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joined Oct 18, 2017

@dhk70, thank you. :)

Team Gaji discussion 09 Dec 10:46
joined Oct 18, 2017

With the knack for mystery and character development, I likened you with NisiOisiN. But with the inconsistency of the details presented and the ending, it seems it was not finished. Why not end with SungjixSumin outright to savor the shocking plot twist(!!!??? ..damn.. the synopsis on lezhin) and just later on append as 93.5 with Seju's? Aaand your afterword as 93.75.... LOL! Seriously, tightened the loose ends with these stories... Again, I don't care about shippings... just be true... I'm dead serious, I still believe in your talent and your story (I understand why you end it that way) :)

joined Oct 18, 2017

I'm assuming the translation of her nickname was supposed to be more like 'Riri'.. which admittedly is usually translated as Lily but it's just odd in this setting and probably confusing to anyone who hasn't watched Love Live

It is pretty much a stand alone to me. Even if I don't know of Love live at all. The story just explained the meaning of the title. Actually, I was more curious of the title since synonymous to that is assimilation. So, I was thinking of a sci-fic or supernatural. But looking at the tags, it doesn't carry any of it. So I opened Pandora's box.. hehe..

joined Oct 18, 2017

Tbh, I dropped this around chap. 6 before because of the size. Then reread again from the start just now.The art is great but too small for my taste. I kept on zooming it.I don't know if it is a contrived plot. Since, I googled that more chaps had been translated already. But if we are only considering chapters here in Dynasty, there is no contrivances for me. It is well executed especially the flashbacks. I even saw a panel with a Monogatari style of metaphor.

joined Oct 18, 2017

Oh man, the irony. They literally explain that Yokama is just trying to be nice, the problem is she is too nice and trying to push too hard on the wrong person.<

That is the problem, she is too nice that I doubt her to be really nice. The "too" creates an imbalance that you have to see beyond her surface intention to underlying ones. And this chapter 13 made me more admire the author. He simply showed unblatantly but effective way what is being "nice" and "not nice" through Koyama's daughter's and Koyama's actions. They came there to help and that is exactly what the daughter was doing(no cringer, no nosiness but only to help and learn). To which the exact opposite of what her mother is doing. It was good the tiles dropped to break Yokama's RIDICULOUSLY INSENSITIVE INTERROGATIONS. Her daughter has more sense than her! Yokama is too nice to be sincere.
You don't go to a volunteer work where people are there to help and mostly, these service-oriented people are homosexuals, yet, you go around talking about homosexual's experiences and asking who are homosexuals as if it is a forum.Dang! It is either Yokama is highly INsensitive or just plain stupid.

And Koyama deserved what she got, paralleling utsumi's flashback she feels superior thinking she's helping despite never listening to Utsumi and whatever her good intentions were, she was trying to force her own agenda onto him.<

Yes, I can't see from previous chapters that Yokama is portrayed as a "helpful" person. If anything, Utsumi is the nice person to a point he still gives Yokama the benefit of the doubt by attending.

Edit: This, When you say nothing at all, keeps on playing in my head while reading chap. 14.

last edited at Dec 7, 2017 2:20AM

joined Oct 18, 2017

Hackerman as in...

  • H-ackerman (hentai-ackerman?, homo-ackerman?, holyshit-ackerman?, ..... the long list goes on .... )
  • Hacker-man (using a computer to gain unauthorized access to system data)
  • Hackerman ( the meaning of the name )

But I liked the last one.. :)

I had fun reading and doing the post-formatting thread...

last edited at Dec 6, 2017 7:45PM

joined Oct 18, 2017

I liked how the MC came to finish what she came for and wasn't able to do in highschool. At least, she won't be dealing with the "what ifs" in the future. Regardless, the MC knew that it will be unrequited, still, she got her closure as she said.

joined Oct 18, 2017

Wish, girl, that shape-shifting cat eats canned food or you will run dry... damn.. Is there any chance that they are related to papilio-daemon?... Just wondering..

last edited at Jun 27, 2019 12:03AM

joined Oct 18, 2017

I read a recent post here in dynasty that goes like this(not verbatim): If there is no lip kissing, it is not yuri... it's super friends!
Seriously, this is a nice read. I love the choice of words and how it is delivered. I am always at home with prose writing..

joined Oct 18, 2017

I am not pulling a leg here. But why is it so hell-damn hard to read forums in yaoi sites? Why do I have to register first? Why can it just be simple, no beating around the bush? Heck! I had been trying to access yaoi sites for days now. I know dynasty has yaoi tag in here but I wanted to feel the environment... how is it similar or different... which brings me to mind, thank you to all the people behind dynasty-scans.. I mean, it is not easy to maintain and to moderate different kinds of commenters. I am not sugar coating anything here because I don't have any reasons to.. But just a grateful heart acknowledging people who share their resources and efforts. I greatly benefited from it especially that I am a parasite- getting without giving back... hehe... but anyway, thank you.

