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joined Jan 9, 2017

Thanks, I already hate Nestlé-senpai or whatever the f her name is.
I hope the merger isn't permanent.

She's clearly made out to be an antagonist since the whole reason they are fighting for their club is that it's their special place to act like a couple

joined Jan 9, 2017

TFW you’re so prone to overthinking things that losing intelligence can be considered a buff.

These two are taking the term “idiot couple” to a whole new level and I am here for it.

That's actually a plot point of Initial D. One of the veteran street racers is prone to overthinking and tries to stop it by constantly yelling stuff like 'Come on!' 'Lets do this!"

joined Jan 9, 2017

Hold on, they're really brushing past the bit where she installed a needle inside the vagina of a sex bot. That seems like an accident waiting to happen.

The blue ringed octopus is so small that you might not even feel it's venomous bite

Doc points out that it's a very small mechanism

joined Jan 9, 2017

…So, like, is the baby biological, or is there just a second, smaller robot inside of the sex robot waiting for human DNA to activate it? If it’s the latter, why does it need DNA? If it’s the former, how is the robot going to keep the fetus alive for 9 months? Will the baby be part-robot and part-biological? Is Nadeshiko part-biological? Is Akane also a robot and doesn’t know it? Why does that last page make the science lady’s grandchild plan seem so sinister? I have so many questions, and this thing seems content to answer NONE of them!

It's stated that nadeshiko carries some special cells in her, so it would be a biological 50% lab grown baby

joined Jan 9, 2017

Ugh... Gross. I don't get this obsession with yuri authors to push the story towards "yay pregnancy!" with lesbian couples... And this one is even grosser because imagine if she had actually "registered as the owner" and surprise now there's a baby coming. Like what if she doesn't want a child...? Would she get nadeshiko a robot-abortion??

Ugh... Gross. I don't get this obsession with comments advocating for lesbian couples not wanting kids, all like "ugh, pregnancy..."

joined Jan 9, 2017

The creator actually said something helpful, what a world what a world

joined Jan 9, 2017

My guess is that this is going to turn into a "Mashiro called Makino's mum when she collapsed out of worry and told her mum to let her go back living at home whilst simultaneously pushing Makino back into living at home out of worry for her", which will cause drama and push them apart before something unexpected happens or they finally work up the courage to actually communicate and get back together again, etc etc.

I hope I'm wrong but I've read so many yuri stories that have this exact situation play out and it always involves some sort of time apart and/or a timeskip.

It's more likely that the hospital called her, informing next of kin and all that.

joined Jan 9, 2017

When did this become K-On?


Ahh yes, Ritsu picked up the guitar and a big ego and started clashing with everyone

joined Jan 9, 2017

An advantage of having a yuri story with two adults is that they aren't legally bound to their parents ^_^

Well Makino isn't an adult and even then that wouldn't be a Yuri element

joined Jan 9, 2017

So that makes both daughters who have left the house and are living on their own (or rather, with their girlfriends) for good, thus giving the middle finger to their toxic parents. Excellent.

I'm sure Makino wants her stuff though

joined Jan 9, 2017

The title got me excited, but now I almost feel lied to

A useless succubus who does t understand sex gets dominated by mysterious lesbian biologist where she has proper sex for the very first time... This is dum

Is the twist that kanade ia the actual succubus and Leanne is just a delusional human gurl who's down on her luck? That would at least make sense in a "I am Mari" sort of vein

She understands sex, she just didn’t like the previous experiences. It’s not good sex because it’s lesbian, it’s good sex because the biologist is soft with her and is asking for consent and ducking her the right way

Succubus is surprised that sex can even feel good, it's textbook girl doesn't understand her own body

Leanne's first time probably sucked, then with each successive encounter that felt bad she internalized the idea that she'll never get good sex. Knowledge about anatomy or how sex works was never going to help on its own; what she needed was a partner who actually cared about her pleasure.

Even though Leanne is a succubus, her position is similar to a sex worker, since she doesn't directly feed on her partners, and has to sell the energy instead to make a living. She also has no superhuman instincts to select a compatible partner for a hookup, to the point where she either never tried to vet her partners at all, or stopped trying over time. This is a low-fantasy implementation of the succubus trope, but the fact that she has horns, pointy ears, and a tail make it clear she's technically a non-human person.

So you agree that she had poor understanding of sex, just accepting that a bad experience is how it always is gonna be is another common element in 'this character doesn't understand sex'

joined Jan 9, 2017

Evris refuses to let Ciel condemn herself to the same fate she saved her from

joined Jan 9, 2017

It's is tough
To be a strawberry
There are so
Many useless senpai
Why do they all
Walk around
Being stupid
Like they are five years old

Love Bullet discussion 07 Dec 07:34
joined Jan 9, 2017

I'm probably wrong, but this chapter has me wondering if perhaps Koharu is in a coma and the premise of the story is Koharu doing well as a Cupid so she can wake up and be with Aki. I normally hate coma theories but this chapter just got me wondering.

Isn't that wishful thinking that the two will get together in the end?

Remember that it apparently took her 6 years to even become a cupid

Love Bullet discussion 06 Dec 17:46
joined Jan 9, 2017

Poor girl

joined Jan 9, 2017

(Then they got married, that's how life works)

And let me say the anatomy improved just in time

Love Bullet discussion 02 Dec 18:30
joined Jan 9, 2017

We have a cupid who doesn't care about the effect of her actions and just wants to do cool stunts

Imagine that

joined Jan 9, 2017

Do you not know what an allegory is?
If anything, the fact that it's love literally/textually doubles down on the genderqueer interpretation - the love leads to kissing, which is what changes Hodaka's body.

That would be the reverse order of what you guys are on about, you don't get the effect before you eat the medicine

Either way it's clearly a forced fantasy to think of the story in that light, people are allowed to have their head cannons but don't push them like that

last edited at Nov 30, 2023 4:32PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

I wasn't joking about the estrogen = love metaphor btw, quite a few girlies I've spoken to have described going on estrogen as something similar to how Hodaka described how beautiful the world is to him now.

I didn't realize I was depressed until that veil got lifted, then suddenly life felt worth living for the first time I could recall. And while the setup makes it sound like Hodaka may not have been depressed, the ennui described is comparable.

Well it's definitely not a scene that's meant to hammer in how in love he is, love has never made people smuldgy about how wonderful the world is

joined Jan 9, 2017

Characters like those dudes are just lazy writing these days

Boy is this well drawn

last edited at Nov 26, 2023 5:57PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

So she did sleep with her for free. :-) I swear, we need a tag for stories that are the opposite of what their title says: this, I Won't Let Mistress Suck My Blood, Sorry, I am Not Into Yuri...

Technically it's the second time, previous time she slept with nakano was free too

joined Jan 9, 2017

Hummm, so that is it, they are friends? not a special "I like you"...owww,come on now.

It's a big step up from from client

joined Jan 9, 2017

Nothing's hotter than two people who just really want to do each other

joined Jan 9, 2017

The easiest way to find which is the intended readership for a work of manga is to find what the mangaka has to say about that.

This makes me think of the afterword in the first volume of The saga of Tanya the Evil. Which is something to the effect of: "What are you doing here? Why did you buy this book? And who in their right mind decided to publish it? My Book is strange and unusual ,The world is upside down! But now that you are here, welcome and enjoy the ride

joined Jan 9, 2017

They tend not to be all that gendered in my experience? I can't actually remember seeing one off the top of my head that specifically assumes all the readers are women

In my experience The only real gendering that pops up across Yuri works is a lack of real male characters, usually no more than one not counting antagonists, they are usually absent or cardboard annoyances