior. I don't see anything wrong with isolating yourself after your whole family passes away. It's obvious that her parents' deaths still affect Sumin to this day. She religiously visits their graves every year, even though it's been 10 years already. I honestly thought it was rude and insensitive of Seju to tell Sumin "Hey get over it already, it's been a month", regardless of whether she was trying to cheer Sumin up or not. That's not something you would say to someone you care about.

idk, I thought the parts where Seju says cheesy stuff like "I just want to see you as much as I can blah blah" weren't said with romantic intentions. The feeling that I got was that it was more of a mocking reminder to Sumin that Seju still controls her life. Or something like that. And that's why Sumin got so pissed off at her.

last edited at Jul 7, 2015 11:59PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I'd have to agree with clairesun. From the way I saw it, Seju treated Sumin like she just another one of her possessions. In the past, it always seemed like Sumin was a lot more lovestruck than Seju (e.g. when Sumin blushes and asks "Are you nervous?" while they have sex, Seju simply replies with something like "A little bit"). While I don't think people who cheat once deserve the death penalty, the time at which Seju cheated is a very important factor to consider. At that moment, Seju was all Sumin had left in this world; her parents were gone, she was an only child, and Seju was her only real connection left. Sumin was completely ready to apologize to Seju for her immaturity, and she even went to go buy some flowers for her. But right as she stepped into the apartment, the first thing she saw was the only person that mattered in her life with someone else. Could you imagine how devastated she was? It was only after this incident that Sumin started going out with several different people, trying to find a replacement for Seju. And that's where Sungji comes in huehuehue #teamcinnamonroll

also omg real discussion I'm crying tears of joy

last edited at Jul 4, 2015 2:00PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

guys when we buy it on the site? its in coreen or english? :o

The original chapters will be in Korean. After we're done editing and uploading the overlay, you can use it to view it in English.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Any way to convince the author to make an physical English copy of the work? Willing to pay hellish shipping rate in order to get the complete copy since getting the digital version sounds like a hassle.
Still that upload is amusing and I don't mind paying for people's work as long I can get the physical English.

There is no physical version of this manhwa. And I don't think the author has any plans to create a physical copy.

slightly salty but will buy the chapters because the senpais told me too

do it

I have an iPhone so can I still read it on my phone following the android instructions? Hopefully my question is not redundant...

Yes, as long as you buy the chapters it doesn't matter what device you use. You can add coins on both iOS and Android.

Cool, I couldn't get the Overtoon thing to work at first, had to close Safari and reopen, but hey, it works!

I'm glad I can give directly to the creators, does anyone know if the creator(s) of Fluttering Feelings have the same option (I'm completely ignorant to the Korean language, so a link would be fantastic).

We're doing the overlay thing for FF as well on the Korean comico website ( Unlike Lezhin, you don't need an account and you don't need to pay to view the free chapters for 3 days. After that, you will have to make an account to unlock older chapters with points (you get 100 points automatically for creating an account).

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Can I get a translation for the site where I have to PAY $$$ to read the rest of the god damn chapters? The least you can do is help me understand what I'm about to spend my money on.

Have you been paying attention to our credits page/the chapter 2 update/anything that's been going on this thread for the past few weeks? All of the info is there, and it's not very difficult to find.


I'm lowkey with u on this one

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015


Whatever, Sungji is the best from all of them.

^you know what's up yo

welcome to the Church of Sungji, our beautiful cinnamon roll savior

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015


Chapter 4 Release

Forget Chapter 4!


Get Chapter 2 on Dynasty for free!!!




halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

oooohhh! turns out i could use the coins to unlock chapters on the web! phew~ major relief. and out of curiosity, i went to check on my phone to see whether the same chapter is unlocked, it wasn't. a message prompted asking if i want to use 3 coins to unlock it. i just closed the app. and when i returned to it moments later, the chapter is unlocked in the app! so... it just needed abit of time to be synced, yay! all is well. thank you for your reply, and thanks for the english translations! the overlay thing is just like magic :)

Any type of coins (Android, iOS, etc.) should be able to buy the chapters. And like you've noticed, the chapters that you buy are linked with your account, so you should always be able to access them once you log in, regardless of what device you're using.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Hey, Halmoni, seems you really don't like Seju XD. May I ask why? For though i too ship Sungji & Sumin wholeheartedly, still I feel sorry for Seju & Sumin's past story.

I don't wanna spoil anything for people who haven't bought it yet, but basically she a hoe. That's all you need to know.

Haha, i'm on team seju, we can be friends right?

I love manipulative characters and Seju gives off that vibe so I'm hooked. Sungji is hella cute though.

my solution: take sumin out of the equation and just have seju/sungji


thinking outside of the box, eh?

Thanks! already bought three chapters. yey! so.... I was charged twice but my coins is still 21 (minus the 9 coins that i already used) = 12 coins left which should be double the coins since i was charged twice. What should I do????

