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joined Aug 11, 2022

Yep Shion being naive in her thinking, probably traumatized or have bad experience with people pretending to be good but are d*uchebags.

Also Utena seems to not know the Magical girls identities just yet. Utena I think was angry due to thinking Shion dragged in innocent people (Sayo+others + the little girl shion herself > Sayo being the closest of her so-called normal friends), yeah funny how magic recognition/inhibition works. Shion and her group target the Villains and the magical girls [no innocents]

Utena would probably be shocked, fangirling and faint afterwords if she knew the magical girls she admired where actually her new recent friends. [Not sure if Utena knows this or not, the others in her team might or suspect though? So can anyone provide me any sources whether or not Utena knows the magical girls identities if I missed it???]

Sayo seem to somewhat suspect Utena might possibly be Baiser due to her finger technique but no proof besides that lulz...

joined Aug 11, 2022

Well the only people that have seen the little Loli Demon lord are only Elsa (who doesn't care about a person race), the Nun who is probably a demon/half demon? and bunch of children who are innocent and young being raised by the nun. They probably don't know too much about demon or what they even look like and likely aren't taught to hate demons despite some bad blood between the human and demon races (Seems to be a cold war situation?).

The only one is Yvonne/Evie who doesn't care the kid is a demon except for knowing if she is a (he?) or a love interest and to confirm her future game knowledge from being a Beta-tester for the game to prevent danger for Elsa.

...if there was a random person there they might freak out a little and be a bit racist about the demon lord Loli...Lot of people are saying she be there future adopted daughter lol and I hope that's true XD

joined Aug 11, 2022

It looks MC and her freeloader waifu are being kidnapped to go overseas to possibly meet the Freeloader's rich father(?). kidnapping is legal and ignored if done by the rich and shady XD

.....MC should have really hired some professional body guards but well guess she didn't have enough time to considering the kidnapping and attempt runaway by her freeloader waifu happen the next day after meeting the random suit goon. Ugh don't you guys hate it when you get kidnapped and be forced to meet your waifu's parents in-laws...

joined Aug 11, 2022

Notice the manga that I read 1-3 chapter of long time back before getting a feeling weird out, Looks over the 40+ pages of comments and read some of the recent ones. Read rest of chapter 4-8

Ah...why did I decided to read again, should have just listen to the warning in my brain and senses instead of being curious...when I first read it I had a feeling that MC was going to lose but the two characters attitude kind of irks/irritate me a bit at the start. They get better for me a bit later on I guess but I became annoyed again due to due to the drama feeling I was getting and well...the feeling from long ago told me right,ugh...*Cries mentally*

Also Looking at the spoiler comments from other posts...all I can say is thank you to those people for the info and WTF KAREN!!! I hope she gets hit by a car or beaten up or something, I don't care if you guys call me a psycho or crazy if I read and understood the spoilers about her correctly is true...*Looks at new tag*...that might be needed if a chapter about Karen backstory/info comes up...

Sorry, I am probably new in this forum discussion here but I wanted to just vent a little.

Ch.8 Fuwa Aya comment: I haven't lied to a single time.....
Ch.1 saying something about not forcing her (gropes MC/Mari for a whole1-2...I mean technically it not forced but more like provoked her ego/tricked her...)
ch.7 (minor white lie about coincidence about buying same scents)
Ch.8 (does meeting with other girls count as errands? if it is then I guess it is the truth...hope aya wasn't Doing the errand though...)

For chapter 8 opinion (Lol Translator predicting right about the comments fight)....Well I didn't like it but I guess Aya was noticing Mari negative feelings and want to do something to change it (might have notice Mari being annoyed/frustrated with her??). Mari feelings seems to be conflicting with the hurt she feels from so-called cheating/NTR and her feeling of possible love for Aya that she can't be angry and annoyed enough to resist (Wouldn't have much issue if she didn't see what happen in ch.7...). I would prefer if it happen in a clearer mind set but well Aya isn't a mind she is too horny I guess...people seem to have a mix opinion about it...I didn't like it but well it happen and we can't change that it happen i guess?

You know the sad thing about all this....I want Mari and Aya to be happy with each other (Though her smug aura mocks and annoys me very much) but I feels like Aya has too much baggage and drama going on...the MC/Mari is catching feels/feelings for Aya but I just feel like a trainwreck drama is going to happen...I know a happy ending is going to happen but well that is probably like 5-10 chapter till it happens when manga ends least I hope there it will be a happy ending probably?