Edit: Any yaoi sites that I can read outright the forums without doing the registration? Thanks..

last edited at Dec 5, 2017 8:42PM

joined Oct 18, 2017

yup! she was still a "ghost"... though, at this time she was already aware of her physical condition. Was it possible for them to touch one another? I believe so. Since up to this time, our knowledge on our physical brain is still limited. For that many spiritual events can't be logically explain. I remembered Renè Descarte's Cogito Ergo Sum which means I think therefor I am. This discourse simply recognizes the power of our minds backing up whatever the mind conceives, it takes form. Nanako-chan extreme desire triggers that one-tracked mind to fulfill in touching Yui-chan. That's what I think...

Yuurii discussion 05 Dec 04:28
joined Oct 18, 2017


Edit: Just finished reading Nezchan's link:

So very much the same as this, except less sexy:

Yup, quite the same... But in this story, it made use of technology... Since, there are sounds non audible to humans and scenes invisible.
I also read Sae and Yuki.... A common denominator among the three stories: hospital bed and making memories...

last edited at Dec 5, 2017 6:44AM

joined Oct 18, 2017

Nice metaphor... I agree that sadpanda's got a nice summary. Though I've got a different interpretation of the monster, I admired the depth of his/her interpretation...

Edit1: To Arckuno et al, thank you for uploading and the works...

Edit2: The monster for me is Death. Gofu-tokuku is an idea that we seek and seek only to acquire suffering. I wanted to get beyond that and be at peace. What Sae is referring to IMO is life or happiness or dreams or the likes ... The second sentence suggests that she already accepted that she will die but was afraid to be cast into oblivion completely. Somebody mentioned in here that there was no bones. Yes. Since Death can't bring that including the memories left behind. In a sense, no one really dies since we all live in the memories of the people we loved. I remembered this story I read before.

Life and Death were talking....
Life: Why are people afraid of you, try hard to avoid you? Doesn't think of you that much and even not talk about you? While they cling onto me... even seek immortality...
Death: Aaah Life.. my Life, you are... You are a beautiful LIE and I am... a painful TRUTH.

last edited at Dec 5, 2017 7:15AM

joined Oct 18, 2017

I am entertained. I am. To a point that I won't comment about the story since it is ongoing. :)

But I will help myself on the discussion of time travel. From of all the theories about time and space, one scientific concept I will hold as suiting to my mindset, No two units of matter occupies the same space at the same time. That means if my future me meets my present me, either of the two or both will not disappear. Irregardless of either it is from the past or future, my immanent substance will no longer be the same if we consider time to exist. Since, the "me" will go through the process of change, noticeable or not. An anecdote to further illustrate:
Student: Why do I need to stop in order to think my reason to exist?
Master: What is the color of the leaves of the tree that you see?
Student: Brown.
(Time flies)
Master: What is the color of the leaves of the tree that you see?
Student: Green.
Master: Pity. We didn't see it changing.

But I guess the manga Qualia The Purple illustrated it better through the call on Gaku's hand, a metaphor on Gaku's memory of a painful experience. The call is not from Gaku's in a parallel universe or multi-verse or another dimension. It is from the inner voice within Gaku brought about by experience. We call this "prayer" in Christianity, "meditation" in Buddhism or Shintoism and the likes. This in point an allusion to decision-making or making a choice. Hence, the concept of parrallel universe is within the sanctuary of our brain, the obvious desire to right a wrong, fulfill a dream - things or events in the realm of regret. But does this mean that we are creating an alternate reality to every choice that we make if we go back in time or even make a different choice? For me, no. I guess the author of Strawberry made this clear. Future Pure is prepared and knew the consequence of going back in time. That is why she quipped that marriage must be on Akira's future plan or Pure thought that the change in Akira will mean also that Pure might lose her.