If you were charged twice, then you would have had 42 coins overall. Subtract 9, and you should have 33 left over, not 24. Make sure to check your card and see if you were actually charged twice. I've never had a problem with paying for coins.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

The cause of her computer issues is a virus, apparently.

Ssamba's super old computer (which they used for 9 years) got infected with the HELP_DECRYPT virus, so they're currently looking for a new computer to buy.

salty tears give me life

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I already registered in lezhin and bought the coins but... how the heck do you even buy the comics???

Go this this page (or to the page of whatever manhwa you want to buy):

Click on the chapter you want to unlock, and click "confirm" (확인).

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Here it is

It says you don't have enough coins to unlock the chapter.

Seju x Sumin shall prevail!

We can't be friends ಠ_ಠ

last edited at Jun 28, 2015 7:58PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Hiatus notice translation

tl;dr - Ssamba has computer problems and they want to develop the story better

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Can someone please explain the end of ch. 3 for me? At the end Sumin says "she's just a kid." Is she referring to Sungji's physical age or Seju's childish words here?

The Korean literally just says "Young child." It's a word that's typically used to describe very young children. So in this sense, like Alextasha already mentioned, Sumin is kinda berating herself for thinking about Sungji in an indecent manner because there's a 10 year age gap between them.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

Hey, I'm having trouble with the Overtooning. I was testing it out before I went to buy coins on Lehzin and found that it is just showing an error for Chapter 01.
The typeset is also quite messy, a similar problem to another post before.

Lastly, I'm not quite sure if it's possible, but how would we be able to stream bought chapters on iOS devices with translation to English?


We only uploaded the high res version for the overlay (which is why it looks wonky for the low res free version). The low res English version is on Dynasty, since the chapter is free after all. If you want to, you could pay for the high res version of chapter 1, but I don't want people to spend more money than they have to. This won't matter for the rest of the chapters because they all have only one version.

I don't know if overlay is possible on mobile devices. I haven't tried it myself, but maybe someone else has. I do know however that if you want to read WDFS on your phone, you'll need to use a internet app (chrome, safari, etc.) to go onto Lezhin, and not the Lezhin app itself (the app doesn't have 19+ rated manhwa).

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

16 is out!

One question : will wait to get even the translation of the other, or you will get out while the translation of the current ones ? Just to know ...

I'm not quite sure I understand your question. Are you asking if we'll be uploading rough typesets onto our overlay like we do for FF? If so, the answer is no and that's just a personal decision that I made this time. I never liked the idea of rough draft typesets in the first place, and it wasn't my idea to start it, so for WDFS I'm not doing it.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

4 of the top 5 manhwa are 19+. Don't underestimate the horniness of Korean netizens.

Boy, Koreans really are into cheap digital porn, huh. Never would've thought.

Pornography is illegal in Korea (selling, broadcasting, filming), but they're one of the world's largest consumers of porn. Ironic how some of them are so adamant about protecting their manhwa artists from copyright issues despite the fact that their country's citizens actively break the pornography law without a second thought. What dictates which laws are important or not? But w/e, I digress. Horny people will be horny.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

WDTFS is rank 5 on Lezhin?!

Er, it's not even on the Top 100 list.

If you log in and turn on the 19+ switch, you'll see that WDFS is #5. 4 of the top 5 manhwa are 19+. Don't underestimate the horniness of Korean netizens.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

So first off, like to thank halmoni and others for their hard work in scanlating this and all else they do. Didn't know about a legit way to access translated works until WDTFS appeared here, and I was introduced to lezhin.
As such, Have bought the first 2 chapters but can't seem to get the 2nd chapter to translate using the add-on or bookletmark. The 1st works fine so not sure if I'm missing something?

We haven't finished editing the translation for ch. 2 yet.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015


ok can we just back to the MAIN topic :P?

Not yet, I'm curious why Ssoma don't like Halmoni.

She doesn't like me because she doesn't have the mental capacity to understand a word I say to her. Being stupid can be frustrating, y'know?

But basically there was a time long ago when I attempted to translate a Lezhin manhwa and upload it for free, since we didn't have anything like the overlay system. Now that we do, there's no reason why we shouldn't comply with Lezhin's policies. But damn, I've never seen someone so hateful and pitiful like her. She needs to get over herself because she was the one who posted links to lezhin here in the first place. If there's anyone we have to blame for this whole "posting lezhin manhwa for free" fiasco that happened/is happening right now, it would be her. So this clown needs to get the fuck off of her high horse and sit her ass down.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I'd much rather kill myself than have to physically touch someone with intellect of her caliber.

Being this hateful toward the mentally challenged, woaw the scum is real.

Calling her "mentally challenged" is giving her too much credit, and an insult to the people who are actually mentally challenged.

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I suggest a mud wrestling match between the ladies.

That'd be more entertaining than walls of korean text.

And give more yuri opportunities.

