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Goggled Anon
Liberta discussion 08 Oct 14:08
joined Oct 15, 2014

Poor Liberta. Can never stay on top for long.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Miss, we do not accept pieces of paper with numbers scribbled on them as currency.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

This does that annoying thing American comics do, where a word is bolded to emphasize it. Like why? It's so jarring in script.

Japanese manga dialogue does actually have a similar system for emphasising certain words, albeit their method is to add furigana dots next to them (I dunno if there's a technical term).

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014
Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Hey Goggled Anon, i wanted to ask you something. Do you have a translation of the "Afterword" that is included at the end of Vol. 2?

Skipped it at the time of translating.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

It seems the manga name is 'Yukidoke to Agapanthus' in the original publishing?

I presume 'yukidoke' is snow thaw in Japanese, but what the hell a word is Agapanthus? Is it like love letter in Greek perhaps?

A quick google says it's a type of flower, also known as Lily of the Nile or African Lily. The genus name is derived from the Greek words for "love" (agape) and "flower" (anthus). Also "love letter" is apparently one of its meanings in flower language.

last edited at Oct 1, 2022 2:04PM

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

I don't see what you're talking about... (˳˘ ɜ˘)

Looks like the scanlator spotted and fixed it.
(The pre-corrected version had "I fell asleep" on p4 written as "I feel asleep", which is identical to an infamous localization error from Metal Gear on the NES.)
edit: reads text under username more closely Ah, I see what you did there.

last edited at Oct 1, 2022 11:26AM

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Now I just want a version of this where instead of Irys, we have Kobo wanting to play Valorant.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Honestly I'm surprised I haven't seen any Kronii x "Marge, I want to be alone with the sandwich" art yet.

Goggled Anon
Liberta discussion 28 Sep 14:30
joined Oct 15, 2014

Did I just read futa porn?

No, my friend. This is tailsex.

joined Oct 15, 2014

When the title's so long it can't even fit in Dynasty's database.

joined Oct 15, 2014

That page with the characters recreating the meme was good lol.

Incidentally, Sometime's original draft for the page was going to feature more lifelike depictions of foreigners (If it wasn't already obvious, the title is a reference to compilations of Overseas Reactions to Smash Bros. trailers), but the editor thought it might be a bit too much for Kirara readers so they went with the IGN meme template instead.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

wait, so let me get this straight, you guys have scripts for the rest of the chapters and just are waiting for a typesetter?

I'll typeset for you guys. I can have this done in a week.

Swing by /u/'s Translation Thread ;)

joined Oct 15, 2014

Okay let's be frank: it's all bs about this being her first time, right?

Experience and horniness aren't necessarily two sides of the same coin.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Honestly, the main story would've been fine with just one change: if Alice's sexual assault had actually been planned by Nanase as a very fucked up way to make Momo jealous (someone in this thread actually speculated this at the time). It would've been perfectly in character for Nanase and Alice's character arc would be a lot more tolerable.

Alice? Who the f is Alice? And why have I been living next door to her for 24 years?

joined Oct 15, 2014

I’m well aware. But the title of the chapter is that she’s a huge introvert.

For comparison, the JP title is 佐山さんは超内気 (Sayama-san is Super Shy).

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Wait wait wait! I'm confused.
Did she say she's going to make the big decision tomorrow?
Or did she say: "I have decided! Let's start going out from tomorrow on!"

It's the "go with me somewhere" definition of 付き合い (I kept the wording a little vague since I don't know what Kyouko's got planned).

joined Oct 15, 2014

Why does that girls hat keep disappearing?

From what I can tell, outside of when they literally come off for story reasons, they disappear whenever they're in the yuri void (pay attention to the background). Basically the yuri version of when Mortal Kombat games remove masks and stuff during X-ray attacks and fatalities.

Goggled Anon
VAMPEERZ discussion 15 Sep 18:13
joined Oct 15, 2014

I am surprised that G-X is out, according to my side, 9/15. Usually it should be the 18 or 19th.

If it's anything like Yuri Hime, which also released today, it's cos the 18th falls on a Sunday this month.

joined Oct 15, 2014

This is great, but I'd recommend using "koban" instead of "police box". "Police box" carries a different connotation from koban, one more mobile...and deep blue.

I'd like to think most of our readers can tell the difference between a smaller-scale police station and a Tardis.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Part of me would be curious to see this premise handled a tad more seriously, but I can live with a light comedy about cute bubblehead cops too. Happy slice of life stuff with a yuri angle always makes for a fun read in my book, I'll never get tired of that, even if it's not aiming all that high.

If you're willing to trade off yuri in favor of slightly more seriousness, there's always Police in a Pod, which leans a little more into the "this job is a bit shit innit" aspect of being a koban policewoman.

joined Oct 15, 2014

I've noticed a lot of series end with a chapter that shares the title of the series, but this chapter doesn't seem to conclude anything.

Just noticed what you were referring to and yeh, that's a mistake on Dynasty's part. The chapters don't have actual names (those are only really given to one page strips that aren't explicitly labelled as .5)

last edited at Sep 11, 2022 2:20PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

Is this supposed to be the final chapter?

Nope. ch26 just dropped on the author's socials today. Last page for this set is just a post-Comiket skit.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Great start... and possibly heading towards 'idiot couple' territory, though maybe not quite.

They've already filled both criteria in a single chapter.