Edit: Eliminating the theory on parallel universe or alternate reality, for me, the concept of expanding universe, fated souls, energy, quantum physics hold space in time and are connected to one another....

last edited at Dec 4, 2017 9:34AM

joined Oct 18, 2017

Another version of a vampire..creepy dad unless there was a story beyond that... was there a mention that Rin randomly bit Yuu just to have a vassal? Chap. 1 convo was vague. So far I liked the pacing of the story. I was not bored and to think there are still characters not tap.

joined Oct 18, 2017

Wish they could open a patreon or something, but I guess they need like 1500 to 3000$ per month to survive?

It really reminds me of author of Shaman King and Attack on Titan.

Shaman King got cancelled like 20 chapters or so before it was finished. So instead of giving it some weird ending, he just left it on cliffhanger and give a very weird hint in form of mandarin, which supposedly had meaning of "to be continued".

True. Isayama-san story really hit me to the core especially that his protagonist is not a helpless, pathetic woman. Same way with NisiOisiN's protagonists. Women are abled and decisive characters who are temporarily restrain to fully develop because of past experiences. But in the end, they conquered. I just hope there will be more writers like them who believe in their stories. On this note, I wonder if Team Gaji's WDTFS experienced the same pressure as Hiroyuki Takei's Shaman King. Just wondering...

joined Oct 18, 2017

Kodama Naoko's works entertains me. It has substance. The darkness in her characters reflects the basic truth that we all have that darkness within us in whatever form it maybe. Just like Koharu's possessiveness, Rina's self-indulgence and manager-san's insensitiveness. But if you probed deeper, you end up knowing that Koharu is/was infatuated with Rina and acting like one complements Rina's self-indulgence where this self-indulgence made Rina flat out because she spends it daydreaming. That is why Koharu is improving herself in the process. Manager-san has to be insensitive for she works in a cut-throat industry. Thus, if you look at it, that darkness fuels each character's choice of life. However, this darkness must not dominate. There must be a balance. For Koharu's possessiveness is letting/helping Rina reach her dream. For Rina's self-indulgence is to look outside the pinnacle of herself and be sensitive to other's needs like protecting Koharu who obviously is underage and lacks the experience. Manager's insensitiveness is to provide the needs of her talents and steer their career to stay in the industry. With this being said, I don't see any mediocrity or hush-hush work. If anything but a potential as a series to which I agree with GID.

joined Oct 18, 2017

I loved the anime. It touches the heart with sincerity of a changed person who went an extra mile to understand and to be understood as well.

joined Oct 18, 2017

Something is amissed in here. Reading the foreword, it is somebody's story penned by the author. I think the author can't fully grasp the context, that is why the dialogues are messy. The focal point of the story is that Yui snd Kyoko couldn't stop the cheating. To which generally to me, can cheating be justified? No. We will know only the reason/s just like in The Second Unfaithful but it will always be wrong to me. You have to make a choice, then LET GO even how painful it is.

joined Oct 18, 2017

Love is better shown than said. So do kindness. Double-faced people like Yokama-san makes me think - what face should I slap first. I strongly dislike this kind of people. For me, nobody has the right to "out" anybody. Like, Rosie O' Donnell who was hell-bound to ”out" Oprah. Whether Oprah is a closeted-gay or not, that is her business. Granting if she is really a closeted-gay, to admit it or not in public is Oprah's choice. Nobody has the right to make decision for her. For if you do, you trampled her inherent right to exist as a human. O' Donell is admirable as she became as one of the influential voice of the LGBT. All the more I can't understand. For she should know better the word, CHOICE. As in the story, it is not about coming out or to be understood. You just live your life as you want it to be.

last edited at Dec 1, 2017 10:11AM

joined Oct 18, 2017

As a story. I think it has a good skeletal framework. Then, just flesh out the characters. There's more to this than meets the eye- antique shop, mother, one earring as Yuuka's birthday present with the other earring on the left ear of Tsukiyo, October 10 .. There's a lot more to this chap. 1.

Mama Mama discussion 28 Nov 23:05
joined Oct 18, 2017

Yeah. It would be nice to include the afterword. At least, to know the author's perspective... That said, thank you, translators...

Honkai Impact 3 28 Nov 22:59
joined Oct 18, 2017

Has anyone here played Honkai Impact 3?

Not me. And only heard Impact 2.. ( hehe .... pun intended )...

joined Oct 18, 2017

This series was really cute... I enjoy reading some of these fluffy yuri stories from time to time.

Yip! Finished reading all the groupings in the Adult tag. Damn! There are a lot of good authors! :)

joined Oct 18, 2017

Solid storytelling... The frame where boyfriend walking away from Midori is important, I think. And I agree that Asuza is not a dark character... hands down to author...