I'd much rather kill myself than have to physically touch someone with intellect of her caliber

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

너 진짜 한심하다. 실수라고? 이미 작가님께서 하지말라고 했으면 그만해야지 그 뒤로 바로 다른 작가님 작품 스캔해서 올리려다가 또 한소리 듣고
그러고도 또 올리려던게 실수라고 ㅋㅋㅋ? 고의가 아니고?

감사합니다라고 해야한다고? 작가님들이 한 말 못들었니? 아님 한국말 못 알아듣니? 한번도 아니고 니 때문에 작가님들 빡쳤다고 병신아 누가 너한테 번역해달라고 부탁했니? 누가 허락없이 스캔해서 번역하라고 했니? 작가님께 먼저 허락 받는건 기본 상식이야, 허락 받을 시간이 없다고? 저작권자는 니가 아니고 작가님이야

작가들을 위해서 번역한다고? 착각하지마. 너 존나 욕먹고 있는건 아니? 한분은 니 고소하려다 마셨어
작가님들에게 사과나 먼저해 병신년아

너 진짜 '썸'이구나? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오랜만이다 이 ㅅㅂ년아

고의로 만든 실수는 이 세상에 없나? 넌 무슨 바보 아니야? "실수" 뜻도 모르냐? 어이구, 큰일 났네. 넌 영어도 게못하는데, 한국말 도 못하면.....아휴 이 불상한년아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

스켄레이션 사이트에서 그런 링크 여기저기 다 올렸던 미친새끼가 누구였지? 왜 대답이 없나? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 바로 너 였잖아, 이 또라이년아. 내가 사과하기 전에 네가 사과해야지 이 새끼야. 네가 그렇게 사랑하는 작가님들도 이 사실을 알고있나? 래진 만화 올렸던/올리고있는 상황 다 너 때문에 시작 한거잖아.

번역할라는 부탁? 해외 펜분들이 부탁했다 이 무식한 새끼야. 아ㅏㅏ 미안, 넌 영어 너무 못해서 전혀 몰랐지? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

"허락 받을 시간이 없다고" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 야, 네 IQ는 뭐냐? 넌 농담도 뭔지 모르냐?? "Meme"은????? "Sweet Brown"도 누군지 모르지???? 아ㅏㅏㅏㅅㅂ 너 같은 뇌도 없는 새끼하고 대화하기도 진짜 싫은데

작가 위해서? 완전 틀렸는데? ㅋㅋ 난 해외 펜분들 위해서 하는데? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 욕먹고 있다고? 오마이갓! 무셔워ㅓㅓㅓㅓㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 난 별로 그런것들 신경 안써 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이미 나 때문에 이 만화를 샀던 사람들 있다. 넌 이 만화 위해서 대체 뭘했냐? 레진의 꼬추를 쪽쪽 빨아 먹기? 이메일 쓰기?? 이야, 우리 썸씨 너무 대단하다, 대단해 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

난 너무 착한 사람이니까, 널 마지막으로 경고할꺼다. 나 스토킹 좀 그만하라, 이 징그러운년아. 두번 다시 그따위 나한테 얘기 하면, 내가 널 위해 특별히 올려줄께. 오케이? ㅋㅋㅋ 마지막 경고니까 말 조심하라 새끼야

This is my last warning. Don't message me anymore and waste my time. I have no interest in continuing a conversation with someone lacking basic courtesy, manners, and intelligence. And keep your empty threats to yourself. Your imaginary friend wanted to charge me for posting raws when all they have is an online pseudonym, and those raws no longer exist? Do you realize how utterly stupid that sounds? Good luck finding the money and lawyer willing to take that case to international court, Einstein. Me suing you for online harassment and defamation would be a much more plausible idea, wouldn't it? I haven't received any contact from Lezhin from the time I met you, until now. So you can bet your ass that your "reporting" did absolutely nothing. Good job.

Thanks for having my back swine. I really don't know what her deal is. I guess Ssome is still salty from our past arguments, and hasn't moved on. I'm 99% sure she's not affiliated with the authors. She's a random fan who emails them about all of our risqué scanlation escapades. But don't bother trying to say anything to her in English. I doubt she would understand.

last edited at Jun 24, 2015 9:46PM

halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015


Please don't, because I'VE ALREADY FUCKING SAID TWICE NOT TO LINK THAT. Just a friendly reminder.

Friendly scary Nezchan is friendly scary.

I don't know why people bother translating any more. It's not like people have the ability to read English.


halmoni Uploader
joined Jan 6, 2015

I tried the overlay on the first chapter. In FF I used the script and later the add-on, in Chrome only the script. The results in all three cases were that the masks and English texts over them were quite off (toward the right and lower by a varying degree, sometimes being cut off at the right edge, too). Is there something I should be aware of, or a way to fix them? Note that I see the whole chapter as a single long vertical stream of pages, in case there are different view options.

By script do you mean the bookmark technique from anon's guide? It looks perfectly fine to me (I used Chrome + the bookmark method). There's only one viewing option. Maybe you should post a small screenshot so Kyra/Doonge/anon can help.