The other thing is Aya is the one that seems to be in control most and Mari is in the sub position pretty much all the time...RIP MARI your not going to keep the $10,000 (1 million yen)...I will be amazed if she does but I get the feeling she will lose. I want her to win the money then go like "Well you didn't make me fall in love with you in 100 days yet...why not have a rematch but this time without the money, the bragging rights are good enough~~" but well I doubt that is going to happen...RIP money...

I just hoped it just a Ex-girlfriend thing or misunderstanding(low chance...) Really hope Aya is not two-timing with this Astarotte girl...I at least hoped that Aya does care at least 50% of what Mari is feeling for Aya and isn't just playing around anymore like at the start of chapter 1 due to her ego and horny...

Sorry for the random post, Just want to vent about my thought about the manga.

joined Aug 11, 2022

Hello random people XD

Well our Freeloader seem to be a rich girl that has ran away due to family issues???...Also people seem to be really worried about the MC losing all her money lol. I am pretty sure MC does not have to worry too much unless she starts to buy bunch of cars, gambling and etc. or due to the author going silly slapstick comedy humor path XD

My theory about Tenma is that she is obviously a rich girl whom mother probably died young which might be a reason for her loneliness (Evidence in not knowing how to do housework and the spies looking for her.) Her father is probably very controlling, focus mostly on his work and likely put her in a arranged marriage thinking it is the best option for her but she obviously had enough of and ran away??? Anyways it seems the father(?) is going to be the conflict and MC is going to have to deal with him...

I am also a bit bored so I decide to try to calculate MC costs.

She has 300 million yen (Basically 3 million dollars + whatever else money she has saved up...probably something normal like maybe $15,000-20,000 at most which we don't care about).
3 Million dollars is like 60 years income of an average person salary.
Tracking her spending so far/Estimated costs:
Clothing cost of potentially buying like maybe 100+ different outfits for her new potential waifu:
100 different outfits X($50-100)=$5000-10,000 at worst case scenario.

An average price for rented apartment in japan can range from 50,000 to 100,000 yen (500-1000 dollars)...I know average price of rent in America is like maybe $800-1500 per month but that is not important. She move out her old small apartment for a nicer one.
New bigger luxury apartment: Let say the estimated price might be around [$2000-3500 per month/ $24,000 to 42,000 per year].
I am going to assume she rent a luxury apartment room and not the whole damn apartment...I mean technically not a horrible thing since you can still sell it if she actually somehow brought the whole apartment but I think that is too pricey and wasn't the case...

A plane trip vacation cost:
A planet ticket can cost from $350-600 and 1st class seats cost more.
-Let's assume we got two first class plane ticket so about maybe $(1000-2500) X 2= $2000-5000
They probably stay at a 5 star hotel for 2-3 days so can range from $800 to 1200 per night stay.
another $2000-5000 cost for 1st class plane seat trip back home.

Now to calculate and add up all the cost our MC spend so far. [Assuming about only a 1-1.5 month have passed]
300 million yen (3 Million dollars) - 2,710,000 million yen ($27,100 minus dollar this month) gives us 297,290,000 yen or 2.9729 million dollars left.
if we consider the food cost and new luxury apartment cost then:
Let's say a average food cost of 1000 to 1500 dollars per month for 2 people (16-32 dollars per day food price/12,000-18,000 dollars per year.)
and then minus $24,000 to 42,000 per year for apartment rent cost. We get a upkeep/minus 36,000-60,000 dollars spend per year meaning even after 10 years then MC money would only decrease by $360,000 in the best case and $600,000 in the worse case.

Basically MC can live carefree in the luxury apartment with her freeloader for about a maximum 50 years in the worst case. Put some money in savings or stocks like other comment said to earn some stable money back too.

But we have to consider other costs like Taxes, relatives or charity asking for money, medical costs for dental, costs for transportation/gasoline or insurance, phone bills, video game cost and etc. (and other stuff that gives people headaches...)

Basically really the MC does not have to worry too much for at least 15-20 years unless she starts buying expensive things or get scammed out of some of her money. Apologizes for the weird out of nowhere calculations people XD